Now that we know how to halt the events, let's make our script do that. In this tutorial, we will be using two files, form_halt.mrc and form_disp.mrc, which will be provided at the end of this tutorial, in their entirety.
form_halt.mrc will contain all of our event hooks, which means they will halt the text and call the procedures to output the custom text. Since there are over 30 different events, I'm not going to cover all of them. I will use JOIN, PART, QUIT, RAWMODE, and TEXT. You will see that most of the events follow the same flow, so after you have learned how to do these, the rest should be fairly easy to finish.
NOTE: All of these events will call their corresponding output procedure, which will be an identifier named $form.<eventname>, for example, the one for on join will be $form.join. More about the output procedures will be explained in part two, later in this document.
on join:
on ^*:join:#: {
echo $chan $form.join($nick, $address, $chan)
As you can see, that is quite simple, as will most of these.
However, when handling things like on quit, you must make sure you output to the proper channels, since someone can quit from multiple channels at the same time, but on quit is only called once. To do that, we just use a simple loop and run through the total channels that user is on with us ($comchan).
on ^*:quit: {
var %f.i = 1
while (%f.i <= $comchan($nick, 0)) {
%f.chan = $comchan($nick, %f.i)
echo $comchan($nick, %f.i) $form.quit($nick, $address, $comchan($nick, %f.i), $1-)
inc %f.i
Even though we echo'd (possibly) several times, we only need to call haltdef once. You would use almost the exact same method for on nick, but remember to use $newnick.
After looking at the above examples, you are probably wondering what the $form.* means. Well, those are custom identifiers that we have created in our form_disp.mrc. As stated above, for each event that you want to halt, you will create a custom $form.eventname identifer to go along with it. Then, from within the event, you call that identifier to get your output. So for the above example, the $form.join may look like this:
alias form.join return --> joins[ $+ $3 $+ ] $1 ( $+ $2 $+ ) @ $time(h:nnt)
And that will turn
[22:30] *** IRC-Junkie ([email protected]) has joined #channel
--> joins[#channel] IRC-Junkie ([email protected]) @ 10:30p
And of course, you would spruce it up with colors and other control characters to match your style.
Some events have optional messages, such as TOPIC, PART, QUIT, and others. For those, you might make a conditional $form identifier, such as this one for outputting a new topic:
We assumed it is called with the following syntax
$form.topic(nickname, address, channel, [topic text])
Where topic text is optional, and a blank topic text means the current topic was unset.
alias form.topic {
if ($len($4-)) return -!- topic[ $+ $3 $+ ] $1 ( $+ $2 $+ ) changes topic to: $4-
else return -!- topic[ $+ $3 $+ ] $1 ( $+ $2 $+ ) has unset the topic!
There, we displayed two different outputs, depending on condition of the topic text. You notice I checked the length of $4- with $len. This is better than using "if ($4) ...", because in that case, $4 could be "0" (a literal zero), after someone had done /topic #channel 0, and the script would evaluate the 0 as false, therefore making it say that the topic was unset, when it really wasn't. Another thing you can do is "if ($4 != $null) ...", but I always use "if ($len(...)) ..." since it is a little shorter.
The beauty of making a separate file for your format identifiers is that you could have several different ones, and make a theme management system, where users could distribute just a single file (form_disp.mrc), and change the entire look of a script. All you would have to do is replace the current form_disp.mrc with the new one and reload it. You could even extend the system to be able to manage several themes simultaneously.
In this tutorial, we only covered events. There are also raw triggers which are similar, but do not require a "^" prefix and you need to call halt, not haltdef. Same goes for CTCPs. So for example:
ctcp *:*:*: {
echo 4 -a CTCP from $nick $+ : $1-
would halt the standard CTCP display and display that one instead.
Update: Something that is on the same topic, but not done exactly the same way, is altering your own text output. You can do this by hooking into the ON INPUT event. Take this code:
on *:input:#: {
if ($left($1, 1) == /) && ($ctrlenter == $false) return
echo -a $form.selftext($active, $1-)
.msg $active $1-
We first check to make sure the user isn't typing a /command. You want to also check $ctrlenter, since typing a command with CTRL+Enter pressed makes mIRC say the text instead of using the command. After that, we echo our new $form.* identifier $form.selftext, we send a silent message (with .msg), and we halt the event. Halting the event will cause mIRC to not send the text that you sent (since you sent it on your own.)
As said earlier, here is the code for the two example script files we used in this tutorial. Remember, these only cover a few events, but hopefully they will provide a good start.
form_halt.mrc - halts the default text
on ^*:text:*:#: {
echo $chan $form.text($nick, $address, $chan, $1-)
on ^*:join:#: {
echo $chan $form.join($nick, $address, $chan)
on ^*:part:#: {
echo $chan $form.part($nick, $address, $chan, $1-)
on ^*:quit: {
var %f.i = 1
while (%f.i <= $comchan($nick, 0)) {
%f.chan = $comchan($nick, %f.i)
echo $comchan($nick, %f.i) $form.quit($nick, $address, $comchan($nick, %f.i), $1-)
inc %f.i
on ^*:mode:#: {
echo $chan $form.mode($nick, $address, $chan, $1-)
on *:input:#: {
if ($left($1, 1) == /) && ($ctrlenter == $false) return
echo -a $form.selftext($active, $1-)
.msg $active $1-
form_disp.mrc - contains the display identifiers for the custom text
alias form.join return --> joins[ $+ $3 $+ ] $1 ( $+ $2 $+ ) @ $time(h:nnt)
alias form.part {
if ($len($4)) return <-- parts[ $+ $3 $+ ] $1 ( $+ $2 $+ ) ( $+ $4- $+ ) @ $time(h:nnt)
else return <-- parts[ $+ $3 $+ ] $1 ( $+ $2 $+ ) @ $time(h:nnt)
alias form.quit {
if ($len($4)) return <-- quits[ $+ $3 $+ ] $1 ( $+ $2 $+ ) ( $+ $4- $+ ) @ $time(h:nnt)
else return <-- quits[ $+ $3 $+ ] $1 ( $+ $2 $+ ) @ $time(h:nnt)
alias form.mode return -!- mode[ $+ $3 $+ ] $1 ( $+ $2 $+ ) set mode ( $+ $4- $+ ) @ $time(h:nnt)
alias form.text return $time(h:nnt) ( $+ $1 $+ ) $4-
alias form.selftext return $time(h:nnt) ( $+ $me $+ ) $2-