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Filename: Token Simplifier [v1.1]
; =============== ; Token Simplifier ; By:Jonesy44 ; Version:1.1 ; =============== alias -l gtk.version return 1.1 alias gtk { dialog $iif($dialog(gtk),-v,-m) gtk gtk if ($regex($1-,/^(.*) (\d{1,3}|.{1})$/)) { did -ra gtk 201 $regml(1) | did -ra gtk 202 $regml(2) | did -c gtk $iif($regml(2) isnum,302,301) | did -u gtk $iif($regml(2) isnum,301,302) | gtk.checksep | gtk.compile } } dialog gtk { size -1 -1 500 235 title Token Simplifier $+([,Version,$chr(32),$gtk.version,]) option pixels box ".:: INPUT ::.", 1, 5 5 490 70 box ".:: OUTPUT ::.", 2, 5 85 490 145 text "String:", 101, 15 27 60 13 text "Delimiter:", 102, 15 52 60 13 text "Tokens:", 103, 15 108 60 13 text "Ident:", 104, 15 203 60 13 edit "", 201, 70 25 395 20, autohs edit "", 202, 188 49 40 20, autohs button "?", 203, 230 48 20 21 button "?", 204, 467 24 20 21 radio "ASCII", 301, 70 49 50 20 radio "CharVal", 302, 125 49 60 20 list 401, 70 105 415 100 edit "", 402, 70 201 385 20, read button "Cb.", 403, 455 200 30 21 } on *:dialog:gtk:sclick:*: { if ($did == 203) { noop $input(The delimiter defines the seperation between "tokens" only one character is required here. Either an ASCII Character or Character value $crlf $+ $crlf $+ ASCII: 1 character $chr(9) Any keyboard character $crlf $+ CharV: 1-3 digits $chr(9) Any number from 1 to 255,io,Token - Delimiter Information) } if ($did == 204) { noop $input(The string stands for the line of text which is to be evaluated using the seperator,io,Token - String Information) } if ($did isnum 301-302) { gtk.checksep } if ($did == 401) { if ($did(401).seltext) { did -ra $dname 402 $+($chr(36),gettok,$chr(40),$did(201),$chr(44),$remove($gettok($did(401).seltext,1,32),[,]),$chr(44),$iif($did(gtk,301).state,$asc($did(gtk,202)),$did(gtk,202)),$chr(41)) } } if ($did == 403) { if ($did(402)) { clipboard $v1 | did -b $dname 403 | .timer 1 1 did -e $dname 403 } | else { noop $input(No text to copy. Please select a token from the list,wo,Token - Error) } } } on *:dialog:gtk:edit:*: { if ($did == 201) { if ($did(202)) { gtk.compile | did -ra $dname 402 $+($chr(36),gettok,$chr(40),$did(201),$chr(44),$remove($gettok($did(401).seltext,1,32),[,]),$chr(44),$iif($did(gtk,301).state,$asc($did(gtk,202)),$did(gtk,202)),$chr(41)) } } if ($did == 202) { gtk.checksep | if ($did(201)) { gtk.compile | did -ra $dname 402 $+($chr(36),gettok,$chr(40),$did(201),$chr(44),$remove($gettok($did(401).seltext,1,32),[,]),$chr(44),$iif($did(gtk,301).state,$asc($did(gtk,202)),$did(gtk,202)),$chr(41)) } } } alias -l gtk.checksep { if ($did(gtk,301).state) { if ($len($did(gtk,202)) > 1) { did -ra gtk 202 $left($did(gtk,202),1) } } elseif ($did(gtk,302).state) { if ($did(gtk,202) !isnum 1-255 || $len($did(gtk,202)) > 3) { did -ra gtk 202 $left($did(gtk,202),$calc($len($did(gtk,202)) - 1)) } } else { did -r $dname 202 } } alias -l gtk.compile { var %x = 1, %nt = $numtok($did(gtk,201),$iif($did(gtk,301).state,$asc($did(gtk,202)),$did(gtk,202))) | did -r gtk 401 if (%nt) { while (%x <= %nt) { did -a gtk 401 $+([,%x,]) $gettok($did(gtk,201),%x,$iif($did(gtk,301).state,$asc($did(gtk,202)),$did(gtk,202))) | inc %x } } }
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