
Downloading File

Filename: $chr(#) search Dialog II
menu channel { 
  ASC2:dialog $iif($dialog(ASC2), -va, -m) ASC2 ASC2
dialog ASC2 {
  title "$chr(#) lookup II"
  size -1 -1 160 185
  edit "" 1, 5 5 85 20, autohs
  edit "" 2, 5 30 150 125, multi read vsbar
  button "Look Up", 3, 95 5 60 20
  button "Clear", 4, 5 160 65 20
  button "Send Clipboard", 5, 75 160 80 20
on *:dialog:ASC2:*:*: {
  if ($devent == init) { did -b $dname 3-5 }
  if ($devent == edit) { if ($len($did(1).text) >= 1) { did -e $dname 3 }  }
  if ($devent == sclick) { 
    if ($did == 3) { did -r $dname 2 | did -e $dname 4,5 | $asc2($did(1).text) } 
    if ($did == 4) { did -r $dname 1,2 | did -b $dname 3-5 }
    if ($did == 5) { clipboard $didtok(ASC2,2,32) }
alias asc2 { 
  var %a $did(1).text, %b $len($did(1).text), %c 1 
  while (%c <= %b) { 
    didtok ASC2 2 32 $+(%t,$chr(32),$,$+(chr,$chr(40),$asc($mid(%a,%c,1)),$chr(41)))
    inc %c
  did -o ASC2 2 $len($did(ASC2,1).text) $+($,chr,$chr(40),$asc($right($did(ASC2,1).text,1)),$chr(41))

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by SoFarxAway777

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