
Downloading File

Filename: spcn raw banlist
; xxxxxxxxxx Banlist xxxxxxxxxxx
; xxxxxxxxxxxx by xxxxxxxxxxxxx
; xxxxxxxxxxx Raditz xxxxxxxxxxx

on *:load: { echo -s 0,014ty for downloading my addon from tg007 ~ Raditz, Note addon meant for mIRC 6.20 or greater or would not display popups } 
Menu nicklist {
  $style(1)) Banlist
  .$style(1)) add:writeini blist.ini Users $address($$1,1) $$1 $?="What reason for adding?" | raw -q kick # $$1 0,014a7.14ban10(14add10) | accesscan # | echo -a added $$1 to banlist
  .$style(1)) rem:remini blist.ini Users $address($$1,1) | echo -a removed $$1 from banlist
  .$style(1)) scan: b_s
  .$style(1)) run
  ..$style(1)) ini:run $mircdirblist.ini
Menu channel {
  $style(1)) Banlist ( $+ $group(#ab) $+ )
  .$style(1)) on:enable #ab
  .$style(1)) off:disable #ab
alias b_s {
  msg # 0,014ab.scan -� commencing / Status [ $+ $group(#ab) $+ ]
  var %r = 1
  unset %found
  while (%r <= $nick(#,0)) {
    if ($readini(blist.ini,Users,$address($nick(#,%r),1))) { msg # 0,014found -� $nick(#,%r) -� reason : $gettok($readini(blist.ini,Users,$address($nick(#,%r),1).info),2-,32) | set %found $iif(%found,$calc(%found + 1),1) }
    inc %r
  msg # 0,014ab.scan -� completed $+ $readini(blist.ini,Users,$address($nick(#,0),1)) -� Found: $iif(%found,$ifmatch,none) 
alias accesscan {
  var %4 = 1 | while (%4) {
    if ($me isowner $1) raw -q access $1 clear owner
    if ($me isowner $1) raw -q prop $1 ownerkey listed- $+ $r(11,99)
    if ($me isop $1) raw -q access $1 clear host
    dec %4
#ab on
on *:RAWMODE:#:{
  if ($1 = +q) banscan # 
  if ($1 = +o) banscan #
alias banscan var %b = $nick($1,0) | while (%b) { if ($readini(blist.ini,Users,$address($nick($1,%b),1))) raw -q kick $1 $nick($1,%b) 0,014b'gone? | dec %b }
alias ar return $gettok($readini(blist.ini,Users,$address($nick,1).info),2-,32)
alias an return $gettok($readini(blist.ini,Users,$address($nick,1).info),1,32) 
on *:join:#:{
  if ($readini(blist.ini,Users,$address($nick,1).info)) { 
    if ($me isreg #) echo -a 0,01ab.user on entry -� $nick
    raw -q kick # $nick 0,014a.b: Log'd $nick � $an � reason: $ar
    raw -q access # add deny $ial($nick) 0 :listed
    raw -q access # clear owner $crlf access # clear host
    raw -q access # clear grant $crlf access # clear voice 
#ab end

xxxxxx END xxxxxx

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