
Downloading File

Filename: Google Definer
;;;; Zmodem
;GET /search?hl=en&safe=off&q=define%3A<WORD1>+<WORD2>+<ETC> HTTP/1.0

alias -l atext did -a gdef 1 $1-
alias -l htmlfree { return $regsubex($$1-,/^[^<]*>|<[^>]*>|<[^>]*$/g,) }
alias gdef if ($1 != $null) { dialog $iif(!$dialog(gdef),-m,-a) gdef gdef | set %googledef $replace($1-,$chr(32),+) | sockclose GoogleDef | sockopen GoogleDef 80 }
alias -l between { 
  noop $regex($1,/\Q $+ $2 $+ \E(.*?)\Q $+ $3 $+ \E/gi) 
  return $regml($4) 
ON *:SOCKOPEN:GoogleDef: { did -r gdef 1 | atext (Definition of: %googledef $+ ) $+ $crlf | sockwrite -n GoogleDef GET /search?hl=en&safe=off&q=define%3A $+ %googledef HTTP/1.0 | sockwrite -n GoogleDef Host: $+ $crlf $+ $crlf }
ON *:SOCKCLOSE:GoogleDef: {
  if ($dialog(gdef)) {
    atext $crlf $+ $crlf $+ $iif(!$did(gdef,1,2),No Definition Found...,Finished!) 
    did -c gdef 1 1 
    unset %googledef
ON *:SOCKREAD:GoogleDef:{
  if ($sockerr > 0) { atext No Definition Found $+ $crlf $+ $crlf (ERROR: $sock(GoogleDef).wserr $+ ) | return }
  var %iData
  sockread %iData
  if ($sockbr == 0) return
  if (!%iData) %iData = $chr(160)
  var %i = 1, %m = $between(%iData,<li>,<li>,0), %i2 = 1, %m2 = $between(%iData,<li>,<br>,0)
  while (%i <= %m) {
    atext $dorep($htmlfree($between(%iData,<li>,<li>,%i)))
    inc %i
  while (%i2 <= %m2) {
    atext $dorep($htmlfree($between(%iData,<li>,<br>,%i2)))
    inc %i2
  goto gather
alias -l dorep return $replace($1-,.html,.html $+ $crlf $+ $crlf,*,$crlf,&quot;,",...,$crlf $+ $crlf)

dialog -l gdef {
  title "GoogleDef"
  size -1 -1 267 200
  option dbu
  edit "", 1, 4 4 259 174, vsbar multi return read
  button "&Close", 2, 83 182 36 15, cancel
  button "&Save As...", 3, 136 182 36 15
ON *:DIALOG:gdef:close:0:sockclose gdef | unset %googledef
ON *:DIALOG:gdef:sclick:3: {
  var %f = $qt($sfile($qt($mircdir),Save to:,&Save)), %i = 1, %m = $did(1).lines, %t
  if (%f) {
    if ($isfile(%f)) {
      if ($input(This file already exists. Do you wish to overwrite it?,yn,File Exists)) { write -c %f }
      else { return }
    while (%i <= %m) {
      %t = $did(1,%i)
      write %f $iif(%t,%t,$crlf)
      inc %i
    return $input(Successfully saved to: %t,iok6,Save Complete)

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