
Downloading File

Filename: Rock Paper Scissors (2Player)
on *:load: {
  if ($isfile(RPS.hsh)) { hmake RPS 50 | hload RPS RPS.hsh }
  else { 
  hmake RPS 50 
  hadd RPS WinHolder None 
  hadd RPS LoseHolder None 
  hadd RPS GamesHolder None 
  hadd RPS DrawHolder None 

on *:Exit: {
  hsave RPS RPS.hsh

#RPS on
on *:TEXT:*:#Channel(s)Here: {
  if ($1 == !RPS) || ($1 == !PSR) || ($1 == !PSS) || ($1 == !SRP) {
    if ($2 == highscores) { msg $chan Rock Paper Scissors HighScores: 4Most Games: $hget(RPS,$hget(RPS,gamesholder) $+ games) $+ ( $hget(RPS,gamesholder) ) 4Most Wins: $hget(RPS,$hget(RPS,winholder) $+ win) $+ ( $hget(RPS,winholder) ) 4Most Losses: $hget(RPS,$hget(RPS,loseholder) $+ lose) $+ ( $hget(RPS,loseholder) ) 4Most Draws: $hget(RPS,$hget(RPS,drawholder) $+ draw) $+ ( $hget(RPS,drawholder) ) | halt }
    if ($2 == scores) {
      if ($3 == $null) { 
        if (!$hget(RPS,$nick $+ games)) { msg $chan You have never played a game of Rock Paper Scissors with me. | halt }
        else { 
          msg #deimiusland Stats for $nick $+ : 4Games Played: $hget(RPS,$nick $+ games) $+ , 4Wins: $hget(RPS,$nick $+ win) $+ , 4Losses: $hget(RPS,$nick $+ lose) $+ , 4Draws: $hget(RPS,$nick $+ draw) $+ .  
      if ($hget(RPS,$3 $+ games)) {
        msg #deimiusland Stats for $3 $+ : 4Games Played: $hget(RPS,$3 $+ games) $+ , 4Wins: $hget(RPS,$3 $+ win) $+ , 4Losses: $hget(RPS,$3 $+ lose) $+ , 4Draws: $hget(RPS,$3 $+ draw) $+ . 
      if (!$hget(RPS,$3 $+ games)) { msg $chan $3 has never played a game of Rock Paper Scissors with me. | halt }
    if (%RPS1 == $null) {
      if ($2 == $nick) { msg $chan You cannot play Paper Scissors Rock, by yourself, $nick $+ . | halt }
      if ($2 == $me) { msg $chan I setup the games, I do not play them. | halt }
      if ($2 == $null) { msg $chan Who do you wish to challenge, $nick $+ ? | halt }
      if ($2 ison $chan) { 
        set %RPS1 $nick
        set %RPSW $2
        msg $chan $nick has challeneged $2 to a game of Rock Paper Scissors!
        notice $2 You have been challenged by $nick to a game of Paper scissors Rock. Type: '!accept' or '!decline'.
        .timerRPSChal1 1 60 msg $chan $2 doesn't appear to be there right now. Try challenging $2 again later.
        .timerRPSchal2 1 60 unset %RPS* 
      else { msg $chan $2 is not on the channel, $nick $+ . | halt }
    else { msg $chan Please be Patient, $nick $+ . There is already a game of Paper scissors rock in progress. | halt } 
  if ($1 == !accept) { 
    if (%RPS1) {
      if ($nick == %RPSW) {
        .timerRPSchal* off
        set %RPS.chan $chan
        unset %RPSW
        set %RPS2 $nick
        if (!$hget(RPS,%RPS1 $+ games)) {
          hadd -m RPS %rps1 $+ draw 0
          hadd -m RPS %rps1 $+ games 1
          hadd -m RPS %rps1 $+ win 0
          hadd -m RPS %rps1 $+ lose 0
        if (!$hget(RPS,%RPS2 $+ games)) {
          hadd -m RPS %rps2 $+ games 1
          hadd -m RPS %rps2 $+ win 0
          hadd -m RPS %rps2 $+ lose 0
          hadd -m RPS %rps2 $+ draw 0
        msg $chan The Challenge from %RPS1 has been accepted by %RPS2 $+ .
        notice %RPS1 You have 60 seconds to choose either !rock, !paper or !scissors. Syntax: /notice $me [!choicehere] 
        notice %RPS2 You have 60 seconds to choose either !rock, !paper or !scissors. Syntax: /notice $me [!choicehere]    
        .timerRPS1limit1 1 40 msg $chan 20 seconds left, %RPS1 $+ .
        .timerRPS1limit2 msg $chan You took far too long, %RPS1 $+ . 
        .timerRPS1limit3 2win
        .timerRPS2limit1 1 40 msg $chan 20 seconds left, %RPS2 $+ .
        .timerRPS2limit2 1 60 msg $chan You took far too long, %RPS2 $+ . 
        .timerRPS2limit3 1 60 1win
      else { 
        msg $chan %rps1 did not challenge you, $nick $+ .
    else { msg $chan There is no game of rock paper scissors to accept. To challenge someone, type: !RPS [nicktochallenge] | halt }
  if ($1 == !decline) { 
    if ($nick == %RPSW) { 
      .timerchal* off
      msg $chan %RPSw $+  has declined %RPS1 $+ 's challenge.
      unset %RPS*
    else { 
      msg $chan %rps1 did not challenge you, $nick $+ .
  if ($1 == !paper) || ($1 == !scissors) || ($1 == !rock) {
    if ($nick == %Rps1) { msg %RPS.chan Correct Syntax is: '/notice $me [!choicehere]' It wouldn't be a bad idea to change your choice now. | halt }
    if ($nick == %Rps2) { msg %RPS.chan Correct Syntax is: '/notice $me [!choicehere]' It wouldn't be a bad idea to change your choice now. | halt }
    else { return }
  else { halt }
on *:notice:*:?: {
  if ($1 == !rock) || ($1 == !Paper) || ($1 == !scissors) {
    if ($nick == %RPS1) {
      .timerRPS1* off
      set %RPS1.C $1 
      notice %RPS1 You have chosen %RPS1.c $+ .
      if (%RPS2.c != $null) {
        msg %RPS.chan %RPS1 chose %RPS1.c - %RPS2 chose %RPS2.c $+ . 
      if (%RPS2.c == $null) {
        notice %RPS1 Please wait for %RPS2 to decide what to pick.
    if ($nick == %RPS2) {
      .timerRPS2* off
      set %RPS2.C $1
      notice %RPS2 You have chosen %RPS2.c $+ . 
      if (%RPS1.c != $null) {
        msg %RPS.chan %RPS1 chose %RPS1.c - %RPS2 chose %RPS2.c $+ .
      if (%RPS1.c == $null) { notice %RPS2 Please wait for %RPS1 to decide what to pick. | halt } 
  elseif ($nick == %RPS1) { notice %RPS1 Please decide on either !rock, !paper or !scissors | halt }
  elseif ($nick == %RPS2) { notice %RPS2 Please decide on either !rock, !paper or !scissors | halt }
  else { return }
alias faceoff {
  if (%rps1.c == %rps2.c) { draw | halt }
  if (%rps1.c == !paper) {
    if (%rps2.c == !rock) { 1win | halt }
    if (%rps2.c == !scissors) { 2win | halt }
  if (%rps1.c == !rock) {
    if (%rps2.c == !scissors) { 1win | halt }
    if (%rps2.c == !paper) { 2win | halt }
  if (%rps1.c == !scissors) {
    if (%rps2.c == !paper) { 1win | halt }
    if (%rps2.c == !rock) { 2win | halt }
alias draw {
  msg %rps.chan This Game ends in a draw! We all know, here in %rps.chan $+ , there are no losers.
  var %addgames1 $hget(RPS,%rps1 $+ games)
  inc %addgames1 1
  hadd RPS %rps1 $+ games %addgames1
  if ($hget(RPS,%rps1 $+ games) > $hget(rps,$hget(rps,gamesholder) $+ games)) {
    hadd RPS gamesholder %rps1
    msg %rps.chan %RPS1 $+ , you know hold the title for the most Rock Paper Scissors Games! 
  var %adddraw1 $hget(RPS,%rps1 $+ draw)
  inc %adddraw1 1
  hadd -m RPS %rps1 $+ draw %adddraw1
  if ($hget(RPS,%rps1 $+ draw) > $hget(rps,$hget(rps,drawholder) $+ draw)) {
    hadd RPS drawholder %rps1
    msg %rps.chan %RPS1 $+ , you know hold the record for the most draws in Rock Paper Scissors! 
  var %addgames2 $hget(RPS,%rps2 $+ games)
  inc %addgames2 1
  hadd RPS %rps2 $+ games %addgames2
  if ($hget(RPS,%rps2 $+ games) > $hget(rps,$hget(rps,gamesholder) $+ games)) {
    hadd RPS gamesholder %rps2
    msg %rps.chan %RPS1 $+ , you know hold the title for the most Rock Paper Scissors Games! 
  var %adddraw2 $hget(RPS,%rps2 $+ draw)
  inc %adddraw2 1
  hadd -m RPS %rps2 $+ draw %adddraw2
  if ($hget(RPS,%rps2 $+ draw) > $hget(rps,$hget(rps,drawholder) $+ draw)) {
    hadd RPS drawholder %rps2
    msg %rps.chan %RPS2 $+ , you know hold the record for the most draws in Rock Paper Scissors! 
  unset %rps*
alias 1win {
  msg %rps.chan Congratulations, %rps1 $+ !! %RPs1.c never fails!
  var %addgames1 $hget(RPS,%rps1 $+ games)
  inc %addgames1 1
  hadd RPS %rps1 $+ games %addgames1
  if ($hget(RPS,%rps1 $+ games) > $hget(rps,$hget(rps,gamesholder) $+ games)) {
    hadd RPS gamesholder %rps1
    msg %rps.chan %RPS1 $+ , you know hold the title for the most Rock Paper Scissors Games! 
  var %addwin $hget(RPS,%rps1 $+ win)
  inc %addwin 1
  hadd RPS %rps1 $+ win %addwin
  if ($hget(RPS,%rps1 $+ win) > $hget(rps,$hget(rps,winholder) $+ win)) {
    hadd RPS winholder %rps1
    msg %rps.chan %RPS1 $+ , you know hold the title for the most Rock Paper Scissors Wins! 
  var %addgames2 $hget(RPS,%rps2 $+ games)
  inc %addgames2 1
  hadd RPS %rps2 $+ games %addgames2
  if ($hget(RPS,%rps2 $+ games) > $hget(rps,$hget(rps,gamesholder) $+ games)) {
    hadd RPS winholder %rps2
    msg %rps.chan %RPS2 $+ , you now hold the title for the most Rock Paper Scissors Games! 
  var %addlose $hget(RPS,%rps2 $+ lose)
  inc %addlose 1
  hadd RPS %rps2 $+ lose %addlose
  if ($hget(RPS,%rps2 $+ lose) > $hget(rps,$hget(rps,loseholder) $+ games)) {
    hadd RPS loseholder %rps2
    msg %rps.chan %RPS2 $+ , you now hold the title for the most Rock Paper Scissors Games! 
  unset %rps*
alias 2win {
  msg %rps.chan Congratulations, %rps2 $+ !! Next time, you should think again before challenging %Rps2 $+ , %RPs1 $+ . 
  if ($hget(RPS,%rps2 $+ games) > $hget(rps,$hget(rps,gamesholder) $+ games)) {
    hadd RPS gamesholder %rps2
    msg %rps.chan RPS2 $+ , you now hold the title for the most Rock Paper Scissors Games! 
  var %addwin $hget(RPS,%rps2 $+ win)
  inc %addwin 1
  hadd -m RPS %rps2 $+ win %addwin
  if ($hget(RPS,%rps2 $+ win) > $hget(rps,$hget(rps,winholder) $+ win)) {
    hadd RPS winholder %rps2
    msg %rps.chan %RPS2 $+ , you now hold the title for the most Rock Paper Scissors Wins! 
  var %addgames1 $hget(RPS,%rps1 $+ games)
  inc %addgames1 1
  hadd -m RPS %rps1 $+ games %addgames1
  if ($hget(RPS,%rps1 $+ games) > $hget(rps,$hget(rps,gamesholder) $+ games)) {
    hadd RPS gamesholder %rps1
    msg %rps.chan %RPS1 $+ , you now hold the title for the most Rock Paper Scissors Games! 
  var %addlose $hget(RPS,%rps1 $+ lose)
  inc %addlose 1
  hadd -m RPS %rps1 $+ lose %addlose
  if ($hget(RPS,%rps1 $+ lose) > $hget(rps,$hget(rps,loseholder) $+ lose)) {
    hadd RPS loseholder %rps1
    msg %rps.chan %RPS1 $+ , you now hold the title for the most Rock Paper Scissors loses! I'm not so sure if that's a good thing though.
  unset %rps*
#RPS end

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