The Best Script
Contributed by MUTU
The Best Script
If you ever hang about in a mIRC help channel by now you know that the most common question is by far 'what is the best script?'. The channel operators get fed up with this question and they term it as 'lame', meaning stupid in IRC language.
Some people compare scripts with cars for the basic fact that everybody likes his car most and everyone will have a different opinion to what is 'best'. How wrong they are! Unlike the transport vehicle, the 'best' script is always the one you make, provided you're a good scripter and not lazy. This is because when you make your script you will put in the things you want, in the places you want, and make them work exactly how you want. How's that for customisation? Wouldn't it be better than that script you downloaded, full of things you don't need, in places the author thought to be suitable, and working the way the author wanted? Would you find yourself around better and remember how to use the particular feature if you were using somebody else's script?
For the neutral script user, a script would be 'best' if it closely satisfied the user's needs. Considering the fact that everyone is unique, we fall to the conclusion that what is the 'best script' for someone might not be anywhere close to being ideal to someone else.
Most people are not good scripters, it's a fact. Many could have been good scripters if they had the time. So in fact people would want to use somebody else's script. No, they shouldn't. I really believe that the ideal script for someone that doesn't want to or doesn't know how to script is the one he or she builds. This might seem an awfully difficult task, but all it takes is downloading a few script addons that you find useful and load them into a clean mIRC installation. That's the closest thing to making your own script.
The next common question is probably 'where do I download scripts / addons?' and the wheel starts turning again. Don't download addons based on the authors' description. For a particular function there are many mIRC addons so getting the one you think suitable might be a bit of a headache. You should go to script archives that filter out the bad content and which make lengthy reviews, preferably with a rating, so you get to see what the addon would do and if you'll need it, even before you start downloading.
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