
Downloading File

Filename: Source Viewer Dialog
By BrAndo| [swiftirc/quakenet]
Note: You can either put the full link under 'Host:' or seperate it your self.
dialog -l source {
  title "Source viewer or whatever you want to call it idk what it is really"
  size -1 -1 357 205
  option dbu
  combo 1, 4 3 160 10, drop
  text "Host:", 3, 4 15 17 8
  edit "", 4, 4 24 160 10, autohs
  text "Page:", 5, 4 34 17 8
  edit "", 6, 4 43 160 10, autohs
  edit "0", 8, 112 65 12 10, disable limit 1 center
  text "times", 9, 126 66 16 8
  button "&View Page", 10, 4 90 45 12
  button "&Save URL", 11, 60 90 45 12
  button "&Remove URL", 12, 115 90 45 12
  text "HTTP Version:", 13, 4 55 37 8
  edit "HTTP/1.0", 14, 45 54 35 10
  check "Show Headers", 15, 4 65 48 10
  check "Show lines longer than", 16, 4 77 65 10
  text "Status:", 2, 4 106 19 8
  edit "", 18, 4 116 160 10, read autohs right
  text "View line:", 19, 4 129 25 8
  edit "", 20, 4 139 160 11, read autohs
  button "&Clipboard Line", 21, 4 154 45 12
  check "Strip HTML", 22, 55 155 45 10
  text "Line number:", 23, 4 172 35 8
  text "", 24, 47 172 35 8
  text "Line length:", 25, 4 187 33 8
  text "", 26, 47 187 35 8
  text "Total lines:", 27, 60 106 30 8, right
  text "", 28, 94 106 69 8
  list 29, 166 2 190 190, size
  edit "", 30, 215 193 140 10, autohs
  button "&Find in Page", 31, 167 193 34 10
  text "Search Type:", 32, 109 154 36 8
  radio "Normal", 33, 109 165 53 10
  radio "Wildcard", 34, 109 177 50 10
  radio "Regex", 35, 109 189 41 10
  button ">", 36, 203 193 10 10
  icon 37, 30 104 10 9, source\ready.png, 0
  edit "", 39, 69 77 23 10, disable center
  text "in own window", 40, 94 78 38 8
  check "SSL", 38, 134 54 21 10
  button "", 41, 153 19 10 4
  button "", 42, 153 38 10 4
  check "Evaluate text", 7, 69 65 43 10
  text "Port:", 17, 85 55 15 8
  edit "80", 43, 104 54 23 10
menu status,menubar {
  Source View:{ source }
on *:start:{ hmake source | hload source source\source.dat }
on *:exit:{ hsave source source\source.dat }
alias source { 
  var %sw = $iif(-?* iswm $1,$1,-m)
  if (!$isdir(source)) {
    if ($show) echo 7 -gta This is your first time running this script. Please wait while the icons are downloaded.
    mkdir source
    hmake source
    tokenize 32 $&
    dload $*
    .timerdl 0 0 if (!$sock(dload.*,0)) dialog %sw source source
  else dialog %sw source source 
alias -l dload {
  noop $regex($1,/(complete|connecting|error|ready)/i)
  var %host = $gettok($1,1,47), %page = / $+ $gettok($1,2-,47)
  sockopen dload. $+ $regml(1) %host 80
  sockmark dload. $+ $regml(1) %host %page
alias -l wind {
  if (!$window(@longlines)) window -bk0 @longlines
  did -a source 29 <Long line>
  echo @longlines $chr(2) $+ Line Number: $1 $chr(149) Line Length: $len($2-)
  echo @longlines $2-
alias -l html { return $regsubex($1-,/^[^<]*>|<[^>]*>|<[^>]*$/g,) }
on *:sockopen:dload.*:{
  tokenize 32 $sock($sockname).mark
  sockwrite -n $sockname GET $2 HTTP/1.0
  sockwrite $sockname Host: $1 $+ $str($crlf,2)
on *:sockread:dload.*:{
  tokenize 32 $sock($sockname).mark
  if ($0 == 2) {
    var %a = 1
    while (%a) {
      if ($regex(%a,/Content-Length: (\d+)/i)) sockmark $sockname $1- $regml(1)
      sockread %a
  var %fn = source\ $+ $gettok($sockname,2,46) $+ .png
  while ($sockbr) {
    sockread &a
    bwrite %fn -1 -1 &a
  if ($file(%fn).size >= $3) sockclose $sockname
on *:dialog:source:init:*:{
  .timerdl off
  var %a = 1
  while ($hfind(source,fav*,%a,w)) {
    did -a $dname 1 $remove($hget(source,$v1),$chr(32))
    inc %a
  did -a $dname 4 $hget(source,host)
  did -a $dname 6 $hget(source,page)
  did -c $dname 15,17,33
on *:dialog:source:close:*:{ unset %match* }
on *:dialog:source:sclick:10:{
  if ($did(4)) {
    if ($did(16).state && $did(39) !isnum) {
      var %n = 1
      goto err
    if ($did(6)) var %host = $did(4), %page = $did(6)
    else var %host = $gettok($did(4),1,47), %page = / $+ $gettok($did(4),2-,47)
    var %port = $gettok(%host,2,58), %host = $regsubex(%host,/^https?:\/\//i,)
    if (https* iswm $did(4)) did -c $dname 38
    did -r source 28,29
    did -ra $dname 4 %host
    did -ra $dname 6 %page
    tokenize 149 $+(host %host,�,page %page,�,lines 0�headers 0)
    hadd source $*
    sockclose source
    if ($did(16).state) close -@ @longlines
    if ($did(8) == $null) did -a $dname 8 0
    if ($did(14) == $null) did -a $dname 14 HTTP/1.0
    var %e = $iif($did(8).enabled,$did(8),0) + 1, %host = $(%host,%e), %page = $(%page,%e), %ssl = $did(38).state
    if (%ssl && $sslready) {
      did -ra $dname 43 $iif(%port,$v1,443)
      sockopen -e source %host $did(43)
    elseif (%ssl) goto err
    else {
      did -ra $dname 43 $iif(%port,$v1,80)
      sockopen source %host $did(43)    
    sockmark source %host %page
    did -ra source 18 Connecting to site...
    did -g source 37 source\connecting.png
  else {
    did -ra source 18 $iif(%n,Specify a line length.,$iif(%ssl,You do not have SSL support.,Invalid URL.))
on *:sockopen:source:{
  if ($sockerr) {
    did -ra source 18 Socket Error (connecting to site): $v1
    did -g source 37 source\error.png
    sockclose $sockname 
  else {
    did -ra source 18 Connection Successful...
    tokenize 32 $sock($sockname).mark
    sockwrite -nt $sockname GET $2 $did(source,14)
    sockwrite -t $sockname Host: $1 $+ $str($crlf,2)
    if (!$did(source,15).state) sockmark $sockname 0
on *:sockread:source:{
  if ($sockerr) {
    did -ra source 18 Socket Error (reading buffer): $v1
    did -g source 37 source\error.png
    sockclose $sockname
  else {
    did -ra source 18 Reading buffer...
    if (!$did(source,15).state && !$sock($sockname).mark) {
      var %a = 1
      while (%a) {
        sockread %a
        hinc source headers
        hinc source lines
      sockmark $sockname 1
    var %a
    sockread %a
    hinc source lines
    if (%a != $null) {
      if ($did(source,16).state && $len(%a) >= $did(source,39)) wind $hget(source,lines) %a
      else did -a source 29 %a
on *:sockclose:source:{
  did -ra source 18 Bytes sent: $bytes($sock($sockname).sent,b) Bytes received: $bytes($sock($sockname).rcvd,b)
  did -ra source 28 $bytes($hget(source,lines),b) $str($chr(160),3) $iif(!$did(source,15).state,$chr(40) $+ Headers: $hget(source,headers) $+ $chr(41))
  did -g source 37 source\Complete.png
on *:dialog:source:sclick:*:{
  if ($did == 1) {
    did -ra $dname 4 $gettok($did(1),1,47)
    did -ra $dname 6 / $+ $gettok($did(1),2-,47)
  elseif ($did == 7) did $iif($did(7).state,-e,-b) $dname 8
  elseif ($did == 11) {
    if ($did(4)) {
      if ($did(6)) var %host = $regsubex($did(4),/^https?:\/\//i,), %page = $did(6)
      else var %host = $gettok($did(4),1,47), %page = / $+ $gettok($did(4),2-,47)
      %host = $regsubex(%host,/^https?:\/\//i,)
      did -ra $dname 4 %host
      did -ra $dname 6 %page
      var %a = 1
      while ($hfind(source,fav*,%a,w)) {
        if ($hget(source,$v1) == $did(4) $did(6)) goto err
        inc %a
      hadd source fav $+ %a %host %page
      did -ra $dname 18 Saved URL.
      did -ac $dname 1 %host $+ %page
    else {
      did -ra $dname 18 $iif($did(4),URL is already saved.,Invalid URL.)
  elseif ($did == 12) {
    var %a = 1
    while ($hfind(source,fav*,%a,w)) {
      if ($remove($hget(source,$v1),$chr(32)) == $did(1)) break
      inc %a
    if ($hfind(source,fav*,%a,w)) {
      did -d $dname 1 $did(1).sel
      did -ra $dname 18 URL removed.
      hdel source $v1
    else did -ra $dname 18 URL not saved.
  elseif ($did == 16) {
    if ($did(16).state) did -e $dname 39
    else did -b $dname 39  
  elseif ($did == 21 && $did(20) != $null) clipboard $did(20)
  elseif ($did == 22) { 
    var %i = $iif($did(29).seltext,$v1,$did(20))
    goto html
  elseif ($did == 29 && $did(29).seltext) {
    did -ra $dname 24 $did(29).sel
    var %i = $v1
    %i = $iif($did(22).state,$html(%i),$remove(%i,$chr(9)))
    did -ra $dname 26 $len(%i)
    did -ra $dname 20 %i
  elseif ($did == 31 && $did(30) != $null) {
    did -ra $dname 18 Searching...
    unset %match*
    var %a = 1, %b = 0
    while (%a <= $did(29).lines) {
      var %m
      if ($did(33).state && $did(30) isin $did(29,%a)) { %m = 1 }
      elseif ($did(34).state && $did(30) iswm $did(29,%a)) { %m = 1 }
      elseif ($did(35).state && $regex($did(29,%a),$did(30))) { %m = 1 }
      if (%m) {
        inc %b
        %match [ $+ [ %b ] ] = %a
      inc %a
    if (%b) {
      did -c $dname 29 %match1
      %a = $remove($did(29).seltext,$chr(9))
      if ($did(22).state) %a = $html(%a)
      did -ra $dname 20 %a
      did -ra $dname 24 $did(29).sel
      did -ra $dname 26 $len(%a)
    did -ra $dname 18 Found %b lines. $iif(%b,Viewing line 1 of %b)
  elseif ($did == 36 && $var(match*,0)) {
    var %a = 1
    while (%match [ $+ [ %a ] ]) {
      if ($v1 == $did(29).sel) break
      inc %a
    inc %a
    %a = $iif(%match [ $+ [ %a ] ],%a,1)
    did -ra $dname 18 $regsubex($did(18),/\d+ of/i,%a of)
    did -c $dname 29 %match [ $+ [ %a ] ]
    %a = $did(29).seltext
    if ($did(22).state) %a = $html(%a)
    did -ra $dname 20 %a
    did -ra $dname 24 $did(29).sel
    did -ra $dname 26 $len(%a)
  elseif ($did == 41) did -r $dname 4
  elseif ($did == 42) did -r $dname 6

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