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Filename: AgeBot
menu channel {
  .Echo active rooms: agebot.echrooms
  .Set rooms: agebot.setup
  .$iif($istok(%agebot.rooms,$chan,44),Disable,Enable) for this room: agebot.chgrooms $iif($istok(%agebot.rooms,$chan,44),-r,-a) $chan
  .$iif(%agebot.rooms != $chr(35),Enable for all channels) : agebot.chgrooms -n
  .$iif(#* iswm %agebot.rooms,Disable for all channels) : agebot.chgrooms -c
menu status {
  .Echo active rooms: agebot.echrooms
  .Set rooms: agebot.setup
  .$iif(%agebot.rooms != $chr(35),Enable for all channels) : agebot.chgrooms -n
  .$iif(#* iswm %agebot.rooms,Disable for all channels) : agebot.chgrooms -c
alias -l agebot.proc {
  if ($3) {
    if ($3 isnum 18-50) {
      .notice $2 Thanks for stating your age. :)
      msg $1 Welcome to $1 $+ , $2 $+ ! :) (Age: $3)
      mode $1 +v $2
    else {
      if ($3 < 18) ban -k $1 $2 2 You're too young for this room. (Age: $3 $+ )
      else ban -k $1 $2 2 Get out, pedo! (Age: $3 $+ )
      .notice $2 Thanks for stating you age, but I can't allow you to be in this room.
  else echo $colour(info) -a * /agebot.proc: Not enough parameters
alias agebot.setup {
  var %x $input(Please enter channels your bot should ask for age in with commas between (Example: #room1 $+ $chr(44) $+ #room2). $+ $crlf $+ You may notice that 'All channels' is $chr(35) and 'No channels' is 'none',eu,Agebot Setup,%agebot.rooms)
  if (%x) {
    var %r /^(?:#[^,]+,?)+$/
    if ($regex(%x,%r)) set %agebot.rooms %x
    else echo $colour(info) -a * /agebot.setup: You must enter rooms in the form of #room, #room1,#room2, $chr(35) or 'none'.
alias -l agebot.chgrooms {
  if (!$1) || (!$istok(-a,-r,$1,44) && !$2) echo $colour(info) -a * /agebot.chgrooms: Not enough parameters
  else {
    var %r /^(?:#[^,]+,?)+$/
    if (!$regex(%agebot.rooms,%r)) unset %agebot.rooms
    if ($1 == -a) %agebot.rooms = $addtok(%agebot.rooms,$2,44)
    elseif ($1 == -r) {
      if (%agebot.rooms == $2) %agebot.rooms = none
      else %agebot.rooms = $remtok(%agebot.rooms,$2,44)
    elseif ($1 == -c) %agebot.rooms = none
    else %agebot.rooms = $chr(35)
alias -l agebot.echrooms {
  if (%agebot.rooms == $chr(35)) var %x All channels
  elseif (#* iswm %agebot.rooms) var %x $v2
  else var %x No channels
  echo $colour(info) -a Agebot is currently active in: %x
on !*:JOIN:%agebot.rooms: {
  if ($readini(agebot.db,np,$chan,$nick)) agebot.proc $chan $nick $v1
  else .notice $nick Hey, welcome to $chan $+ , $nick $+ . Just type your age as !agehere in $chan (Example: !17)
on $*:TEXT:/^!(d+)$/S:%agebot.rooms: {
  if ($readini(agebot.db,np,$chan,$nick)) return
  var %age $regml(1)
  agebot.proc $chan $nick %age
  writeini agebot.db $chan $nick %age
on *:START:if (!%agebot.rooms) agebot.setup
on *:UNLOAD:unset %agebot.rooms

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