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Filename: Swear Kicker
#swear on on *:text:*:#: { if ($me !isop $chan) halt if ($regsub($1-,/\b(fuck|f@ck|fucker|f@cker|c@m|cum|pussy|pussys|Pussy|F@UCKER|mother fucker|f u c k|f uck|fuc k|fucks|c u m| b i t c h|bi tch|bitches|motherfucker|motherfuckers|bitch|asshole|cock|shit|testes)\b/gi,$null,%var) > 0) { if ($nick isowner $chan) goto test if ($nick isop $chan) goto test if ($readini(protection.ini, $nick, swear) != true) { .msg $nick ( $nick ) Please do not swear on $chan $+ ! U Will Be Ban next time .msg $chan Profanity Not Allowed $nick Plz Stop With It! writeini protection.ini $nick swear true .timer 1 30 /remini protection.ini $nick swear halt } else { auser swear $address($nick,1) :swearing $nick $adate $time access # add deny *! $+ $$ial($nick $+ *,1).addr 15 $Nick swear kick # $nick Profanity Not Allowed! ban 15 min | halt } :test { .msg $nick ( $nick ) we need to set the example plz $nick } } } on *:ACTION:*:#: { if ($me !isop $chan) halt if ($regsub($1-,/\b(fuck|f@ck|fucker|f@cker|c@m|cum|pussy|pussys|Pussy|F@UCKER|mother fucker|f u c k|f uck|fuc k|fucks|c u m| b i t c h|bi tch|bitches|motherfucker|motherfuckers|bitch|asshole|cock|shit|testes)\b/gi,$null,%var) > 0) { if ($nick isowner $chan) goto test if ($nick isop $chan) goto test if ($readini(protection.ini, $nick, swear) != true) { .msg $nick ( $nick ) Please do not swear on $chan $+ ! U will be band next time .msg $chan Profanity Not Allowed $nick Plz stop with it! writeini protection.ini $nick swear true .timer 1 30 /remini protection.ini $nick swear halt } else { auser swear $address($nick,1) :swearing $nick $adate $time access # add deny *! $+ $$ial($nick $+ *,1).addr 15 $Nick swear kick # $nick Profanity Not Allowed! ban 15 min | halt } :test { .msg $nick ( $nick ) we need to set the example plz $nick } } } on swear:join:#:{ if $me isop $chan { msg $chan welcome back $nick , you was removed for swearing, plz dont let it happen again Ty. | ruser swear $address($nick,1) } } #swear end menu { Swear kicker ( $+ $group(#swear) $+ ) .Enable { .enable #swear | echo -a 10* Swear Kicker Enabled! } .Disable { .disable #swear | echo -a 10* Swear Kicker Disabled! } } Ty for the help with some of the codes T-rav-is Tewl Sin and the testers