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Filename: Magic 8 Ball
;------------8ball.txt start----------
Signs point to yes.
Reply hazy, try again.
Without a doubt.
My sources say no.
As I see it, yes.
You may rely on it.
Concentrate and ask again.
Outlook not so good.
It is decidedly so.
Better not tell you now.
Very doubtful.
Yes - definitely.
It is certain.
Cannot predict now.
Most likely.
Ask again later.
My reply is no.
Outlook good.
Don't count on it. 
;-------------8ball.txt end-----------

on *:text:!8ball*:#: {
  .describe $chan shakes the 8 ball!
  .timer 1 2 msg $chan The answer is...    
  var %ds = $read(8ball.txt)
  .timer 1 3 msg $chan $gettok(%ds,1,20) 

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