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Filename: !Time
;Simple Time Script by Ford_Lawnmower
;This is a simple script that gets the time from a weather site of all places
;Syntax !time city state - !time city country - !time zipcode - !time airport code
;There is also a alias /time city state . Works the same way.
;Questions comments, You can find me on Swift-IRC #Technical, WyldRyde #Script-Help, Abjects #Technical,#AtomReactor
;Mindforge #Technical, #USA, #Hollywood, #Emule-USA
alias time.timeout {
  if (%time.chan == echo) { echo -a Connection was timed out... We could not find your time... :( }
  else { .msg %time.chan Connection was timed out...:( }
alias time.notfound {
  if (%time.chan == echo) { echo -a time not found. Try being more descriptive ie !time london england }
  else { .msg $chan Time not found. Try being more descriptive. ie !time london england }
alias time.clear {
  set %time.inuse 0
  unset %time*
  sockclose time
  .timer-time off
alias time {
  if (%time.inuse == 1) { echo -a time in use. To reset the script type /time.clear | return error1 | halt }
  if (!$1) { echo -at you must enter a city and state!! Syntax /time city state }
  set %time.inuse 1
  set %time.nick $me
  set %time.chan ECHO
  sockclose time
  set %timeurl /cgi-bin/findweather/getForecast?query= $+ $replace($1-,$chr(32),$chr(37) $+ 20) $+ &wuSelect=WEATHER&MR=1
  set %timesite
  ;echo -at opening http:// $+ %timesite $+ %timeurl
  sockopen time %timesite 80
  .timer-time 1 15 time.timeout
#WundergroundTime On
on *:TEXT:!time*:# {
  if (%time.inuse == 1) { .notice $nick Sorry, But Somebody else is already looking up a time. | halt }
  if (!$2) { .notice $nick Syntax !time city state/!time zipcode/!time airport code }
  set %time.inuse 1
  set %time.nick $nick
  set %time.chan $chan
  sockclose time
  set %timeurl /cgi-bin/findweather/getForecast?query= $+ $replace($2-,$chr(32),$chr(37) $+ 20) $+ &wuSelect=WEATHER&MR=1
  set %timesite
  sockopen time %timesite 80
  .msg $chan 4 $chan time finder... 7Searching for4 time 3Please Wait.....
  .timer-time 1 15 time.timeout
#WundergroundTime End
on *:sockopen:time: {
  sockwrite -n $sockname GET %timeurl HTTP/1.1
  sockwrite -n $sockname Host: %timesite $+ $CRLF $+ $CRLF
on *:sockread:time: {
  if ($sockerr > 0) { .notice %time.nick There has been an error... I could not retrive your Time Sorry |  time.clear }
  else {
    var %timevar |  sockread %timevar | set %time.line $calc(%time.line + 1)
    if (%time.line > 400) { time.notfound }
    if (There has been an error isin %timevar) { time.notfound }
    if ( == on) { unset | set $httpstrip(%timevar) }
    if (<td class="nobr full"> isin %timevar) { set on }
    if (%time.time.found == on) {
      if (%time.chan == ECHO) {
        echo -a 07The current time for04 06is09 $httpstrip(%timevar)
      else {
        .msg %time.chan 07The current time for04 06is09 $httpstrip(%timevar)
    if (Local Time: isin %timevar) { set %time.time.found on }
Menu Channel {
  ..Trigger On: .enable #WundergroundTime
  ..Trigger Off: .disable #WundergroundTime
alias -l httpstrip {
  var %x, %i = $regsub($1-,/(^[^<]*>|<[^>]*>|<[^>]*$)/g,$null,%x), %x = $remove(%x,&nbsp;,$chr(9))
  return %x

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