
Downloading File

Filename: Auto Lag Check (ToolBar)
;;���Auto Lag Checking ''ON'' Events Start���

on *:Load: {  
  echo -a 14,1This Is A Script0rs Inc. Production 0,1 $+ $chr(139) $+ $chr(153) $+ $chr(155) 
  echo -a 14,1(14,1�15,1�0,1�0,1� $+($chr(171),$chr(164),$chr(88),$chr(167),$chr(199),$chr(174),$chr(238),$chr(254),$chr(116),$chr(48),$chr(174),$chr(167),$chr(88),$chr(164),$chr(187)) �0,1�15,1�14,1�) 0,1 $+ $chr(96) $+  $chr(45) $+ $chr(46) $+ $chr(45) $+ $chr(180) 
  noop $input( $+ $me Note this code uses your mIRC toolbar inorder to display the lag data.If you do NOT want your toolbar edited by this code play delete it or unload it.,w,Lag Checking �� $me Lag Checking Attention!))  
on *:Disconnect: { unset %_Lag_SS %_Lag_CC %_Current_Lag %_Highest_Lag %_Lowest_Lag | .timer_Lag off | background -xl | .disable #_Lag_Check | _Lag_Load }
on *:Exit: { unset %_Lag_SS %_Lag_CC %_Current_Lag %_Highest_Lag %_Lowest_Lag | .timer_Lag off | background -xl | .disable #_Lag_Check | _Lag_Load }
on *:Start: { unset %_Lag_SS %_Lag_CC %_Current_Lag %_Highest_Lag %_Lowest_Lag | .timer_Lag off | background -xl | .disable #_Lag_Check | _Lag_Load }
on *:Unload: { unset %_Lag_SS %_Lag_CC %_Current_Lag %_Highest_Lag %_Lowest_Lag | .timer_Lag off | background -xl | .disable #_Lag_Check | _Lag_Load }
alias _Lag_Load {
  if (!%_Lag_Theme1) { set %_Lag_Theme1 14 } 
  if (!%_Lag_Theme2) { set %_Lag_Theme2 15 }
  if (!%_Lag_Theme3) { set %_Lag_Theme3 14 }

;;���Auto Lag Checking ''ON'' Events End���
;;���Auto Lag Checking Popup Events Start���

menu * {
  Auto Lag Checker: 
  .$iif(%_Lag_CC,$style(2),$style(0)) Start Lag Checking:/.timer_Lag -m 0 500 _Lag_1 |  set %_Lag_SS On | background -xl
  .$iif(%_Lag_CC,$style(0),$style(2)) Stop Lag Checking:/.timer_Lag off | background -xl |  .disable #_Lag_Check | unset %_Current_Lag %_Highest_Lag %_Lowest_Lag %_Lag_CC | noop $input( $+ $me Lag Checking Stopped.Remember you can customize your colors by hovering over the ''Customize lag checking theme'' option.,0iqwh,Lag Checking �� $me Lag Checking Stoped!)) 
  .$iif(%_Lag_CC,$style(0),$style(2)) Customize Lag Checking Theme Colors:
  ..Background Colors:
  ...White:/set %_Lag_Theme3 0
  ...Black:/set %_Lag_Theme3 1
  ...Dark Blue:/set %_Lag_Theme3 2
  ...Dark Green:/set %_Lag_Theme3 3
  ...Red:/set %_Lag_Theme3 4
  ...Dark Red:/set %_Lag_Theme3 5
  ...Purple:/set %_Lag_Theme3 6
  ...Orange:/set %_Lag_Theme3 7
  ...Yellow:/set %_Lag_Theme3 8
  ...Light Green:/set %_Lag_Theme3 9
  ...Cyan:/set %_Lag_Theme3 10
  ...Light Cyan:/set %_Lag_Theme3 11
  ...Light Blue:/set %_Lag_Theme3 12
  ...Pink:/set %_Lag_Theme3 13
  ...Grey:/set %_Lag_Theme3 14
  ...Light Grey:/set %_Lag_Theme3 15
  ..Boxes Colors:
  ...White:/set %_Lag_Theme1 0
  ...Black:/set %_Lag_Theme1 1
  ...Dark Blue:/set %_Lag_Theme1 2
  ...Dark Green:/set %_Lag_Theme1 3
  ...Red:/set %_Lag_Theme1 4
  ...Dark Red:/set %_Lag_Theme1 5
  ...Purple:/set %_Lag_Theme1 6
  ...Orange:/set %_Lag_Theme1 7
  ...Yellow:/set %_Lag_Theme1 8
  ...Light Green:/set %_Lag_Theme1 9
  ...Cyan:/set %_Lag_Theme1 10
  ...Light Cyan:/set %_Lag_Theme1 11
  ...Light Blue:/set %_Lag_Theme1 12
  ...Pink:/set %_Lag_Theme1 13
  ...Grey:/set %_Lag_Theme1 14
  ...Light Grey:/set %_Lag_Theme1 15
  ..Text Colors:
  ...White:/set %_Lag_Theme2 0
  ...Black:/set %_Lag_Theme2 1
  ...Dark Blue:/set %_Lag_Theme2 2
  ...Dark Green:/set %_Lag_Theme2 3
  ...Red:/set %_Lag_Theme2 4
  ...Dark Red:/set %_Lag_Theme2 5
  ...Purple:/set %_Lag_Theme2 6
  ...Orange:/set %_Lag_Theme2 7
  ...Yellow:/set %_Lag_Theme2 8
  ...Light Green:/set %_Lag_Theme2 9
  ...Cyan:/set %_Lag_Theme2 10
  ...Light Cyan:/set %_Lag_Theme2 11
  ...Light Blue:/set %_Lag_Theme2 12
  ...Pink:/set %_Lag_Theme2 13
  ...Grey:/set %_Lag_Theme2 14
  ...Light Grey:/set %_Lag_Theme2 15

;;���Auto Lag Checking Popup Events End���
;;���Auto Lag Checking Aliases Events Start���

alias _Lag_1 { 
  if (!$server) { noop $input( $+ $me Lag checking can NOT start while you are disconnected.Please connect to a server.,w,Lag Checking �� $me Lag Checking Can NOT Be Started!)) | .timer_Lag off | halt }
  if (%_Lag_SS) { noop $input( $+ $me Lag checking started.Remeber you can customize your colors by hovering over the ''Customize lag checking theme'' option.,i,Lag Checking �� $me Lag Checking Started!)) | Unset %_Lag_SS  }
  inc %_Lag_CC
  .enable #_Lag_Check  
  .raw ping $ticks


alias _Lag_3 {
  clear @_Lag
  window -hp +b @_Lag 1 300 1100 90
  .drawfill  @_Lag %_Lag_Theme3 10 815 8 
  .drawrect  @_Lag %_Lag_Theme1 1 695 4 115 20 
  .drawrect  @_Lag %_Lag_Theme1 1 811 4 80 20 
  .drawrect  @_Lag %_Lag_Theme1 1 892 4 80 20 
  .drawtext  @_Lag %_Lag_Theme2 .Dialog 13 590 5 Auto Lag Check�
  .drawtext  @_Lag %_Lag_Theme2 .Dialog 10 699 7 Current Lag: %_Current_Lag 
  .drawtext  @_Lag %_Lag_Theme2 .Dialog 10 815 7 High: %_Highest_Lag 
  .drawtext  @_Lag %_Lag_Theme2 .Dialog 10 896 7 Low: %_Lowest_Lag 
  .drawsave @_Lag _Lag.bmp
  .background -lfnrtp  _Lag.bmp

;;���Auto Lag Checking Aliases Events End���
;;���Auto Lag Checking Raw Event Start���

#_Lag_Check on

on ^*:PONG:{ 
  if (%_Lag_CC >= 3) {
    set %_Current_Lag $calc(($ticks - $2) / 1000)
    if (!%_Highest_Lag) { set %_Highest_Lag %_Current_Lag }
    if (!%_Lowest_Lag) { set %_Lowest_Lag %_Current_Lag }
    if (%_Current_Lag > %_Highest_Lag) { set %_Highest_Lag %_Current_Lag }
    if (%_Current_Lag < %_Lowest_Lag) { set %_Lowest_Lag %_Current_Lag }

#_Lag_Check end

;;���Auto Lag Checking Raw Event End���

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