This tutorial assumes basic knowledge of mIRC scripting, such as the syntax for if statements, how variables work, and the such. If you do not know these, you might try one of our more basic tutorials and work your way up to this.
The basic concept of a loop (a programming language loop, that is) is simple. Do something until a certain condition is met. Almost all loops have three common parts. Those parts are:
1. Loop control variable - usually an ordinal (read: 1, 2, 3 or a, b, c) value that is incremented or decremented until a certain condition is met.
2. Condition - this is usually presented in the form of an "if" statement that controls the flow of the loop.
3. Body - this is where all of action takes place. Whatever you want your loop to do, this is where you put it.
Using the While Loop
In mIRC, there is what is known as a "while loop", with the following pseudo-code illustrating how a while loop works:
lcv = loop control variable
con = condition
body = body of the loop
lcv = initial value
while (lcv is within con)
begin while
alter lcv
end while
To make an example, suppose you wanted to list all of the nicknames in a channel, each on a separate line. This task could easily be done using a while loop.
alias listnicks {
var %lcv
%lcv = 1
while (%lcv <= $nick(#, 0)) {
echo -a Nickname %lcv $+ : $nick(#, %lcv)
inc %lcv
While this is a very simple alias that doesn't do anything really useful, it does show how you can perform a large number of operations with a few lines of code.
More Features of the While Loops
After you get tired of listing the nicknames of channels (which you will, trust me), you will probably want to try more complicated (read: useful) tasks. You will have to make the body of the while loop more complex. To aid you along, the while loop has two special commands worth noting.
1. break - allows you to immediately stop a while loop, as if the condition had suddenly become false
2. continue - allows you to jump back to the beginning of the loop (note: the lcv is NOT modified or altered when you call continue)
To show how to use these two new features, suppose we want to make an alias that will list the nicknames of a channel, but we do not want to list any nicknames that have "joe" in them and we want to completely stop if we find a nickname with "john" in it.
alias listnicks2 {
var %lcv, %nick
%lcv = 1
while (%lcv <= $nick(#, 0)) {
%nick = $nick(#, %lcv)
if (joe isin %nick) {
inc %lcv
if (john isin %nick) {
echo -a Nickname %lcv $+ : %nick
inc %lcv
While this example is, for the most part, as useless as the first one, it does illustrate how the continue and break functions can serve for exceptions in the body. This is very useful when you are analyzing data. You can use the continue function to skip already analyzed data or you can use the break function to quit when you have found what you want.
As a side note, it is generally considered good programming practice to make sure you only exit a loop via the loop condition, but sometimes that is unavoidable, and for those times, break and continue are very helpful.
Other Loops
The while loop is a very useful loop, because it is optimized for speed and the code to manage one is generally very neat. As of the writing of this tutorial, however, the while loop is a fairly new feature to mIRC. Before while loops, many people used what is known as a "goto loop." The layout of a goto loop is similar to the while loop, but it has one more element, a label, or a place to "go back to", hence the name goto loops. Since the while loop is much more preferred, I will not go over the the goto loop much, except show the basic layout.
lcv = loop control variable
con = condition
body = body of the loop
label = label where the loop should return to
lcv = initial value
if (lcv is within con)
begin loop
alter lcv
go back to label
end loop
As you can see, the layout is similar except for three changes, the addition of the label, the "if" statement as opposed to the "while" statement, and the explicit call to return the to label (or back to the beginning). The first 'listnicks' alias written with a goto loop would look like this (I won't bother commenting this one):
alias listnicks3 {
var %lcv
%lcv = 1
if (%lcv <= $nick(#, 0)) {
echo -a Nickname %lcv $+ : $nick(#, %lcv)
inc %lcv
goto start
A note on labels. You write them such as ":labelname" but when you reference them in a goto statement, you leave off the ":".
One advantage (maybe) of a goto loop is you could have multiple conditions depending on the situation, and jump around at will. How useful this is depends on you...
Last Words
Earlier I said most while loops have three common pieces, loop control variable, condition, and body. Some while loops, however, may not have a loop control variable that is. These are known as 'endless loops'. Endless loops can also occur if you have a poorly constructed loop condition, but that is another story. Back to what we were talking about, take this chunk of code for example:
var %ticks = $ticks
while ($true) {
if ($calc($ticks - %ticks) >= 1000) break
else echo -a BLAH
What this piece of code does is runs the loop for approximately one second (or 1000 ticks), then breaks. It works because $true always evaluates to true. This type of usage is good when the number of iterations is unknown. In this case, we do not know how many times BLAH will be echoed in one second.
I also mentioned something about performance earlier, how using a while loop is optimal. To illustrate that, take these two simple aliases:
Using goto loop
bench-goto {
echo -a Benchmarking, please wait.
var %bench.time = $ticks
var %bench.mark = 0
if ($calc($ticks - %bench.time) < 5000) {
inc %bench.mark
goto start
echo -a %bench.mark mMarks in five seconds
Using while loop
bench-while {
echo -a Benchmarking, please wait.
var %bench.time = $ticks
var %bench.mark = 0
while ($calc($ticks - %bench.time) < 5000) {
inc %bench.mark
echo -a %bench.mark mMarks in five seconds
On my system, the while loop is approximately 10% faster. For complex operations or operations done several times (such as scanning for clones in large channels), this could result in a sizable gain in performance.
Now you know how to construct and use a loop in mIRC, and you also know the benefits of the different types of loops in mIRC.