
Downloading File

Filename: !Ban & !Infoban
on *:connect:{
  var %x 1
  var %y $read(Baninfo.txt,0)
  while %x <= %y {
    hload -si $gettok($read(Baninfo.txt,%x),1,32) Baninfo.ini $gettok($read(Baninfo.txt,%x),1,32)
    inc %x

on *:text:!ban*:#:{
  if ($1- == !ban) { /notice $nick Say: !ban <Name> <Reason> | halt
  if $gettok($read(Baninfo.txt,w,$2),2,32) !== $null {
    .msg # That name has been banded.
  else {
    if ($nick isop $chan) || ($nick ishop $chan) {
    hmake $2
    hadd $2 user $2
    hadd $2 bannedby $nick
    hadd $2 reason $3-
    hadd $2 channel $chan
    hadd $2 issue $fulldate
    hsave -i $2 baninfo.ini $hget($2,user)
    write -l1 baninfo.txt $calc($read(baninfo.txt,-1) + 1)
    write baninfo.txt $2 $nick
    timer 1 1 .msg # 14 Created by 4 Purcell, 14 Modified by 4 Khmer 14
    timer 1 2 .msg # User:  $2  , Bannedby::  $nick  , Reason:  $3- 
    timer 1 4 /mode # +b $2
    timer 1 5 /notice $2 14 Say 4 !infoban 14 for see why ur bannnedby:
    timer 1 7 /kick # $2 $3-
  else { /notice $nick Your don't got @ or % ! | halt

on *:TEXT:!infoban:?:{
  if !$hget($nick) {
    .msg $nick Ur not banded! | halt
  else {
    msg $nick ----------Ban Information----------
    msg $nick [User: $+($hget($nick,user),])
    msg $nick [Channel: $+($hget($nick,channel),])
    msg $nick [Bannedby: $+($hget($nick,bannedby),])
    msg $nick [Reason: $+($hget($nick,reason),])
    msg $nick [Issue: $+($hget($nick,issue),])
    msg $nick ----------Ban Information----------

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