mIRC contains an internal list all of all users who join and part the same channels as you. This address list is used by the /guser, /ruser, /ban, /ignore, /finger, /dns and other commands to find a user's address and other info without resorting to a /userhost server lookup and in the end, much faster. A user's info is added to the list either when you perform a /whois [nick], /who [#channel], they join the channel, send a message to a channel, or make a mode change. A user's info is removed from the list when they arent on any of the channels which you are on.
The Address
An address ususally has 4 parts: nick, userid, host, domain, in this format: [email protected]. If the server took to long to find the address, you will have an ip address as a host after the nick!user@. Its made of 4 numbers ranging from 0 to 255 separated by dots. These addresses are the Identification for the user.
normal address: [email protected]
ip address: [email protected]
nick: anthr4x
userid: ramdac
mainhost: cable77-91.sudbury.cyberbeach
domain: .net
Wildcards (Using the * Character)
Wildcards are used to show "anything", therefore they are "wild". Sections in blue represent the matching parts.
ex: *!*@* is equal to [email protected]
ex: *thr4*!*am@*ber*.ne* is equal to anthr4x!ram[email protected]berbeach.net
ex: *!*@*9* is equal to anthr4x!ramdac@cable77-91.sudbury.cyberbeach.net
IAL Commands
/clearial Removes all information currently being stored in the ial.
/ial on Turns the IAL on.
/ial off Turns the IAL off.
To fill the ial, you may consider something like this:
on *:join:#: {
if ($nick == $me) who $chan
IAL Identifiers
Global identifier: $ial()
All addreses found in the IAL list can be shown with $ial. This is the gobal identifier for the IAL (Meaning all information in the IAL). It contains 3 elements for every user: Nickname, Userid, and Host.
Format: $ial(mask,N)
Property formats:
$ial(mask,N).user Returns the userid of the Nth specified mask in the IAL.
$ial(mask,N).host Returns the host of the Nth specified mask in the IAL.
$ial(mask,N).nick Returns the nick of the Nth specified mask in the IAL.
$ial(mask,N).addr Returns the address (U@H) of the Nth specified mask in the IAL.
Property examples:
$ial(*!*@*,0) Returns the total number of addresses in the IAL.
$ial(*!*@*,20).host Returns the host is of the 20th specified mask in the IAL.
$ial(*nthr*!*@*,1).nick Returns the 1st nick of any addresses matching *nthr*!*@* in the IAL.
$ial(*!*x*@*,3).addr Returns the 3rd address (U@H) that matches *!*x*@* in the IAL.
$ial(*!*@*net*,2) Returns the 2nd address that matches *!*@*net* from the IAL.
Local identifier: $ialchan()
All addreses found in the specified channel IAL list can be shown with $ialchan. This is the local identifier for the IAL (Meaning all information in the specified channel IAL). It contains the same information as $ial does, but is a lot faster by keeping the search local, confined to the specified channel.
Format: $ialchan(mask,#channel,N)
Property formats:
$ialchan(mask,#channel,N).user Returns the userid of the Nth specified mask in the IAL.
$ialchan(mask,#channel,N).host Returns the host of the Nth specified mask in the IAL.
$ialchan(mask,#channel,N).nick Returns the nick of the Nth specified mask in the IAL.
$ialchan(mask,#channel,N).addr Returns the address (U@H) of the Nth specified mask in the IAL.
Property examples:
$ialchan(*!*@*,#Test,0).user Returns the total number of addresses in the IAL of #Test.
$ialchan(*!*@*,#Test,11).host Returns the host of the 11th address in the IAL of #Test.
$ialchan(*thrax*!*@*,#Test,1).nick Returns the 1st nick matching *thrax*!*@* in the IAL of #Test.
$ialchan(*!*@*y*,#Test,12).addr Returns the 12th matching address of *!*y*@* of the IAL of #Test.
$ialchan(*!*@*com*,#Test,2) Returns 2nd address (U@H) of the IAL of #Test, matching *!*@*com*.
Other identifiers from the same branch as $ial() and $ialchan()
Using the IAL
To list all info in the global IAL, $ial, You must first learn while loops. If you already understand wile loops, you should have no problem understanding this:
Syntax: /ial.list
alias ial.list {
var %ial.c = 0, %ial.t = $ial(*,0)
while (%ial.c < %ial.t) {
if ($window(@ial) == $null) { window -k -t20,25,80 @ial }
else {
inc %ial.c 1
aline @ial $ial(*!*@*,%ial.c).nick $chr(9) $ial(*!*@*,%ial.c).addr $chr(9) %ial.c
To find a specific string from the ial, use this. Again, you must know while loops. However, for a long-looking command, it works pretty simple.
Syntax: /fa [#channel] [String (*!*@*)]
alias fa {
if ($1 == $null) || ($2 == $null) || ($1 !ischan) {
echo -a syntax: /fa [#channel] [String (*!*@*)] | goto end
else {
var %i = 0
while ($ialchan($2,$1,0) > %i) {
inc %i
echo -a $2 $chr(9) $ialchan($2,$1,%i).nick $chr(9) $ialchan($2,$1,%i).addr
if ($ialchan($2,$1,0) == 0) {
echo -a No Matches for $2 were found on $1 $+ .
More Information on the IAL and Address-Related Functions
/auser = Adds the specified nick or address exactly as it is given to the user list with the specified levels.
syntax: /auser [-a] [levels] [nick/address] [infoline]
/guser = Looks the up address of the specified nick and adds it to the user list.
syntax: /guser [-a] [levels] [nick/address] [infoline]
/ruser = Removes the specified user from the user list.
syntax: /ruser [levels] [nick|address] [type]
/help Remote Commands (For more info on user lists)
/dns = Resolves addresses.
syntax: /dns [-ch] [nick|address]
-c Clears all queued dns's
-h Forces it to treat it as a hostname
/ban = Sets a ban on a specified address. (Usually performed in a combination with a kick)
syntax: /ban [-ruN] [#channel] [nickname|address] [type]
-uN For a timed ban. (after N seconed, mIRC unbans)
-r Removes a ban
/Finger = Finger a persons address to find out more information about them. (Realname, E-mail, Idle time, Connection time, more...)
syntax: /finger [nick/address]
/Who = Gathers information for the IAL. Should be performed whenever you join a channel.
syntax: /who [#channel]
Use (in remotes):
on *:join:#: {
if ($nick == $me) who $chan
raw 352:*: {
echo -s $2-
/who returns info in this format: Channel Username Address Server Nick Flags Server-hops Name