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mIRC Korona v15.4 (Build: 499)
mIRC Korona v15.4 (Build: 499)
In Category Scripts Full (IRC)
Author Loveness\Alex (Korona)
On 04/14/21
Once, with the passing years, I made my own script, I decided to make it public, completely free for all! Scripting to me represents a hobby, which allows me to waste time in it when I have free time.
Official support network for my Script:
Network: ChatHUB
Address: IRC.ChatHUB.ORG
Channel: #mSL
This Script is designed for all Networks, but is based on Undernet network! If you purpose to use for other networks, you can change it in Script using "Select server" dialog. By default, is set up to use this script for Other Networks. If your network has the same tipology as Undernet (i mean has X bot etc.), like Europeirc or Nationchat network, you can set it to Undernet.
This Script is made in 3 languages: English, Romanian and Russian. By default, is set up to English. To change the language, type: /language
For those who have installed already an old version (from 14.8 to 15.3 version) can update the Script only. When you update the Script to 15.4 version, settings, logs, personal files will remain exactly as are.
To download the script, visit:
To view screenshots, visit:
We can discuss through:
You can contact me:
My website dedicated to this Script is:
I'll appreciate every reply, opinion and i'll answer to any question as soon as possible.
What's new in 15.4 in comparison with 15.3:
- [ADD] Added raw: 275 that on some networks give different information as: SSL connection, info about user etc.
- [ADD] Added option to translit the translated text (if is available) when you use /translate command.
- [ADD] Added option to show the dictionary of the translated text (if is available) when you use /translate command.
- [ADD] Added option to enable/disable the warning before an input command is used (that is set in Input Commands dialog). You can set up for every input command to enable or disable the warning. For more info, issue: /inp or use Input Commands dialog.
Note: By default, for the all input commands already set, this option will be disabled. You have to enable them after you will update the Script to this version.
- [ADD] Added X operations to the right-click menu of the X info and status dialog (when you issue /msg x info username, /msg x status #channel) where you can: verify your access or user's access, give op/voice/none modules to the respective channel or to remuser yourself/user etc. Also, are added smart objects to the respective menu.
Note: This option is available only for Undernet network or the similar networks as Undernet where X bot is.
- [ADD] Added option to the X info dialog (when you issue /msg x info username) to show with different color the channels where you are on (in case of mIRC Theme: underlined).
Note: This option is available only for Undernet network or the similar networks as Undernet where X bot is.
- [ADD] Added option to the X Status dialog (when you issue /msg x status #channel) to show with different color the users are not on the channel and those who are multiple authenticated (have multiple users authenticated with a single username) (in case of mIRC Theme: underlined).
Note: This option is available only for Undernet network or the similar networks as Undernet where X bot is.
- [ADD] Added to Smart dialog info of the Auto-Join Channels the Skip button, where you can skip the channel that is auto-joining and to pass to next.
- [ADD] Added Warning Alerts for the weather location (if are present), that you can watch through Weather dialog.
- [ADD] Added Weather Comments for the weather location (if are present), that you can watch through Weather dialog.
- [ADD] Added Ultraviolet index and description, wind gust, daytime for the weather location (if are present).
- [ADD] Added Moon sunrise, sunset and phase options for the weather location.
- [ADD] Added also region, subregion, street and name objects to the weather (if are present).
- [ADD] Added -x parameter for /weather search. Using /weather search -x [-d] [-c|-f] will display information about your location (ip geolocation). For more info issue: /weather help
- [ADD] Added Weather icon that will display the real current state of the weather location. Also, this icon will be displayed in mIRC Status bar, along with the weather info object line.
- [ADD] Added option for Weather dialog to be displayed a background image according to the current weather state of the location, if is present.
- [ADD] Added option to display the thumbnail of the video for Youtube Catcher or when you issue /youtube.
- [ADD] Added definition, dimension, caption, language and audio language options to Youtube. For help issue: /youtube help
- [ADD] Added /ignore -a parameter that will enable to show the channel messages from an ignored user if your nick is in those messages. For more help issue: /ignore help.
- [ADD] Added restriction to not use Ircop Affairs in menus if you are not authenticated as Ircop. (Thanks to westor for this suggestion)
- [ADD] Added Start Menu Shortcut support, where you can set a shortcut (name, icon, folder) in.
- [ADD] Added Shortcuts dialog, where you can set various options for the shortcuts that are belonging to Desktop, Start Menu and Startup. (Thanks to westor for this suggestion)
- [ADD] Added a line to mIRC Startup (in Status Window) that will inform about those people who contributed to my script.
- [FIX] Fixed some codes from the languages files that could return confuses in some cases. (Thanks to westor for this fix)
- [FIX] Fixed some personal logs files to be stored in UTF-8 encoding. Until this fixed mIRC.exe crashed every time, practically, when the script tried to write to these files (when a nick write you a message, on disconnect, join etc. events).
- [FIX] Fixed bug that not shown the Statistics on the Status bar in Collapsed state when is set the Automatic Expand/Collapse of the Status Bar.
- [FIX] Fixed D_CERROR xdialog -t chsdiag: (xdid) Invalid ID : 7 bug on mIRC Theme happen when a auto-join dialog popup is displayed. (Thanks to westor for this bug)
- [FIX] Fixed the bug that the user couldn't delete a single song using right-click menu on Audio Playlist. (Thanks to westor for this bug)
- [FIX] Fixed D_ERROR LoadGDIPlusImage bug on Audio Playlist when you try to turn on or off animations. (Thanks to westor for this bug)
- [FIX] Fixed Fonts dialog to be focused instead in case it already open. (Thanks to westor for this bug)
- [FIX] Fixed /dialog: 'optitems' name in use bug when trying to open that dialog in case it open already. (Thanks to westor for this bug)
- [FIX] Fixed D_CERROR xdialog -h mircstatus when enabling auto-expand of the Edge Bars (CTRL+F4 or /bars to issue).
- [FIX] Fixed D_CERROR xdialog -i bug when the user tries to open simultaneously two or more queries at the same time.
- [FIX] Fixed the most animation errors of the buttons and else errors when a dialog is opening and it's closed rapidly. (Thanks to westor for this bug)
- [MODIFY] Modified the restriction of 16-digits to unlimited in BNC Manager dialog due to the most ZNC changes where in Identd (BNC Username) can be included the network also, if the ZNC has multiple networks support.
- [MODIFY] Modified all the Translating scripts due to the Google Translate updates. Also is modified the translating client from GTX to CHROME.
- [MODIFY] Modified the menu of the Themes' dialog to use different colors and the option to not show the icons to not affect this menu.
- [MODIFY] Modified all the variables to be stored in a Hash Table to be read from, instead of reading directly from the variable files. This change increases the speed and the performance of the scripts.
- [MODIFY] Now when you try to use Auto-Join on Channels and if a process of auto-join is active, the script will ask you if you want to stop the used process and to begin a new one. Before this change, the script only halts informing you that a process of Auto-Join is active already.
- [MODIFY] Modified the ctcp version reply script to work also for some networks and ZNC where the syntaxes are different from standards.
- [MODIFY] Modified completely all the weather scripts. Once is not supporting, is completely change the source of the collection of the weather info.
- [MODIFY] Modified the search methods of the collection, no need to look up for the WH*ER codes now.
- [MODIFY] Modified weather commands: /weather [-d] [-x] [-c|-f] , /weather , /weather [-d]
- [MODIFY] Modified Youtube scripts to use $urlget() instead of sockets. This increased the performance and speed of collecting info.
- [MODIFY] Modified completely Personal Logs. Now is more powerful, more informative and added new options to it.
- [MODIFY] Modified the method to collect the radio stations from! Now is more preciously, more faster and the collection can't give errors by the system or the scripts. The errors can be only: no internet connection, the is down or has errors itself.
- [MODIFY] Now when you click to collect the online radio stations, the option is enabled automatically and is not need to enable it.
- [MODIFY] Modified the restriction of the translated text length from 1200 chars to 5000 chars.
- [MODIFY] Modified all downloads with vbscript method to use $urlget() instead.
- [MODIFY] Modified some icons of the script, that is taken from the newest icons of Windows 10 Insider Preview 21343 build.
- [MODIFY] Modified the progress bar of Audio Player to appear when a song is playing only and not to confuse the users what's its meaning. (Thanks to westor for this suggestion)
- [UPDATE] Updated many outdated scripts, such as: translate, youtube, weather, radio etc.
- [UPDATE] Updated mIRC.exe from 7.58 version to 7.64 (beta: 6125, 7.65 pre-realease).
Note: When 7.65 version arrive, the Script will update it.
- [UPDATE] Updated Language list from 104 languages to 109 languages due to Google Translate updates.
- [REMOVE] Removed Spelling option from the script, because is rarely used and Google Spelling is not so preciously as is.
- [REMOVE] Removed /desktop and /startup commands that became useless due to the fact that is added Shortcuts Dialog.
- [REMOVE] Removed Shortcuts menu from Windows Status menu due to the fact that is added Shortcuts Dialog. (Thanks to westor for this suggestion)
- [REMOVE] Removed restriction to use the script only in Windows 10. Now you can use my script on every edition of Windows.
Note: The script is made and tested under Windows 10. Many options like: Task Manager, DxDiag etc. will not work properly on other editions of Windows (like Windows Xp or 7 even) and visual replacements of some dialogs object also could defer. I don't guarantee the work of my script in other editions except Windows. Assume on your own risk to use my script on such editions of Windows.
Official support network for my Script:
Network: ChatHUB
Address: IRC.ChatHUB.ORG
Channel: #mSL
This Script is designed for all Networks, but is based on Undernet network! If you purpose to use for other networks, you can change it in Script using "Select server" dialog. By default, is set up to use this script for Other Networks. If your network has the same tipology as Undernet (i mean has X bot etc.), like Europeirc or Nationchat network, you can set it to Undernet.
This Script is made in 3 languages: English, Romanian and Russian. By default, is set up to English. To change the language, type: /language
For those who have installed already an old version (from 14.8 to 15.3 version) can update the Script only. When you update the Script to 15.4 version, settings, logs, personal files will remain exactly as are.
To download the script, visit:
To view screenshots, visit:
We can discuss through:
You can contact me:
My website dedicated to this Script is:
I'll appreciate every reply, opinion and i'll answer to any question as soon as possible.
What's new in 15.4 in comparison with 15.3:
- [ADD] Added raw: 275 that on some networks give different information as: SSL connection, info about user etc.
- [ADD] Added option to translit the translated text (if is available) when you use /translate command.
- [ADD] Added option to show the dictionary of the translated text (if is available) when you use /translate command.
- [ADD] Added option to enable/disable the warning before an input command is used (that is set in Input Commands dialog). You can set up for every input command to enable or disable the warning. For more info, issue: /inp or use Input Commands dialog.
Note: By default, for the all input commands already set, this option will be disabled. You have to enable them after you will update the Script to this version.
- [ADD] Added X operations to the right-click menu of the X info and status dialog (when you issue /msg x info username, /msg x status #channel) where you can: verify your access or user's access, give op/voice/none modules to the respective channel or to remuser yourself/user etc. Also, are added smart objects to the respective menu.
Note: This option is available only for Undernet network or the similar networks as Undernet where X bot is.
- [ADD] Added option to the X info dialog (when you issue /msg x info username) to show with different color the channels where you are on (in case of mIRC Theme: underlined).
Note: This option is available only for Undernet network or the similar networks as Undernet where X bot is.
- [ADD] Added option to the X Status dialog (when you issue /msg x status #channel) to show with different color the users are not on the channel and those who are multiple authenticated (have multiple users authenticated with a single username) (in case of mIRC Theme: underlined).
Note: This option is available only for Undernet network or the similar networks as Undernet where X bot is.
- [ADD] Added to Smart dialog info of the Auto-Join Channels the Skip button, where you can skip the channel that is auto-joining and to pass to next.
- [ADD] Added Warning Alerts for the weather location (if are present), that you can watch through Weather dialog.
- [ADD] Added Weather Comments for the weather location (if are present), that you can watch through Weather dialog.
- [ADD] Added Ultraviolet index and description, wind gust, daytime for the weather location (if are present).
- [ADD] Added Moon sunrise, sunset and phase options for the weather location.
- [ADD] Added also region, subregion, street and name objects to the weather (if are present).
- [ADD] Added -x parameter for /weather search. Using /weather search -x [-d] [-c|-f] will display information about your location (ip geolocation). For more info issue: /weather help
- [ADD] Added Weather icon that will display the real current state of the weather location. Also, this icon will be displayed in mIRC Status bar, along with the weather info object line.
- [ADD] Added option for Weather dialog to be displayed a background image according to the current weather state of the location, if is present.
- [ADD] Added option to display the thumbnail of the video for Youtube Catcher or when you issue /youtube.
- [ADD] Added definition, dimension, caption, language and audio language options to Youtube. For help issue: /youtube help
- [ADD] Added /ignore -a parameter that will enable to show the channel messages from an ignored user if your nick is in those messages. For more help issue: /ignore help.
- [ADD] Added restriction to not use Ircop Affairs in menus if you are not authenticated as Ircop. (Thanks to westor for this suggestion)
- [ADD] Added Start Menu Shortcut support, where you can set a shortcut (name, icon, folder) in.
- [ADD] Added Shortcuts dialog, where you can set various options for the shortcuts that are belonging to Desktop, Start Menu and Startup. (Thanks to westor for this suggestion)
- [ADD] Added a line to mIRC Startup (in Status Window) that will inform about those people who contributed to my script.
- [FIX] Fixed some codes from the languages files that could return confuses in some cases. (Thanks to westor for this fix)
- [FIX] Fixed some personal logs files to be stored in UTF-8 encoding. Until this fixed mIRC.exe crashed every time, practically, when the script tried to write to these files (when a nick write you a message, on disconnect, join etc. events).
- [FIX] Fixed bug that not shown the Statistics on the Status bar in Collapsed state when is set the Automatic Expand/Collapse of the Status Bar.
- [FIX] Fixed D_CERROR xdialog -t chsdiag: (xdid) Invalid ID : 7 bug on mIRC Theme happen when a auto-join dialog popup is displayed. (Thanks to westor for this bug)
- [FIX] Fixed the bug that the user couldn't delete a single song using right-click menu on Audio Playlist. (Thanks to westor for this bug)
- [FIX] Fixed D_ERROR LoadGDIPlusImage bug on Audio Playlist when you try to turn on or off animations. (Thanks to westor for this bug)
- [FIX] Fixed Fonts dialog to be focused instead in case it already open. (Thanks to westor for this bug)
- [FIX] Fixed /dialog: 'optitems' name in use bug when trying to open that dialog in case it open already. (Thanks to westor for this bug)
- [FIX] Fixed D_CERROR xdialog -h mircstatus when enabling auto-expand of the Edge Bars (CTRL+F4 or /bars to issue).
- [FIX] Fixed D_CERROR xdialog -i bug when the user tries to open simultaneously two or more queries at the same time.
- [FIX] Fixed the most animation errors of the buttons and else errors when a dialog is opening and it's closed rapidly. (Thanks to westor for this bug)
- [MODIFY] Modified the restriction of 16-digits to unlimited in BNC Manager dialog due to the most ZNC changes where in Identd (BNC Username) can be included the network also, if the ZNC has multiple networks support.
- [MODIFY] Modified all the Translating scripts due to the Google Translate updates. Also is modified the translating client from GTX to CHROME.
- [MODIFY] Modified the menu of the Themes' dialog to use different colors and the option to not show the icons to not affect this menu.
- [MODIFY] Modified all the variables to be stored in a Hash Table to be read from, instead of reading directly from the variable files. This change increases the speed and the performance of the scripts.
- [MODIFY] Now when you try to use Auto-Join on Channels and if a process of auto-join is active, the script will ask you if you want to stop the used process and to begin a new one. Before this change, the script only halts informing you that a process of Auto-Join is active already.
- [MODIFY] Modified the ctcp version reply script to work also for some networks and ZNC where the syntaxes are different from standards.
- [MODIFY] Modified completely all the weather scripts. Once is not supporting, is completely change the source of the collection of the weather info.
- [MODIFY] Modified the search methods of the collection, no need to look up for the WH*ER codes now.
- [MODIFY] Modified weather commands: /weather [-d] [-x] [-c|-f] , /weather , /weather [-d]
- [MODIFY] Modified Youtube scripts to use $urlget() instead of sockets. This increased the performance and speed of collecting info.
- [MODIFY] Modified completely Personal Logs. Now is more powerful, more informative and added new options to it.
- [MODIFY] Modified the method to collect the radio stations from! Now is more preciously, more faster and the collection can't give errors by the system or the scripts. The errors can be only: no internet connection, the is down or has errors itself.
- [MODIFY] Now when you click to collect the online radio stations, the option is enabled automatically and is not need to enable it.
- [MODIFY] Modified the restriction of the translated text length from 1200 chars to 5000 chars.
- [MODIFY] Modified all downloads with vbscript method to use $urlget() instead.
- [MODIFY] Modified some icons of the script, that is taken from the newest icons of Windows 10 Insider Preview 21343 build.
- [MODIFY] Modified the progress bar of Audio Player to appear when a song is playing only and not to confuse the users what's its meaning. (Thanks to westor for this suggestion)
- [UPDATE] Updated many outdated scripts, such as: translate, youtube, weather, radio etc.
- [UPDATE] Updated mIRC.exe from 7.58 version to 7.64 (beta: 6125, 7.65 pre-realease).
Note: When 7.65 version arrive, the Script will update it.
- [UPDATE] Updated Language list from 104 languages to 109 languages due to Google Translate updates.
- [REMOVE] Removed Spelling option from the script, because is rarely used and Google Spelling is not so preciously as is.
- [REMOVE] Removed /desktop and /startup commands that became useless due to the fact that is added Shortcuts Dialog.
- [REMOVE] Removed Shortcuts menu from Windows Status menu due to the fact that is added Shortcuts Dialog. (Thanks to westor for this suggestion)
- [REMOVE] Removed restriction to use the script only in Windows 10. Now you can use my script on every edition of Windows.
Note: The script is made and tested under Windows 10. Many options like: Task Manager, DxDiag etc. will not work properly on other editions of Windows (like Windows Xp or 7 even) and visual replacements of some dialogs object also could defer. I don't guarantee the work of my script in other editions except Windows. Assume on your own risk to use my script on such editions of Windows.
Comments 1
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TOP_die - Friday, 27 August, 2021
can fix link plz to download link is broken