
Downloading File

Filename: Learn & Regurgitate Bot
; say/learn bot
; by jonesy44
; /remsay - remove a say
; /saylist [-o] - echo say list location, -o switch opens the file.
on $*:text:/^[!`@](say|learn)\s?(.*)$/Si:#: {
  var %key = $gettok($regml(2),1,32), %dt = $gettok($regml(2),2-,32)
  if $regml(1) == say {
    if (!%key) { var %y = $r(1,$lines(say.dat)) | msg # $+(,%y,/,$lines(say.dat),) $+(,$gettok($read(say.dat,%y),1,32),) - $gettok($read(say.dat,%y),2-,32) }
    elseif ($read(say.dat,s,%key)) msg # $+(,%key,) - $v1
    else msg # Nothing saved for $+(,%key,)
  elseif $regml(1) == learn {
    if (!$read(say.dat,s,%key)) { write say.dat %key %dt | msg # Data for $+(,%key,) has been saved as $qt(%dt) }
    else msg # Data for $+(,%key,) already exists
alias remsay {
  var %r = $$input(Data topic to be removed,eq,Remove Say Data)
  if ($read(say.dat,s,%r)) { write $+(-ds,%r) say.dat | noop $input(Data removed,oi,Remove Say Data) }
  else noop $input(No data found for $qt(%r),wo,Remove Say Data)
alias saylist $iif($1 == -o,run,echo -a) $+($mircdir,say.dat)

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