This script serves a very basic function that is already included in mirc's color dialogs. The basic function of this script is to change your background and foreground(normal text) colors.
The reason I am posting this is to demonstrate how to create a color pallet with mirc's drawfill/drawsave functions, and then use it to spice up your dialogs with a little COLOR
The jewel of this script is the MakeColorIcons alias. This alias creates a small bitmap image for each of the 16 colors available in mirc.
If you look at this line - ->
window -hBpf +d @MakeColorIcons -1 -1 68 68
The last two numbers determine the size of the bmp. 68 x 68 is equal to 34 x 34 in dialogs.
You can change these two numbers, in conjunction with the last two numbers in the drawfill line, to change the file size/shape.
In addition, you can also use $rgb() in the drawfill line, to create custom colors.
Basically, anything you can draw in a window, can be saved with drawsave and used in dialogs or elsewhere in mirc.
From here you just need to add a icon spot in your dialog and add your color with did -g dialogname N pathtofilefilename.bmp