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Filename: Simple !vote snippet
; !vote 
;example !vote Do you like this snippet?
;Shows results of the vote
;Clears vote results so a new vote can start

on *:text:*:#:{
  if ($strip($1) == !vote && $nick(#,$nick,oh)) {
    if (!%vote.on && $2-) {
      set %vote.on on
      set %vote.quset $2-
      msg $chan $nick Has Asked The Question: %vote.quset
      msg $chan Type !yes to Vote yes Or Type !no to Vote no.
    else { .notice $nick Sorry there is a Vote going on Now or You didnt add a question to Vote on. }
  if ($istok(!yes !no,$strip($1),32)) {
    if (%vote.on && !$($+(%,vote,.,nick,$nick),2)) {
      $iif($strip($1) == !yes,inc %vote.yes 1,inc 1)
      set $+(%,vote,.,nick,$nick) yes
      .notice $nick $iif($strip($1) == !yes,You Have Voted Yes.,You Have Voted No.)
    else { .notice $nick There is either no Vote or you already have casted ur Vote. }
  if ($strip($1) == !results && $nick(#,$nick,oh)) {
    if (%vote.on) {
      msg $chan The Results of the Vote Question: %vote.quset are.
      msg $chan Yes: $iif(!%vote.yes,0,%vote.yes) Vote's No: $iif(!,0, Vote's
    else { .notice $nick There Is No Vote Goin on. }
  if ($strip($1) == !clearvote && $nick(#,$nick,oh)) {
    if (%vote.on) {
      unset %vote.*
      .notice $nick Results and vote have been cleared
    else { .notice $nick There is no vote or results to clear }

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