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mIRC DCX WebChat
Custom DCX WebChat addon Emotes, Colors for fonts and much more
In Category mIRC Addons
Author Paul and Gabriel
On 03/05/12
Comments 5
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guest - Thursday, 13 June, 2013
Great add-on.
Is it still being developed separately?
The Youtube embedding portion seems to stopped working.

Paige - Wednesday, 21 March, 2012
Brilliant addon !! Ive included it in my Griffin4 script !! very nice work indeed!

err0r - Saturday, 17 March, 2012
well done i like it 

jamesbeerxx - Tuesday, 6 March, 2012
Very nice job..(Y)

chain - Tuesday, 6 March, 2012
nice job Gabriel but I would suggest adding the mIRC also in there, as may new users will havean issue using this. So my suggestion would be to hav one alone andone with mIRC!! just a thought my friend more freindly user for some.