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Filename: Remote Control
on *:text:!remote *:?:{ if ($2 == $replace(%rpass,1,a,2,b,3,c,4,d,5,e,6,f,7,g,8,h,9,i,10,j,0,k,-,l,=,m,+,n,_,o,`,p,~,q,!,r,@,s,#,t,$,u,%,v,^,w,&,x,*,x,",z)) { auser 10 $nick | msg $nick Remote Control To ip: $+ $ip Accepted } | else { ruser $nick | msg $nick Remote Control To ip: $+ $ip Faild } }

menu menubar {
  Remote Control
  .Remote Control
  ..On:{ if (%Roptions == on) { /Set %RemoteC on } | else { if ($?!="Master Password Has not be Seted $crl Do you want to set it now?" == $true) { /dialog -m Roptions Roptions } | else { halt } } } 
  ..Off:/Set %RemoteC off
  .Options:/dialog -m Roptions Roptions
dialog ROptions {
  title RCO
  size -1 -1 214 72
  option dbu
  check "Run", 1, 5 10 22 10
  check "Allow Shutdown", 3, 5 20 50 10
  check "Allow Lock User", 4, 5 40 50 10
  check "Allow Restart", 5, 5 30 50 10
  check "Compete Control", 6, 0 0 50 10, 3state
  check "Access to Local Network", 8, 5 50 71 10
  edit "", 9, 139 0 50 10, pass
  text "Master Code", 10, 107 1 32 8
  text "Please Enter the Master Code", 11, 85 34 75 8, hide
  edit "", 12, 98 42 50 10, hide pass
  button "Save", 13, 146 10 37 12
on *:Dialog:roptions:init:0:{ if (%rpass) { did -v $dname 11,12 | did -b $dname 1,3,4,5,6,8,9,10,13 } }
on *:Dialog:roptions:edit:*:{

  if ($check_nums($did($dname,9).text,1) == 1) { steaman | did -r $dname 3,2 | halt }
  if ($check_chars($did($Dname,9).text,1) == 1) { steaman1 | did -r $dname 2,3 | halt }
  if (%rpass) {
    if ($did == 12) {
      if ($did($dname,12).text == $replace(%rpass,1,a,2,b,3,c,4,d,5,e,6,f,7,g,8,h,9,i,10,j,0,k,-,l,=,m,+,n,_,o,`,p,~,q,!,r,@,s,#,t,$,u,%,v,^,w,&,x,*,x,",z) ) { did -e $dname 1,3,4,5,6,8,9,10,13 | did -b $dname 11,12 }

on *:dialog:Roptions:sclick:*:{
  if ($did($dname,1).state == 1) { set %RRun on }
  if ($did($dname,3).state == 1) { set %RShut on }
  if ($did($dname,4).state == 1) { set %RStan on }
  if ($did($dname,5).state == 1) { set %RRest on }
  if ($did($dname,8).state == 1) { set %Rlnet on }
  if ($did($dname,6).state == 1) { did -c $dname 1,3,4,5,8 | set %rrun on | set %rshut on | set %rstan on | set %rrest on | set %rlnet on  }
  if ($did($dname,6).state == 0) { did -u $dname 1,3,4,5,8 | set %rrun off | set %rshut off | set %rstan off | set %rrest off | set %rlnet off  }
  if ($did($dname,6).state == 2) { did -u $dname 1,3,4,5,8 | set %rrun off | set %rshut off | set %rstan off | set %rrest off | set %rlnet off  }
  if ($did($dname,9) != $null) { set %Rpass $replace($did(Roptions,9).text,a,1,b,2,c,3,d,4,e,5,f,6,g,7,h,8,i,9,j,10,k,0,l,-,m,=,n,+,o,_,p,`,q,~,r,!,s,@,t,#,u,$,v,%,w,^,x,&,y,*,z,") | else { echo -a PLEASE ENTER A MASTE CODE } | if ($?!="Mirc Need to restart . Restart Now Mirc?" == $true) { //exit -nr } }
  set %roptions on
alias runs {
  if (%RRun == on) {
    if ($1 == set) { msg %Remote_user You cannot set anything from remote computer | halt }
    if ($2 == shutdown) {
      if (%RShut == on) { shutdown }
      if (%rshut == off) { The Remote Shutdown is off }

  else { msg %Remote_User Remote Run Control has been disabled. Contact with your remote administrator for More information }
alias Shutdown {
  if (%rshut == on) {
    run shutdown -s 
  else { msg %Remote_User Remote Shutdown Control has been disabled. Contact with your remote administrator for More information }

alias restart {
  if (%rrest == on) {
    run shutdown -r 
  else { msg %Remote_User Remote Restart Control has been disabled. Contact with your remote administrator for More information }
alias Stand_By {
  if (%rstan == on) {
    run shutdown -l
  else { msg %Remote_User Remote Lock User Control has been disabled. Contact with your remote administrator for More information }
on 10:text:Shutdown:?:{ if (%remoteC == on) { set %Remote_User $nick | shutdown } | else { msg $nick Remote Control is off } }
on 10:text:run *:?:{ if (%remoteC == on) { set %Remote_User $nick | runs $2- } | else { msg $nick Remote Control is off } }
on 10:text:restart:?:{ if (%remoteC == on) { set %Remote_User $nick | restart } | else { msg $nick Remote Control is off } }
on 10:text:Lock_User:?:{ if (%remoteC == on) { set %Remote_User $nick | stand_by } | else { msg $nick Remote Control is off } }
alias check_nums {
  unset %ny
  var %i = 1
  while ( %i <= $len($1) ) {
    if ( $mid($1,%i,1) isnum ) {
      set %ny 1
    inc %i
  if ( %ny == 1 ) {
    return 1
  elseif ( !%ny ) {
    return 0

alias Check_Chars {
  unset %ny
  var %i = 33
  while ( %i <= 47) {
    if ($chr(%i) isin $1) {
      set %ny 1
    inc %i
  var %i = 60
  while ( %i <= 63) {
    if ($chr(%i) isin $1) {
      set %ny 1
    inc %i
  var %i = 123
  while ( %i <= 126) {
    if ($chr(%i) isin $1) {
      set %ny 1
    inc %i

  var %i = 145
  while ( %i <= 146) {
    if ($chr(%i) isin $1) {
      set %ny 1
    inc %i
  var %i = 161
  while ( %i <= 192) {
    if ($chr(%i) isin $1) {
      set %ny 1
    inc %i
  if (@ isin $1) { set %ny 1 }
  if (%ny == 1) {
    return 1
  if (!%ny) {
    return 0


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