Downloading File
Filename: Script Backup
alias script.backup { set %Directory $sdir(C,Please locate your scripts folder) var %x = 1 .dialog -md Backup.Dialog Backup.Dialog while ( $findfile(%Directory,.mrc,%x) != $null ) { .did -a Backup.Dialog 1 $nopath($findfile(%Directory,.mrc,%x)) .inc %x } } menu menubar,channel,status { Backup Scripts{ script.backup } } dialog Backup.Dialog { title mIRC Script Backup size -1 -1 167 247 option pixels list 1, 7 7 154 171, size text These files will be backed up if you wish to continue., 2, 20 181 128 30 button OK, 3, 25 217 55 25, ok button Cancel, 4, 86 217 55 25, cancel } on dialogBackup.Dialogsclick4{ .unset %Directory } on dialogBackup.Dialogsclick3{ var %Script.Backup = $input(Are you sure you wish to backup these files $crlf $crlf $chr(40) $+ Note All existing files will be overwritten. $+ $chr(41) $crlf,40,Confirmation) if (%Script.Backup = $yes) { if ($exists($mircdirBackups) == $false) { .mkdir Backups } .write $($+(,$mircdirBackupsBackupLog.txt,)) $crlf $crlf $chr(91) $+ Script Backup For $asctime(dddd $+ $chr(44) mmmm d $+ $chr(44) yyyy) $+ . $chr(124) $asctime(hnnss TT) $+ $chr(93) } .echo -s 12 Now backing up your scripts... var %Dir = %Directory .unset %Directory var %x = 1 while ( $findfile(%Dir,.mrc,%x) != $null ) { .write $($+(,$mircdirBackupsBackupLog.txt,)) Backed up $nopath($findfile(%Dir,.mrc,%x)) $+ . ( $+ $findfile(%Dir,.mrc,%x) $+ ) .copy -o $($+(,$findfile(%Dir,.mrc,%x),)) $($+(,$mircdirBackups $+ $nopath($findfile(%Dir,.mrc,%x)),)) .echo -s 3 $findfile(%Dir,.mrc,%x) has been backed up successfully! .inc %x else { .echo -s 4 An unexpected error occurred while backing up $findfile(%Dir,.mrc,%x) $+ ! .write $($+(,$mircdirBackupsBackupLog.txt,)) Could not copy $nopath($findfile(%Dir,.mrc,%x)) $+ . ( $+ $findfile(%Dir,.mrc,%x) $+ ) } } .echo -s 7 All your scripts have been backed up! }