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Filename: Sparkpea Channels
menu channel,status { RoomList://dialog -m chanList chanList } dialog chanList { title "Channels" size -1 -1 128 136 option dbu button "Join", 2, 91 1 36 15, flat button "Channels", 3, 91 17 36 15, flat list 1, 0 1 91 116, size button "OK", 5, 91 116 36 16, flat ok box "", 6, 1 121 88 12, result button "Categories", 4, 91 33 36 15, flat } on *:DIALOG:chanList:sclick:3: { set %category $right($gettok($did(chanList,1).seltext,1-2,32),2) did -r chanList 1 ChannelList } on *:DIALOG:chanList:sclick:4: { did -r chanList 1 roomcats } alias roomlist { //dialog -m chanList chanList } on *:dialog:chanList:init:*: { roomcats } alias -l ChannelList { set %room.ticks $ticks if ($sock(rooms)) sockclose rooms sockopen rooms 80 } on *:sockopen:rooms: { if ($sockerr) { did -a chanList 1 Sock error: $+($chr(40),$sock($sockname).wserr,$chr(41)) -> $sock($sockname).wsmsg | return } sockwrite -n $sockname GET $+(/category.php?cat=, $+ %category $+ ,&age=18) HTTP/1.0 $+ $crlf sockwrite -n $sockname Host: $+ $crlf $+ $crlf %total.rooms = 1 } on *:sockread:rooms: { if ($sockerr) { did -a chanList 1 Sock error: $+($chr(40),$sock($sockname).wserr,$chr(41)) -> $sock($sockname).wsmsg | return } var %b | sockread %b | tokenize 32 %b if ($regex($1-,\<td align=left valign=middle class=\"table\"\>\<div class=\"table\"\>\<a href=\"chatroom.php\?rhx=[A-Z0-9]+\"\>(.+)\<\/a\>\<\/div\>\<\/td\>)) { if ($regml(1)) { did -a chanList 1 $(%#,0) $+ $regml(1) inc %total.rooms } } if ($1- == <!-- website Footer -->) { did -a chanList 1 $chr(160) did -a chanList 6 * Total Rooms: $calc(%total.rooms - 1) } } on *:DIALOG:chanList:sclick:2: { join $gettok($did(chanList,1).seltext,1-2,32) } alias roomcats { did -a chanList 1 General; GN did -a chanList 1 City Chats; GE did -a chanList 1 Games; EA did -a chanList 1 Computing; CP did -a chanList 1 Interest; II did -a chanList 1 Life Styles; LF did -a chanList 1 News; NW did -a chanList 1 Peers; PR did -a chanList 1 Religion; RL did -a chanList 1 Role Play; RP did -a chanList 1 Romance; RM did -a chanList 1 Sports; SP did -a chanList 1 Teens; TN did -a chanList 1 $chr(160) did -a chanList 1 Click on a category and hit did -a chanList 1 "Channels" for a list of rooms }
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