
Downloading File

Filename: Raw Finder
; Raw finder by Lindrian
; @ #Lindrian
; [email protected]

; Usage:
; Simply type /raw.find <numeric|name>
; You may also use this as an "id", even though it will NOT return info.
; It will only halt the output error.
; Example:
; /raw.find who
; /raw.find 366
; //echo -a $raw.find(366)
; //echo -a $raw.find(who)
; The "id" will echo the information, just like /raw.find will.
; I only added that option for the people who like to use $raw.find
; instead of /raw.find

; Example output would be:

; Looking up raw 366... Please hold.

; [366]

; Format: <channel> :End of /NAMES list.
; Info: This is returned at the end of a NAMES list, after all visible names are returned.
; Example: #help.script :End of /NAMES list.
; Numeric: 366
; Link:

; [/366]

; Thanks to quakenet for their raw page
; Enjoy

alias raw.find {
  if ($1) {
    unset %raw.*
    if ($sock(raw)) .sockclose raw
    .sockopen raw 80
    var %j = $iif($1 isnum,$right($+(00,$1),3),$1)
    echo -a 
    echo -a Looking up raw %j $+ ... Please hold.
    echo -a 
    .sockmark raw %j
    if ($isid) halt
  else {
    echo -a Syntax: /raw.find <numeric|name>
on *:sockopen:raw: {
  if ($sockerr) {
    echo -a Failed connecting to the server: $sock($sockname).wsmsg
    .sockclose $sockname
  else {
    .sockwrite -n $sockname GET $+(/index.php?p=raws&,$iif($sock($sockname).mark isnum,a,b),=,$sock($sockname).mark) HTTP/1.1
    .sockwrite -n $sockname HOST:
    .sockwrite -n $sockname $crlf 
on *:sockread:raw: {
  var %g 
  sockread %g
  if ($regex(%g,/<tr><td class="RawsHeader1">(.*?)</td><td class="RawsHeader2">(.*?)</td></tr>/)) {
    %raw.z = $regml(1)
  if ($regex(%g,/<tr><td class="RawsBody1">(.*?)</td><td colspan=".*?" class="RawsBody2">(.*?)</td></tr>/)) {
    if (!%raw.x) {
      echo -a $+(,[,$sock($sockname).mark,],)
      echo -a 
      %raw.x = 1
    echo -a $+(,$regml(1),) $remove($replace($regml(2),&gt,>,&lt,<),;)
    %raw.y = $calc(%raw.y + 1)
    if (%raw.y == 3) {
      if (%raw.z) echo -a Numeric: $iif($v1 isnum,$v1,$v1 (Not numeric))
      echo -a Link: $+ $iif($sock($sockname).mark isnum,a= $+ $v1,b= $+ $v1)
      echo -a 
      %raw.y = 0
on *:sockclose:raw: {
  if (!%raw.x) {
    echo -a There was no result for raw $sock($sockname).mark $+ ...
    unset %raw.*
  else echo -a $+(,[,/,$sock($sockname).mark,],)

; End of file

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