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$submenu is a new identifier for mIRC 6.0. The mirc.hlp section explains:More examples$submenu($id($1)) This identifier allows you to dynamically create a list of menu items, and can only be called from a popup menu definition.
It calls $id($1), where $id() is the name of your identifer, and where $1 = 1, and increases by 1 with each call, adding whatever is returned by $id() to the popup menu.
The value that $id() returns must be a one line definition format for a popup menu.
The iteration ends when $id() returns no value.
menu status { Animal .$submenu($animal($1)) } alias animal { if ($1 == begin) return - if ($1 == 1) return Cow:echo Cow if ($1 == 2) return Llama:echo Llama if ($1 == 3) return Emu:echo Emu if ($1 == end) return - }The begin and end values are sent to check if the item should be enclosed in separators.Note: You can't use this to create nested submenus, it will only build one single submenu.
Unfortunately, the mirc.hlp only provides a very simple example on $submenu.Advanced examplesI do believe that to explain $submenu better is to show examples. So here's the first one:
First create the following alias:
alias _partchan { if ($1 == begin) return - if ($chan($1) ischan) return $ifmatch :part $ifmatch }Doesn't make sense, does it? If you type //echo -a $_partchan(1) and the first channel that you're on is #mirc, it'll show up:'#mirc :part #mirc'
..without the single quotes, of course.
At first glance, it may seem useless. But if you apply that to $submenu, something wonderful happens ;)
Now in your channel popups, put the following:
Part .All Channels:partall .$submenu($_partchan($1))And see what it does. What happens is, mIRC takes every channel that you're on and puts it in the popups. The popup creation is 'virtual' in the sense that you don't see it in any file.The old method of doing this would be to have in popups:
Part .All Channels:partall .- .$chan(1):part $chan(1) .$chan(2):part $chan(2) ; and so on, which is tediously repetitive and is very limitingWith the use of $submenu, our work has been cut down greatly. No more repetitive popup scripting.
Another good use for $submenu is when you have a list of items. Supposing you have a %variable that contains channelnames. Let's say you have this variable:And even more advanced examples%recent.channels #mirc,#ircnewbies,#irchelp,#mircscripts,#mircscripts.orgAll you need to do is create an alias:alias _recentchan { if ($gettok(%recent.channels,$1,44)) return $ifmatch :join $ifmatch }Then paste the following in your popups:Recent channels .$submenu($_recentchan($1))...and voila =)
One very good thing about $submenu is that it also allows for $2, $3 and so on. Which means, you can supply other parameters in your custom identifier. Just remember that the $1 will always be a number.Re-evaluating identifiersLet's take that recent channels adventure to demonstrate the capabilities of $submenu.
Supposing you have three variables, for recent items. One variable for recent channels, one for recent servers, and one for recent nicks. We will have some variables as below (shown with their values):
%recent.join #mirc,#ircnewbies,#irchelp,#mircscripts,#mircscripts.org %recent.server irc.daxnet.no,twisted.ma.us.dal.net,mclean.va.us.undernet.org %recent.nick Kamek,tabo,blue-elf,Dark_Greg,fubikYou'll see later that the variables have been named with a purpose.Create an alias as below:
alias _recent { if ($gettok($($+(%,recent.,$2),2),$1,44)) return $ifmatch : $2 $ifmatch }Here's a breakdown of that alias:$+(%,recent.,$2) will create %recent.$2
if the value of $2 is join, it will create the variable %recent.join if the value of $2 is nick, it will create the variable %recent.nick if the value of $2 is server, it will create the variable %recent.server
Putting it inside $(%recent.join,2) is actually putting it inside $eval. So now, if we have %recent.join, it will be evaluated and will return the actual value of that variable (the #mirc,#ircnewbies.. and so on).
Now, the $gettok shouldn't need explaining, and same goes for $ifmatch (please check your local mirc.hlp for $gettok and $ifmatch help).
The reason why I named the variables that way, is to make it easier for me to create the $_recent identifier. Thus:
return $ifmatch : $2 $ifmatchIf I supply 'join' as the $2, it will become:return $ifmatch : join $ifmatchThis speeds up scripting greatly, whether you're talking in terms of typing, or speed of the script itself - since you're using less if-else statements.But anyway, going back to the subject of $submenu, put this in your popups, preferrably in menubar or status popups:
Recent .Servers ..$submenu($_recent($1,server)) .Channels ..$submenu($_recent($1,join)) .Nicks ..$submenu($_recent($1,nick))Now, test it and see what happens ;-) It's as though you wrote this in your popups:Recent .Servers ..irc.daxnet.no : server irc.daxnet.no ..twisted.ma.us.dal.net : server twisted.ma.us.dal.net ..mclean.va.us.undernet.org : server mclean.va.us.undernet.orgAnd so on... the only difference is, mIRC is doing it internally for you.
Now that we've dealt with that. Let's try some identifiers and variables inside $submenu identifiers.Hints and TipsIf you're used to dynamically creating your popups via the /write command, you're probably no stranger to using $!identifiers and % $+ variables. For the uninitiated, when writing to popup files, you'd need $!identifiers so that the actual value of the identifiers aren't written to the file, but the literal '$identifier' itself. The same is true for %variables.
How is this applicable to $submenu?
Let's say we want to use that part example above.
alias _part { if ($chan($1) ischan) return $ifmatch : part $ifmatch $!input(Enter message,1,Part) }Notice how I used $!input as opposed to $input. This is to prevent mIRC from evaluating the $input command while it is creating the submenu (or the popup item).So now, if you apply the above to the popups, it'll add an option for you to input a part message. I find that really nifty ;-)
Similarly with variables, if you don't want the variable to be immediately evaluated, just use % $+ variablename.
Here's a personal alias of mine for you to dissect ;-)
alias _rfpop { var %c = $chan($1), %n = $gettok($3,1,33), %m = kick %c %n : $!+ $!input(Enter reason to kick %n from %c ,1,Kick) if ($2 == kb) %m = .raw mode %c +b $mask($gettok($3,2,33),2) $!+ $!lf $!+ %m else %m = .raw %m if ($1 isalpha) return - if ($comchan(%n,$1).op) return %c : %m if ($chan($1) ischan) return $!style(2) %c :return }Even if you don't understand it, it's just to show that you have to use $!identifiers for things that need to be evaluated later on. One obvious example is the use of $!style(2). This puts a '$style(2)' in the popups, thus disabling the specific item nicely.
The 'begin' and 'end' are optional. They signify if the $submenu identifier is just starting to create your submenus or if it's about to end creating them. At that point, you can make $submenu return a separator or the '-' character.Conclusion$submenu stops itself once you return a $null value. So be careful when you want to skip items. There are two ways of doing this:
1) You can either disable the item with $style.
2) Or you can skip the command part.Here's an example:
alias _xpopmargin { if ((e isin $1) || ($1 == 1)) return - if ($1 isnum 2-20) return $1 :msg [email protected] set $chr(35) floatmargin $1 }The above is an alias that I use for for setting the floatmargin for channels in Undernet. Don't worry if you don't know what floatmargin is. The point is, the floatmargin range is from 2 to 20. Which means that I had to find a way to skip the 1. But I can't make $submenu return a $null, otherwise, the popup items will not be created.That is why I have this line:
if ((e isin $1) || ($1 == 1)) return -This tells $submenu that if $1 is begin or end or 1, just make it return a - or a separator. Luckily for me, the popup appears like this:Undernet .Level 450 ..Set ...FloatMargin ....$submenu($_xpopmargin($1)) ; a few more lines here and thereWhich means that there will be two separators on top of each other. But the good thing is, they don't show up in this mIRC version :-) So I now have a clean FloatMargin item that starts with 2 and ends in 20.
By now, you should have more ideas from these simple examples. It doesn't matter if you're using variables, ini files, hash tables, or even text files, $submenu can still be used. You just need a little bit of imagination, then you can have tons of fun with this identifier.If you haven't realized by now, the actual trick with $submenu is not in the $submenu itself, but in the identifier that you supply to it ;-) Of course, in reality, Khaled coming up with this idea is mind-boggling.
If you have any questions regarding this document, you can always email me. I hope that you have learned a little bit from this. Thank you for reading.
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