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at0mic n3xg3n 1.1f
Sparkpea Script
In Category Sparkpea (msn ocx) Author TacticalThunder On 04/19/13
1 2 3 4 5
(Total votes: 2)
Comments 5

bailable - Friday, 7 May, 2010
if any one knows how to did -c an item in a treeview i would be truly appreciative if you could look me up or leave a note. basically when i init a treeview i want to be able to set the focus to a specific item.. i thought did -c $dname id num eg did -c $dname 3 2 would work.. but it dont. i have literally tried everything i cant think of. glad folks are enjoying the script. more big updates coming soon. emote(H)
TOP_die - Saturday, 10 April, 2010
nice work sweet roo nice codes great work emote(H)
bailable - Saturday, 27 March, 2010
thanks for the kind words. ive been doing some more bug fixing and additions. will upload a new update soon.
Travis - Wednesday, 24 February, 2010
Great ideas. Roo is pretty awesome.
chain - Monday, 22 February, 2010
Yeah this is a great script been using it on spcn for 2 days now also theres a black theme. just go to the menutab and you will see it. In my opinion this script dominates all others so far from what ive seen on spcn!!

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