Building an Away System

Contributed by Lisa
Making an Away System
This subject is always incredibly popular on the scripting channels, so this tutorial will go through the basic premises of how to make an away system. A lot of the documentation is in the comments for the code, so that you can learn what everything does, line by line. NOTE: The "" character you see throughout the tutorial is mIRC's bold (CTRL+B) character.

What is an Away System?

It's really just a way to let other people on IRC know that you are away from your keyboard (AFK)

mIRC as standard does have an away of its own:

/away <reason>

and to set back, just type /away again.

However, this is fairly mundane, and apart from setting you away on the server, doesn't really include any other goodies.

People tend to use a variety of methods. Popups, keyboard shortcuts, @windows, and of course dialogs to achieve the results they want. Some look good, some are rather colourful and complex, it's always good to bear in mind that not everyone will appreciate bright green text on a yellow background or other lurid colour combinations, so reasonable care should be taken to ensure the colour scheme is acceptable to people or you could find yourself being kicked rather a lot. Also, the repeating duration of the time spent away, should be sensible too, many ChanOps won't appreciate seeing things like this:

[11:51p] * Nuroticat is away -[ auto-away after 15 minutes idle ]- at 03:45p -[ P:Off / L:Off ]-
[11:52p] * Nuroticat is away -[ auto-away after 15 minutes idle ]- at 03:45p -[ P:Off / L:Off ]-
[11:53p] * Nuroticat is away -[ auto-away after 15 minutes idle ]- at 03:45p -[ P:Off / L:Off ]-
Different Options
Common options for away systems include features like:
The Basics
Some knowledge of basic scripting is neccessary to achieve this. You will need to understand aliases, timers, and remotes.

Ok, so how do I make one?
Example simple away system: (to add to your remotes)
menu menubar {
  ;this tells mIRC where to place the popups
  away system
  .set away: setaway
  .set back: setback
  ; these activate the commands (note, by using an alias it offers more flexibility, as you can
  ; either use the popups, or a keyboard command) usage /setaway, and /setback

alias setaway {
  if ($1 == $null) set %away.reason $$?="Enter Reason"
  else set %away.reason $1-
  ;this pops up an input box to add your away reason
  ;unless you specified one, then it uses $1-
  away  ( $+ %away.reason $+ )
  ;this sets you away with your reason
  set %away.time $ctime
  ;this sets your away time, used to calculate how long you were away
  ame Away : [ $+ %away.reason $+ ]
  ;this tells all the channels you are on, that you are away, and the reason set
  .timer(away) 0 $?="time in secs ?" ame still Away : [ $+ %away.reason $+ ]
  ;this lets you choose the duration of repeating that you are away

alias setback {
  if ($away == $false) { echo -at ** You Aren't Away! | halt }
  ;this is basic error checking, if you aren't away it stops you from setting back
  .timer(away) off
  ;this turns the timer off
  ame Back : [ $+ %away.reason $+ ] Gone : [ $duration($calc($ctime - %away.time)) ] Did Ya Miss ME ?
  ;this tells your channels how long you were away for, i.e. gone for 1min 15secs
  ;this sets you back, so you are no longer marked as away on the server
  unset %away.*
  ;and this removes your variables, just to make sure everything is kept tidy
More Advanced Functions
Silent Away

If we build on the frame of the above example, we could include silent away/back
menu menubar {
  away system
  .set away: setaway
  .set back: setback
  .silent away: quietaway
  .silent back: quietback

alias quietaway {
  set %away.reason $$?="Enter Reason"
  away  ( $+ %away.reason $+ )

alias quietback {
  if ($away == $false) { echo -at ** You Aren't Away! | halt }
  unset %away.*
This simply marks you away to the server (with a reason) and then marks you back, but silently, with no announcement

Time Set Away

This informs users on your channels of the time that your away was set.

We add this to the remote file
alias rtime return $time(h:nntt)
and replace this:
.timer(away) 0 $?="time in secs ?" ame still Away : [ $+ %away.reason $+ ]
to this:
.timer(away) 0 $?="time in secs ?" ame still Away : [ $+ %away.reason $+ ] $rtime
Now, whenever your repeat is shown, it will also display the time set away

[17:00] * Lisa^B Away : [ Bathtime.. No peeking :P ]
[17:25] * Lisa^B still Away : [ Bathtime.. No peeking :P ] since 5:00pm
[17:30] * Lisa^B Back : [ Bathtime.. No peeking :P ] Gone : [ 30mins 20secs ] Did Ya Miss ME ?


If we wished to add a page function, we could change the setaway alias to this:
alias setaway {
  if ($1 == $null) set %away.reason $$?="Enter Reason"
  else set %away.reason $1-
  away  ( $+ %away.reason $+ )
  set %away.time $ctime
  if (%options.pager) { 
    ame Away : [ $+ %away.reason $+ ] PAGE: /ctcp $me page << Your Msg >>
    .timer(away) 0 $?="time in secs ?" ame still Away : [ $+ %away.reason $+ ] PAGE: /ctcp $me page << Your Msg >>
    ;this means if pager is on, send this message
  else {
    ame Away : [ $+ %away.reason $+ ]
    .timer(away) 0 $?="time in secs ?" ame still Away : [ $+ %away.reason $+ ]
    ;this means if the pager is Off, send this message
Of course, if you wished to respond to the /ctcp $me page, then we need to add some additional code. First make a .txt file and rename it to page.txt, place this in the same directory as this remote file.
ctcp *:page:*: {
  if (%options.pager) .notice $nick   > Hello. Since you paged me, I'm probably busy or away for a while. I'll get back to you as soon as I can.
  ;this captures the page, (if the pager is On) and notices the user (silently) that you have seen the page
  echo -at ** [ You have been PAGED by $nick ] $address on $fulldate
  ;alerts you to the page sent to you
  write $scriptdir\page.txt paged by : $nick $address $fulldate MSG : $2-
  ;writes the page contents to a .txt file for future viewing
In your popups there are now two new sections
menu menubar {
  away system
  .set away: setaway
  .set back: setback
  .pager is ( $+ $iif(%options.pager, On, Off) $+ ) : {
    ;this is a dynamic On/Off for the pager
    if (%options.pager) echo -a ** Pager Now DISABLED
    else echo -a ** Pager Now ACTIVE
    ;informs the user if active or not
    %options.pager = $iif(%options.pager, 0, 1)
  .silent away: quietaway
  .silent back: quietback
  .read pages: run NotePad.exe $scriptdir\page.txt
  ;this opens up notepad to allow you to view your page.txt
  .clear pages: { 
    write -c $scriptdir\page.txt clearing all pages on $fulldate 
    ;this erases any text in the file
    echo -at ** Page file now cleared
    ;this informs you that the text has been cleared
Autoaway (Extra)
This feature automatically sets you away after a certain period of time (user specified)
I.E. If you were idle for more than 30 minutes

Lets look at the code:
on *:connect: .timer(autoaway) 0 30 autoaway.check
This line, which goes in your remote section, will check every 30 seconds to see if you have been idle for more than the allowed time, and if you are, it will set you away.
alias autoaway.check {
  if ($idle > %options.aatime) {
    ; set the user away
    setaway autoaway after $duration(%options.aatime)
    ; turn off the away check, since we are setting away
    .timer(autoaway) off
This alias checks to see how long you have been idle (by checking the identifier $idle), and if you have been idle longer than the value in %options.aatime, it will set you away. It also stops the autoaway check timer, since you are away.

To use this in your script, you would need to make additions to your /setaway and /setback aliases. In your /setaway, you would add ".timer(autoaway) off", since you are setting away, you don't want the autoaway triggering. In your /setback, you would put ".timer(autoaway) 0 30 autoaway.check" to reenable the autoaway check. In your /setback, you will also need a "resetidle", to make sure the user's idle time is reset once he/she is set back.

You will also need to add the appropriate popup menus, to let the user set the autoaway time (%options.aatime).

We will leave you to experiment further on the autoaway, as it is really beyond the scope of this beginner's tutorial.
As you can see, an away system can be very flexible, the examples used here are only basic, but are intended to give you a taste of what can be achieved.

Hopefully, this will answer most questions you may have, and start you off, into making your own away system.

Exercise to try: Make the autoaway functional with the given code for it.

Here is the full source code (autoaway NOT included):
menu menubar {
  away system
  .set away: setaway
  .set back: setback
  .pager is ( $+ $iif(%options.pager, On, Off) $+ ) : {
    if (%options.pager) echo -a ** Pager Now DISABLED
    else echo -a ** Pager Now ACTIVE
    %options.pager = $iif(%options.pager, 0, 1)
  .silent away: quietaway
  .silent back: quietback
  .read pages: run NotePad.exe $scriptdir\page.txt
  .clear pages: { 
    write -c $scriptdir\page.txt clearing all pages on $fulldate 
    echo -at ** Page file now cleared

alias setaway {
  if ($1 == $null) set %away.reason $$?="Enter Reason"
  else set %away.reason $1-
  away  ( $+ %away.reason $+ )
  set %away.time $ctime
  if (%options.pager) { 
    ame Away : [ $+ %away.reason $+ ] PAGE: /ctcp $me page << Your Msg >>
    .timer(away) 0 $?="time in secs ?" ame still Away : [ $+ %away.reason $+ ] PAGE: /ctcp $me page << Your Msg >>
  else {
    ame Away : [ $+ %away.reason $+ ]
    .timer(away) 0 $?="time in secs ?" ame still Away : [ $+ %away.reason $+ ]

alias setback {
  if ($away == $false) { echo -at ** You Aren't Away! | halt }
  .timer(away) off
  ame Back : [ $+ %away.reason $+ ] Gone : [ $duration($calc($ctime - %away.time)) ] Did Ya Miss ME ?
  unset %away.*

alias quietaway {
  set %away.reason $$?="Enter Reason"
  away  ( $+ %away.reason $+ )

alias quietback {
  if ($away == $false) { echo -at ** You Aren't Away! | halt }
  unset %away.*

ctcp *:page:*: {
  if (%options.pager) .notice $nick   > Hello. Since you paged me, I'm probably busy or away for a while. I'll get back to you as soon as I can.
  echo -at ** [ You have been PAGED by $nick ] $address on $fulldate
  write $scriptdir\page.txt paged by : $nick $address $fulldate MSG : $2-

alias rtime return $time(h:nntt)
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