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Filename: Safe Eval v1.2
; safe_eval 1.2
; myndzi  8/7/2008

; parse a mirc command line recursively, de-obfuscating without evaluating identifiers
; essentially, i escape everything and then selectively unescape some things, evaluate
; and repeat as necessary.
; remember to use a *single* slash when calling it as an alias:
; /safe_eval <dangerous code>
; or else call it like so:
; //safe_eval $cb
; after copying the code to your clipboard, otherwise you might get caught by pipes
; in the command.
; if you don't understand regular expressions yet, you may want to check out a different
; snippet.

;dangerous commands:
;scid          - double eval / obfuscated pipe
;scon          - double eval / obfuscated pipe
;timer         - double eval / obfuscated pipe
;flash         - double eval / obfuscated pipe [only if mirc is inactive]

;|             - command separator (multiple commands to mirc)
;}             - pipe synonym

;$findfile     - evaluation -> command
;$finddir      - evaluation -> command

;$() $eval()   - evaluation control
;$evalnext()   - evaluation control
;[ ]           - evaluation control

;$decode       - obfuscation
;$base         - obfuscation
;$chr          - obfuscation
;$left         - obfuscation
;$mid          - obfuscation
;$right        - obfuscation
;$+() $+       - obfuscation

;$crlf $cr $lf - newline (multiple commands to server)

;#$identifier  - will still evaluate
;=$identifier  - this too

alias safe_eval {
  var %t = $1-, %i, %j, %re, %pre, %suf

  ; thanks to Remy for finding the vulnerability this fixes
  var %re = /^(.*?)([^()]*(\((?2)\)|\([^()]*\))[^()]*)(.*)$/
  noop $regex(se, %t, %re)
  %t = $regml(se, 2)

  ; remove leading /'s
  if ($regex(%t, /^\/+(.*)/)) %t = $regml(1)

  ; for easier regexing -> force spaces before and after the real data
  %t = . %t .

  ; keep evaluating obfuscation identifiers until there are none left in the string
  %re = /\$(decode|chr|base|left|mid|right|regsubex|remove|replace|\+)/i

  while ($regex(%t, %re)) && ($safe_eval2(%t) != %t) %t = $ifmatch

  ; remove the surrounding periods
  %t = $mid(%t, 2, -1)

  %t = $regml(se, 1) $+ %t $+ $regml(se, 4)

  ; done
  if ($isid) return %t
  else echo -a * /safe_eval: %t

; this processes brackets in the correct order
alias -l safe_eval2 {
  var %re = /(\x20\[(\x20[^\[]*?\x20)\]\x20)/, %t = $1

  ; evaluate brackets
  while ($regex(se2, %t, %re)) { %t = $put(%t, $mid($safe_eval3(. $regml(se2, 2) .), 2, -1), $regml(se2, 1).pos, $len($regml(se2, 1))) }

  ; evaluate the entire line once
  %t = $safe_eval3(%t)

  return %t

; this part does the actual evaluating
alias -l safe_eval3 {
  var %t = $1, %%, %re

  ; put spaces after left parenthesis and commas
  %re = /(\(|,)/g
  %% = $regsub(%t, %re, $+(\1, $chr(32)), %t)

  ; put spaces before right parenthesis and commas
  %re = /(\)|,)/g
  %% = $regsub(%t, %re, $+($chr(32), \1), %t)

  ; escape all identifiers
  ; thanks Saturn    vvvv
  %re = /(?<=\x20)(?:\x23|\x3D)?\$(?!\x20)/g
  %% = $regsub(%t, %re, \$!, %t)

  ; escape all variables
  %re = /(?<=\x20)(\x25)([^\x20]+)/g
  %% = $regsub(%t, %re, \1 \$+ \2, %t)

  ; escape all flow symbols
  %re = /(\{|\||\})/g
  %% = $regsub(%t, %re, \\\1, %t)

  ; unescape selected identifiers
  %re = /(?<=\x20)(\$)!((?:decode|base|chr|left|mid|right|regsubex|remove|replace|\+)\(|(?:\+|null)(?=\x20))/gi
  %% = $regsub(%t, %re, \1\2, %t)

  ; evaluate one step

  %t = $eval(%t, 2)

  ; unescape all flow symbols
  %re = /\\(\{|\||\})/g
  %% = $regsub(%t, %re, \1, %t)

  ; convert crs and lfs embedded in encoded data into mircscript
  %t = $replace(%t, $crlf, $+($chr(32), $!crlf, $chr(32)), $cr, $+($chr(32), $!cr, $chr(32)), $lf, $+($chr(32), $!lf, $chr(32)))
  return %t

;$put(var, text, start, len)
;replaces len chars of var from start with text
alias -l put {
  var %t = $1, %r
  return $+(  $left(%t, $calc($3 - 1)), $2, $mid(%t, $calc($3 + $4))  )

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