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Filename: Channel List Dialog for SPCN
dialog chan {
  title "Channels"
  size -1 -1 680 400
  option pixels
  box "Channels", 1, 8 8 668 348
  list 2, 16 24 500 324, size
  button "LIST", 3, 528 24 75 25
  button "Close", 4, 528 320 75 25, ok cancel
  radio "City Chats", 5, 536 72 84 20
  radio "Computing", 6, 536 88 92 20
  radio "Fun 'n' Games", 7, 536 104 124 20
  radio "General", 8, 536 120 92 20
  radio "Interests", 9, 536 136 100 20
  radio "Lifestyles", 10, 536 152 100 20
  radio "News", 11, 536 168 100 20
  radio "Peers", 12, 536 184 100 20
  radio "Religion", 13, 536 200 100 20
  radio "Roleplay", 14, 536 216 100 20
  radio "Romance", 15, 536 232 100 20
  radio "Sports", 16, 536 248 100 20
  radio "Music", 17, 536 264 100 20
  box "Options", 18, 528 56 140 260
  check "Show empty channels", 19, 536 288 124 20
  box "Status", 20, 8 352 668 44
  edit "", 21, 16 368 652 21, disable
on 1:dialog:chan:init:0:did -c chan %cat | $iif(%cat2,did -c chan 19)
on 1:dialog:chan:close:0:sockclose list
on 1:dialog:chan:sclick:5-17:set %cat $did
on 1:dialog:chan:sclick:19:$iif($did($did).state,inc %cat2,unset %cat2)
on 1:dialog:chan:dclick:2:join $gettok($did($did).seltext,1,32)
on 1:dialog:chan:sclick:3:sockclose list | did -r chan 2 | did -o chan 21 1 Looking up channel list... | listc
menu status,channel {
  Channel Dialog:dialog -m chan chan
alias sw return sockwrite -n
alias cf return $chr(37) $+ $chr(35) $+ $remove($replace($1-,$chr(32),\b,$chr(44),\c),$chr(37),$chr(35))
alias cnum { return $replace($1,5,GE,6,CP,7,EA,8,GN,9,II,10,LF,11,NW,12,PR,13,RL,14,RP,15,RM,16,SP,17,TN) }
alias listc { sockopen list 80 }
on *:sockopen:list:var %s = $sockname | $sw %s GET /category.php?cat= $+ $iif(%cat,$cnum(%cat),8) HTTP/1.1 | $sw %s Host: | $sw %s $crlf | set %cat1 0
on *:sockread:list:{
  var %1 | sockread %1 | tokenize 32 %1
  if (t val isin $1-) && ($numtok($1-,32) = 4) set %lnum $iif($gettok($gettok($4,2,62),1,60),$ifmatch,0)
  if (php?rhx= isin $1-) && (ng" al !isin $1-) {
    var %c = $gettok($gettok($remove($gettok($1-,2,63),<b>),2,62),1,60)
    if (%c) { 
      if (!%cat2) && (%lnum = 0) halt
      did -a chan 2 $cf(%c) ( $+ %lnum $+ ) | inc %cat1 | did -o chan 21 1 Receiving channel list... 
  if (</tbo isin $1-) { did -o chan 21 1 Lookup complete, %cat1 channels found. | sockclose $sockname }

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