
Downloading File

Filename: Groups Control Dialog
menu channel,status {
  [Groups]: dialog $iif($dialog(groups), -v, -m) groups groups
dialog groups {
  title Groups Control
  size -1 -1 150 40
  text "Groups", 3, 5 40 130 30, center
  list 1, 5 60 140 130, vsbar 
  button "Expand", 2, 5 7 140 25
  edit "", 4, 5 174 75 22, autohs center read
  button "On" 5, 85 172 30 25
  button "Off" 6, 115 172 30 25
on *:dialog:groups:*:*: {
  if ($devent == init) {
    dialog -s $dname 791 2 150 40
    did -b $dname 5,6
  if ($devent == sclick) { 
    if ($did == 1) { 
      did -ra $dname 4 $did(1).seltext 
      if ($group($did(1).seltext).status == on) { did -e $dname 6 | did -b $dname 5 } 
      if ($group($did(1).seltext).status == off) { did -b $dname 6 | did -e $dname 5 }
    if ($did == 2) { 
      did -ra $dname 3 Groups ( $+ $did(1).lines $+ )
      if ($dialog(groups).h == 72) { did -r $dname 1 | grps }
      $iif($dialog(groups).h == 72, dialog -s $dname 791 2 150 200, dialog -s $dname 791 2 150 40) 
      $iif($dialog(groups).h != 72, did -ra $dname 2 Shrink, did -ra $dname 2 Expand) 
      if ($dialog(groups).h != 72) { did -b $dname 5,6 | did -r $dname 4 | did -u $dname 1 }
      if ($dialog(group2)) { dialog -x group2 | unset %grp | $iif($exists(timers.txt), .remove timers.txt) }
      if ($did(2).text == Shrink) { tmrs }
      if ($did(2).text == Expand) { if ($dialog(group2)) { dialog -x group2 } | unset %grp | $iif($exists(timers.txt), .remove timers.txt) }
    if ($did == 5) { .enable $did(1).seltext | did -b $dname 5 | did -e $dname 6 }
    if ($did == 6) { .disable $did(1).seltext | did -b $dname 6 | did -e $dname 5 }
alias grps {
  var %t 1
  while (%t <= $group(0)) {
    set %groups $sorttok($addtok(%groups,$group(%t),32),32,a)
    inc %t
  didtok groups 1 32 %groups
  unset %groups
dialog group2 {
  title Groups Control 2
  size -1 -1 200 240
  list 1, 5 25 190 90, check
  list 2, 5 130 190 90, check
  text "Variables", 3, 5 5 190 15, center
  text "Timers", 4, 5 113 190 15, center
  button "Del Vars", 5, 5 217 85 20
  button "Del Timers", 6, 110 217 85 20
on *:dialog:group2:*:*: {
  if ($devent == init) { did -b $dname 5,6 }
  if ($devent == close) { unset %grp | $iif($exists(timers.txt), .remove timers.txt) }
  if ($devent == sclick) { 
    if ($did == 1) { 
      if ($did(1).seltext) { did -e $dname 5 }
      if ($did(1).csel = 0) { did -b $dname 5 | did -uk $dname 1 | unset %grp }
      if ($did(1).sel >= 1) {
        if ($did(group2,1,$did(group2,1).sel).cstate == 1) { set %grp $addtok(%grp,$did(1).seltext,32) }
        if ($did(group2,1,$did(group2,1).sel).cstate == 0) { set %grp $remtok(%grp,$did(1).seltext,32) }
    if ($did == 2) { 
      if ($did(2).seltext) { did -e $dname 6 }
      if ($did(2).csel = 0) { did -b $dname 6 | did -uk $dname 2 | .remove timers.txt }
      if ($did(2).sel >= 1) {
        if ($did(group2,2,$did(group2,2).sel).cstate == 1) { $iif($did(2).seltext !isin $read(timers.txt), write timers.txt $did(2).seltext) }
        if ($did(group2,2,$did(group2,2).sel).cstate == 0) { write -ds $+ $did(2).seltext timers.txt }
    if ($did == 5) {
      if (%grp != $null) {
        tokenize 32 %grp
        unset $1-
        unset %grp
        dialog -x group2
      if (%grp == $null) { did -b $dname 5 }
    if ($did == 6) { 
      var %t = 1
      while (%t <= $read(timers.txt)) { 
        .timer $+ $read(timers.txt,%t) off
        $iif(%t = $lines(timers.txt), goto next, inc %t )
      .remove timers.txt
      dialog -x group2
alias tmrs { 
  dialog $iif($dialog(group2), -v, -m) group2 group2
  did -r group2 1,2  
  var %i 1
  while (%i <= $var(%*,0)) {
    did -i group2 1 %i $var(%*,%i)
    inc %i
  var %t 1 
  while (%t <= $timer(0)) {
    did -i group2 2 %t $timer(%t) 
    inc %t 

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