DreamIRC script is dedicated to ksames and Keoma. These two people guided me to the philosophy of mIRC scripting language, each one his own unique way.
I would like to thank some people who supported and helped me out in many ways: DaveMurray, HoWwWw, ian, MaNoS, ^ShArK^
I also thank all people that gave this script a chance so far.
And finally, I would like to credit WestoR and OrFeAsGr for their valuable help in scripting, for their suggestions and for testing the pre-release versions.
To report bugs, make suggestions, request features, for help or anything else:
Leave a message here: ('Contact' section)
Join #DreamIRC channel (/join #DreamIRC) on Rizon chat network,
(/server -m irc.rizon.net) - or just click here.