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Filename: Word Frenzy for Buzzen & SoulFly
;**************************************************************************** ; Word Frenzy (C)2003 by Geezer & Wolf ; Debugged/Upgraded by CalSingle, [Ice][Angel] & Petertje in September 2004 ; Thanks to [Ice][Angel] for the Top5 alias ; Thanks to Petertje for the Color alias ;**************************************************************************** ;WordFrenzy Version 4.0 ;Modified by OtherwiseBrunette ; ;**************************************************************************** menu menubar { - Word Frenzy .=Word Frenzy= ( $+ %WFrenzy $+ ) ..On: .enable #WordFrenzyV4 | set %WFrenzy Enabled | msg $chan (o) Word Frenzy 4.0 ~ Enabled. Type !WordFrenzy to Play (o) | echo -a * Word Frenzy Loaded ..Off: .disable #WordFrenzyV4 | set %WFrenzy Disabled | msg $chan (o) Word Frenzy 4.0 ~ Disabled - Game Over. | echo -a * Word Frenzy Unloaded .Initialise : DoInit .- ..Steal Game ( $+ $group(#wfsteal) $+ ) ...$iif($group(#wfsteal) == on,$style(2),$style(0)) On:.enable #wfsteal | echo -a * Steal Game - on ...$iif($group(#wfsteal) == off,$style(2),$style(0)) Off:.disable #wfsteal | echo -a * Steal Game - off .Start WordFrenzy : $startgame .Start Team Match: $startgame(team) .Stop WordFrenzy: stopgame .- .Options: /dialog -m WFrenzy WFrenzy .Pause WordFrenzy: pause .Resume WordFrenzy: resume .- .Set Room : = $chan | echo -a * Word Frenzy Channel set to $chan .Set Directory: set %frenzy.dir $mircdir .Reset Score files ..Sure : DeleteScores .- .Show Scores ..Show Player's stat: { Dostatother $$?="Enter Player's Nick" } ..Show Frenzy's Hall of Fame: { wfhof } .. Show Best Round Scores : { bestrounds } .. Show Best Word Scores : { bestwords } .. Show Maximum Words : { maxwords } .Word Frenzy HTML ..Create Scores HTML: { WFhtmlbuild } ..Create Team HTML : { WFTeamhtmlbuild } ..Read HTML Scores: / run WordFrenzy.html ..Read Team HTML :/ run TEamwf.html ..See List of Commands: / run Commands.html .Frenzy Files ..View Word List:/run notepad.exe text\10letters.txt ..Frenzy Dictionary:/run notepad.exe text\dictionary.txt ..Word Submissions:/run notepad.exe text\WFaddword.txt ..ReadMe File:/run notepad.exe text\WordFrenzy-readme.txt .- .Unload Word Frenzy ..Sure: unload -rs games\wordfrenzyv4.mrc } #WordFrenzyV4 off On *:TEXT:!WordFrenzy:#: { if (!%msg.Frenzy. [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { msg $chan (o) Lets play Scramble Frenzy (o) } if (!%msg.Frenzy. [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { msg $chan (o) Type !WFstart to play, !WFhelp for commands } set -u5 %msg.Frenzy. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $true } on *:text:*:*: { playgame $Strip($1-) | if (%WF.Playing == Yes) WFidletimer } on *:action:*:*: { playgame $Strip($1-) | if (%WF.Playing == Yes) WFidletimer } alias DoInit { if ($exists(Commands.html) == $false ) { ListofCommands } set %WF.Playing No | set %WF.Font Verdana | set %WF.Min 3 | set %WF.Max 10 | set %WF.ReSpam 3 | set %starttimer 5 set %Roundtimer 75 | set %Breaktimer 30 | set %wf.oponly 0 | set %wf.penalty 0 set #temp | unset %dialog.* | set %wf.html.hof 1 | set %wf.html.BRound 1 | set %wf.html.lengths 1 | set %wf.html.Wscores 1 set %wf.html.Mwords 1 | set %WFversion 4.0 | set %frenzy.dir $mircdir | set %wordlist %frenzy.dir $+ text\10letters.txt | set %dictionary %frenzy.dir $+ text\dictionary.txt set %champmode 1 | set %champgoal 2000 | teamoptions if ($1 != WFstart) { describe $active has initialized the Word Frenzy game. Type !WordFrenzy for play (Y) | return } } alias teamoptions { set %timer 10 | set Blue | set Red | set %limitjoin 1 | set %allowjoin 1 set %noteamwin There is no winner, you are both losers... :p set %team1win The *T1 crushed the *T2 | set %team2win The *T2 crushed the *T2 } alias DeleteScores { remove FrenzyScores.ini | remove frenzyscores.txt | unset %team.* | remove wordscores.ini remove BestRs.ini | remove bestteamrs.ini | remove teamwordscores.ini | remove maxword.ini | remove wordscores.txt | remove maxword.txt | remove bestrs.txt } alias PlayGame { if ($nick isop $chan) || ( %wf.oponly == 0 ) { if ($1 == !testing) { msg $hof(1) } if ($1 == !WFstart) { sshowword $2- | return } if ($1 == !NFstart) { nshowword $2- | return } if ($1 == !WFstop) && ( %frenzy.teammode == 0) { stopgame $2- | return } if ($1 == !NFstop) && ( %frenzy.teammode == 0) { stopgame $2- | return } if ($1 == !WFpause) { pause | return } if ($1 == !WFresume) { resume | return } if ($1 == !WFrepeat) { spamword | return } } if ($1 == !WFscores) { showallscores | return } if ($1 == !WFbestrounds) { bestrounds | return } if ($1 == !WFbestwords) { bestwords | return } if ($1 == !WFwinners) { wfchamps | return } if ($1 == !WFlongest) { Docoll darkred b Longest word : %wf.longest.text by: } if ( $1 == !join && %frenzy.teammode == 1 ) { $setteam($nick , $2) } if (!WFhelp isin $1) { dohelp | return } if (!WFhof isin $1) { WFHof | return } if (!WFcommands isin $1) { doWFcommands | return } if (!WFchamp isin $1) { doChamp | return } if (!WFMaxwords isin $1) { maxwords | return } if (!WFstat isin $1) && ($2) { dostatother $2 | return } if ($1 == !wfshowteams && %frenzy.teammode == 1) { Docoll darkred b Current members are : wfteamblue | wfteamred } if (!WFstat isin $1) { dostat $nick | return } if (!WFscoreOf isin $1) { dostatof $2 | return } if (!WFobject isin $1) { doWFobject | return } if (!WFaddword isin $1) { doWFaddword $2- | return } if (!WFversion isin $1) { msg Word Frenzy Version : %WFversion } if ($chan != { return } if (%WF.Playing == No) return inc %WF.LinesSaid 1 if (%WF.Playing != Yes) return if ($Len($1) >= %WF.Min) { set %WF.Guess $upper($1) set %WF.Check %WFDone. [ $+ [ %WF.Guess ] ] if (%WF.Check != $null) { ; Don't show who said it return } if %WF.Guess == %UNSWF.Word { DoColl darkgreen b (ED)^^: $nick Guessed the Scramble word and scores 500 Bonus points for %WF.Guess ^^:(ED) set %WFDone. $+ %WF.Guess $nick addpoint $nick 500 addround $nick 500 return } ; Check for letters being used more than once etc... if ($checkletters(%WF.Guess, %WF.Word) == bad) return ; Do not check words automatically if ($validateword(%WF.Guess) == bad) return DoColl darkgreen b 8-| $nick scores $len($1) points for %WF.Guess 8-| set %WFDone. $+ %WF.Guess $nick if ( %frenzy.teammode != 1) { Recordpoints $nick $len(%WF.Guess) } if ( %frenzy.teammode == 1) { Teampoints $nick $len(%WF.Guess) | Teamwordlengths $nick $len(%WF.guess) | inc % [ $+ team.scores. $+ [ % [ $+ team. $+ [ $nick ] ] ] ] $len(%WF.Guess) } inc %wftotal $len(%wf.guess) | inc %numberofwords RecordRounds $nick $len(%WF.Guess) if (($len(%wf.guess) > %Wf.longest.word) || (%wf.longest.word == $null)) { %wf.longest.word = $len(%wf.guess) | = $nick | %wf.longest.text = %wf.guess } } if (%WF.LinesSaid >= %WF.ReSpam) { spamword } } alias AddPoint { var %Score $readini(FrenzyScores.ini, $1, score) inc %Score $2 writeini FrenzyScores.ini $1 score %Score } alias AddRound { var %Score $readini(RoundScores.ini, $1, score) inc %Score $2 writeini RoundScores.ini $1 score %Score } alias RecordPoints { var %Score $readini(FrenzyScores.ini, $1, score) var %temp $readini(Frenzyscores.ini, $1, $2) inc %Score $2 writeini FrenzyScores.ini $1 score %Score inc %temp writeini FrenzyScores.ini $1 $2 %temp } alias RecordRounds { var %score $readini(RoundScores.ini, $1, score) var %number $readini(RoundScores.ini, $1, number) inc %Score $2 inc %number writeini RoundScores.ini $1 score %Score writeini RoundScores.ini $1 number %number } alias Teampoints { var %score $readini(TeamScores.ini, $1, score) inc %Score $2 writeini TeamScores.ini $1 score %Score } alias Teamwordlengths { var %score $readini(wordlength.ini, $1, $2 ) inc %score writeini wordlength.ini $1 $2 %score } alias DedPoint { if ( %frenzy.teammode == 0) { var %Score $readini(FrenzyScores.ini, $1, score) dec %Score $2 writeini FrenzyScores.ini $1 score %Score } else { var %score4 $readini(TeamScores.ini, $1, score) dec %Score4 $2 dec % [ $+ team.scores. $+ [ % [ $+ team. $+ [ $1 ] ] ] ] $2 writeini TeamScores.ini $1 score %Score4 } var %score2 $readini(RoundScores.ini, $1, score) dec %score2 $2 if ( %score2 <= 0) { writeini RoundScores.ini $1 score 0 writeini RoundScores.ini $1 number 1 } else { writeini RoundScores.ini $1 score %Score2 } } alias wfteamblue { var %i 1 var %j $lines(wfteamblue.txt) var %listteam while (%i <= %j ) { %x = $read(wfteamblue.txt, %i) var %listteam %listteam %x (*) inc %i } docoll darkred b Team (1) are : %listteam } alias DeductPoint { if ( %penalised. [ $+ [ %WF.Guess ] ] == $1 ) { Docoll red b You've already been penalised for that guess! } else { Docoll Red b $1 incurs $2 points penalty for repetition! Dedpoint $1 $2 } set %penalised. [ $+ [ %WF.Guess ] ] $1 } alias wfteamred { var %i 1 var %j $lines(wfteamred.txt) var %listteam while (%i <= %j ) { %x = $read(wfteamred.txt, %i) var %listteam %listteam %x (*) inc %i } docoll darkred b Team (2) are : %listteam } alias DoWFcommands { ctcpreply $nick TIME type !WFstart ~ to Begin Game (*) ctcpreply $nick TIME type !WFstop ~ to End Game (*) ctcpreply $nick TIME type !WFchamp ~ to See CHAMP Score (*) ctcpreply $nick TIME type !WFhof ~ to See The Hll of Fame (*) ctcpreply $nick TIME type !WFstat ~ to See Your Score (*) ctcpreply $nick TIME type !WFstat <nickname> ~ to See That Player's Score (*) ctcpreply $nick TIME type !WFscores ~ to See Current Players Scores (*) } alias DoHelp { ctcpreply $nick TIME (*) SCRAMBLE FRENZY ~ Help (*) ctcpreply $nick TIME type !WFobject to see the object of the game ctcpreply $nick TIME type !WFcommands for game commands ctcpreply $nick TIME type !WFaddword <word> to submit the word to Game Dictionary } alias StartGame { if (%WF.Playing == Yes) return if ( !ischan) { echo You are not in the set trivia channel: | return $true } if ( $1 == $null ) { set %frenzy.teammode 0 frenzystart } if ( $1 == team ) { unset %team.* | unset %jointime set %timercontrol $calc( %timer * 60 ) | set %frenzy.teammode 1 %team.scores.1 = 0 %team.scores.2 = 0 frenzystart remove teamscores.ini | remove wfteam.ini | remove bestteamrs.ini | remove teamwordscores.ini | remove teammaxword.ini | remove wordlength.ini Docoll navy b $ Docoll DarkRed b (o)~~~~ Duration of Match : %timer Minutes.~~~~(o) if ( %timercontrol != 0 ) { .timerstart 1 %timercontrol stopgame2 } %start.time = $ticks } if ($1 == team) && ($2 != $null ) { set %timer $2 } .timerWFstart 1 %starttimer SShowWord } alias frenzystart { msg (f) ********** Starting SCRAMBLE FRENZY ************ (f) msg (f) ******** First word appears in %starttimer secs ******* (f) msg (f) ******** Type !WFHelp for FRENZY help at any time. ******* (f) if (%champmode == 1) && (%frenzy.teammode == 0 ) { Docoll gold b (*) Championship target : %champgoal Points (*) } } alias { return ===== (*) Team Word Frenzy (*) !join 1 to join Team !join 2 to join Team $+ . } alias scrambleWFword { set %WF.Word $read(text\10letters.txt) window -h @WFScramble var %x = 1, %y = 1,%WF.ScrambleWord while (%x <= 10) { aline @WFScramble $mid(%WF.Word,%x,1) $rand(1,1000) inc %x } filter -wwcteu 2 32 @WFScramble @WFScramble while ($line(@WFScramble,%y)) { var %WF.ScrambleWord %WF.ScrambleWord $+ $gettok($ifmatch,1,32) inc %y } window -c @WFScramble set %UNSWF.Word %WF.Word set %WF.Word %WF.ScrambleWord if ($isid) { return %WF.Word } } alias SShowWord { set %WF.Word $read(text\10letters.txt) set %UNSWF.Word %WF.Word scrambleWFword DOcoll dark b (o) Your Scrambled FRENZY Word is $upper(%WF.Word) (o) msg (o) You have %Roundtimer seconds to type as many words as you can of %WF.Min letters or more, made from the letters of the Frenzy Word (o) set %WF.Playing Yes | unset %WFDone.* | unset %WFRound.* | unset %penalised.* | unset %numberofwords | unset %wftotal | unset %wf.longest.word | unset | unset %wf.longest.text | unset %percent .remove roundscores.ini set %WF.LinesSaid 0 .timerWFTimer 1 %Roundtimer EndWord } alias EndWord { var %time.elapse $calc(($ticks - %start.time) / 1000 ) %time.left = $calc( %timer * 60 - %time.elapse) %jointime = $calc( %time.elapse / 60) DoColl black b (o) Time Is Up, Your Unscrambled Frenzy Word was %UNSWF.Word DoColl red b Updated Scramble FRENZY scores are as follows... set %WF.Playing No if ( %wftotal > 0 ) { .timer 1 1 RoundScores } .timer 1 2 { showallscores } .timer 1 3 DOcoll dark b (*) Current Champion : %frenzywinner (*) if (%frenzy.teammode == 1) { showteamscores } .timerNW 1 5 Docoll red b Next SCRAMBLE FRENZY word in %Breaktimer seconds.(type !WFstop to end game) .timerWFTimer 1 %Breaktimer PShowWord if (%frenzy.teammode == 1) { DoColl darkred b Time Remaining : $duration(%time.left) (o) } if ( %wftotal >= 100 && %frenzy.teammode != 1) { writeini wordscores.ini $upper(%WF.word) score %wftotal | writeini wordscores.ini $upper(%WF.word) number %numberofwords | $Dowfsort(wordscores) } if ( %frenzy.teammode == 1) && ( %wftotal > 0 ) { writeini teamwordscores.ini $upper(%WF.word) score %wftotal | writeini teamwordscores.ini $upper(%WF.word) number %numberofwords | $Dowfsort(teamwordscores) } } alias PShowWord { set %WF.Word $read(text\10letters.txt) set %UNSWF.Word %WF.Word scrambleWFword DOcoll dark b (o) Your Scrambled FRENZY Word is $upper(%WF.Word) (o) msg (o) You have %Roundtimer seconds to type as many words as you can of %WF.Min letters or more, made from the letters of the Frenzy Word (o) set %WF.Playing Yes | unset %WFDone.* | unset %WFRound.* | unset %penalised.* | unset %numberofwords | unset %wftotal | unset %wf.longest.word | unset | unset %wf.longest.text | unset %percent .remove roundscores.ini set %WF.LinesSaid 0 .timerWFTimer 1 %Roundtimer PEndWord } alias PEndWord { var %time.elapse $calc(($ticks - %start.time) / 1000 ) %time.left = $calc( %timer * 60 - %time.elapse) %jointime = $calc( %time.elapse / 60) DoColl black b (o) Time Is Up, Your Unscrambled Frenzy Word was %UNSWF.Word DoColl red b Updated Scramble FRENZY scores are as follows... set %WF.Playing No if ( %wftotal > 0 ) { .timer 1 1 RoundScores } .timer 1 2 { showallscores } .timer 1 3 DOcoll dark b (*) Current Champion : %frenzywinner (*) if (%frenzy.teammode == 1) { showteamscores } .timerNW 1 5 Docoll red b Next SCRAMBLE FRENZY word in %Breaktimer seconds.(type !WFstop to end game) .timerWFTimer 1 %Breaktimer NShowWord if (%frenzy.teammode == 1) { DoColl darkred b Time Remaining : $duration(%time.left) (o) } if ( %wftotal >= 100 && %frenzy.teammode != 1) { writeini wordscores.ini $upper(%WF.word) score %wftotal | writeini wordscores.ini $upper(%WF.word) number %numberofwords | $Dowfsort(wordscores) } if ( %frenzy.teammode == 1) && ( %wftotal > 0 ) { writeini teamwordscores.ini $upper(%WF.word) score %wftotal | writeini teamwordscores.ini $upper(%WF.word) number %numberofwords | $Dowfsort(teamwordscores) } } alias NShowWord { set %WF.Word $read(text\frenzywords.txt) DOcoll dark b (o) Your FRENZY Word is $upper(%WF.Word) (o) msg (o) You have %Roundtimer seconds to type as many words as you can of %WF.Min letters or more, made from the letters of the Frenzy Word (o) set %WF.Playing Yes | unset %WFDone.* | unset %WFRound.* | unset %penalised.* | unset %numberofwords | unset %wftotal | unset %wf.longest.word | unset | unset %wf.longest.text | unset %percent .remove roundscores.ini set %WF.LinesSaid 0 .timerWFTimer 1 %Roundtimer NEndWord } alias NEndWord { var %time.elapse $calc(($ticks - %start.time) / 1000 ) %time.left = $calc( %timer * 60 - %time.elapse) %jointime = $calc( %time.elapse / 60) DoColl red b Updated FRENZY scores are as follows... set %WF.Playing No if ( %wftotal > 0 ) { .timer 1 1 NRoundScores } .timer 1 2 { showallscores } .timer 1 3 DOcoll dark b (*) Current Champion : %frenzywinner (*) if (%frenzy.teammode == 1) { showteamscores } .timerNW 1 5 Docoll red b Next SCRAMBLE FRENZY word in %Breaktimer seconds.(type !WFstop to end game) .timerWFTimer 1 %Breaktimer SShowWord if (%frenzy.teammode == 1) { DoColl darkred b Time Remaining : $duration(%time.left) (o) } if ( %wftotal >= 100 && %frenzy.teammode != 1) { writeini wordscores.ini $upper(%WF.word) score %wftotal | writeini wordscores.ini $upper(%WF.word) number %numberofwords | $Dowfsort(wordscores) } if ( %frenzy.teammode == 1) && ( %wftotal > 0 ) { writeini teamwordscores.ini $upper(%WF.word) score %wftotal | writeini teamwordscores.ini $upper(%WF.word) number %numberofwords | $Dowfsort(teamwordscores) } } alias StopGame { .timerWFTimer off | .timerNW Off .timerstart off msg (o) SCRAMBLE FRENZY has stopped. (*) Type !WFstart to play again :) if ( %frenzy.teammode == 1) { stopgame2 } set %WF.Playing No set %frenzy.teammode 0 WFHOF } alias stopgame2 { .timerwftimer off | .timerNW Off show (o)~~~~~~~~ (*) Times up! (*) ~~~~~~~(o) if (%wftotal > 0 ) { .timer 1 3 roundscores } .timer 1 3 showteamscores .timer 1 4 teamscores .remove wfteamblue.txt .remove wfteamred.txt set %WF.Playing No .timer 1 7 set %frenzy.teammode 0 if (%wftotal > 0 ) { writeini teamwordscores.ini $upper(%WF.word) score %wftotal writeini teamwordscores.ini $upper(%WF.word) number %numberofwords } $Dowfsort(teamwordscores) } alias pause { msg (o) SCRAMBLE FRENZY paused! (*) Type !WFresume to resume the game :) set %wf.playing no .timerwftimer -p } alias resume { msg (o) SCRAMBLE FRENZY resumed! (*) :) .timerwftimer -r set %wf.playing yes } alias winner { var %temp = $calc(%team.scores.1 - %team.scores.2) if ( %team.scores.1 > %team.scores.2 ) { return $replace(%team1win, *T1 , , *T2, by [ %temp ] points......(f) } if ( %team.scores.1 < %team.scores.2 ) { return $replace(%team1win, *T1 , , *T2, by $abs( %temp ) points......(f) } if ( %team.scores.1 = %team.scores.2 ) { return %noteamwin } } alias teamscores { DoWFsort6 var %x $lines(TeamScores.txt) var %y = 1 var %temp while (%y <= %x ) { %i = $gettok($read(TeamScores.txt,%y ),1,32) %j = $gettok($read(TeamScores.txt,%y ),2,32) var %temp %temp %y $+ . %i $+ ......... $+ ( $+ $getteam(%i) $+ ) $+ ............. $+ %j Points inc %y } Docoll darkred b $winner Docoll darkred b Individual Scores are: %temp Docoll black b (*)~~~~~~~~~END OF MATCH~~~~~~~~(*) .remove teamscores.ini } alias StopIdle { .timerWFTimer off DoColl darkred b (o) No Play for $calc( %Idletimer / 60) Minutes ~ WORD FRENZY has stopped. (*) Type !WFstart to play again :) set %WF.Playing No } alias showallscores { $Dowfsort(frenzyscores) var %x 1 var %WFScores while (%x <= $nick($active,0)) { set %Name $nick($active,%x) var %WFScore = $getscore(%Name) if (%WFScore != 0) var %WFScores %WFScores %Name ........... %WFScore :D inc %x } var %WFScores Total Points : %WFScores Docoll red bb %WFScores if ( ( $gettok($read(frenzyscores.txt,1 ),2,32) > %champgoal ) && (%champmode == 1) ) { gameend } return } alias gameend { .timerNW off set %frenzywinner $gettok($read(frenzyscores.txt,1 ),1,32)) Docoll darkblue b ~~~~~ NEW SCRAMBLE FRENZY CHAMPION ~~~~~~ The game was beaten by (*) %frenzywinner (*) All hail the new champion! set %wf.playing no .timerWFTimer off .timerstart off .timer 1 3 wfhof .timer 1 5 wfhtmlbuild .timer 1 11 echo -a HTML GENERATED write -il wfchamps.txt %frenzywinner $date $time .timer 1 12 Deletescores } alias showteamscores { docoll black b $ } alias { if ( %team.scores.1 >= %team.scores.2 ) { return has %team.scores.1 points. has %team.scores.2 points. (F) } else { return has %team.scores.2 points. has %team.scores.1 points. (F) } } alias roundscores { $DoWFSort(Roundscores) var %i = 1 var %j $lines(roundscores.txt) var %l %wftotal var %ss DOcoll darkred b (*)~~~ SCRAMBLE FRENZY CURRENT ROUND SCORES ~~~(*) DOcoll darkred b The total points scored for the word * $+ $upper(%UNSWF.Word) $+ * are : while ( %i <= %j ) { %x = $gettok($read(roundscores.txt,%i ),1,32) %y = $gettok($read(roundscores.txt,%i ),2,32) %z = $gettok($read(roundscores.txt,%i ),3,32) %percent = $round($calc( %y / %l * 100 ),1) ;var %ss %ss %i $+ . %x $+ ...... $+ %y Points $+ ..... $+ %z words $+ ..... $+ %percent $+ % (F) Docoll black b %i $+ . %x $+ ...... $+ %y Points $+ ..... $+ %z words $+ (~) inc %i if (%frenzy.teammode != 1 ) { bestRS %x %y %z | maximumwords %x %z $upper(%WF.word) } if ( %frenzy.teammode == 1 ) { bestTeamRS %x %y %z | teammaximumwords %x %z $upper(%WF.word) } } Docoll black b Total Points for this Round : %wftotal $+ ! (*) Docoll black b Total Number of words made up : %numberofwords $+ ! (*) Docoll black b Longest word: * $+ %wf.longest.text $+ * ( %wf.longest.word ) by (*) } alias Nroundscores { $DoWFSort(Roundscores) var %i = 1 var %j $lines(roundscores.txt) var %l %wftotal var %ss DOcoll darkred b (*)~~~ SCRAMBLE FRENZY CURRENT ROUND SCORES ~~~(*) DOcoll darkred b The total points scored for the word * $+ $upper(%WF.Word) $+ * are : while ( %i <= %j ) { %x = $gettok($read(roundscores.txt,%i ),1,32) %y = $gettok($read(roundscores.txt,%i ),2,32) %z = $gettok($read(roundscores.txt,%i ),3,32) %percent = $round($calc( %y / %l * 100 ),1) ;var %ss %ss %i $+ . %x $+ ...... $+ %y Points $+ ..... $+ %z words $+ ..... $+ %percent $+ % (F) Docoll black b %i $+ . %x $+ ...... $+ %y Points $+ ..... $+ %z words $+ (~) inc %i if ( %frenzy.teammode != 1 ) { bestRS %x %y %z | maximumwords %x %z $upper(%WF.word) } if ( %frenzy.teammode == 1 ) { bestTeamRS %x %y %z | teammaximumwords %x %z $upper(%WF.word) } } Docoll black b Total Points for this Round : %wftotal $+ ! (*) Docoll black b Total Number of words made up : %numberofwords $+ ! (*) Docoll black b Longest word: * $+ %wf.longest.text $+ * ( %wf.longest.word ) by (*) } alias bestRS { var %temp $readini(BestRS.ini, $1 , score) if (( $2 > %temp) || (%temp == $null )) { writeini BestRS.ini $1 score $2 | writeini BestRS.ini $1 number $3 $DoWFsort(BestRs) if ( $gettok($read(bestrs.txt,1),1,32) == $1 ) { set %roundaward Record Round Score : $2 now held by $1 $+ !! .timer 1 2 sayaward } } } alias maximumwords { var %temp $readini(MaxWord.ini, $1 , score) if (( $2 > %temp) || (%temp == $null )) { writeini MaxWord.ini $1 score $2 | writeini MaxWord.ini $1 number $3 $DoWFsort(MaxWord) if ( $gettok($read(maxword.txt,1),1,32) == $1 ) { set %wordaward Record Maximum Words : $2 now held by $1 $+ ^^ .timer 1 2 sayaward } } } alias sayaward { if (%roundaward = $null) && (%wordaward == $null) { return } else { Docoll darkred b %roundaward Docoll darkred b %wordaward unset %roundaward unset %wordaward } } alias teammaximumwords { var %temp $readini(TeamMaxWord.ini, $1 , score) if (( $2 > %temp) || (%temp == $null)) { writeini TeamMaxWord.ini $1 score $2 | writeini TeamMaxWord.ini $1 number $3 } $DoWFsort(TeamMaxWord) } alias bestTeamRS { var %temp $readini(BestTeamRS.ini, $1 , score) if (( $2 > %temp) || (%temp == $null)) { writeini BestTeamRS.ini $1 score $2 writeini bestteamrs.ini $1 number $3 } $DoWFsort(BestTeamRs) } alias bestrounds { $DoWFSort(FrenzyScores) var %i = 1 var %j $lines(BestRs.txt) var %Best.Round DOcoll darkred b (f)(*)~~~~~ WORD FRENZY BEST ROUND SCORES ~~~~~(*)(f) while ( %i <= %j && %i <= 5 ) { %x = $gettok($read(BestRS.txt,%i ),1,32) %y = $gettok($read(BestRS.txt,%i ),2,32) %z = $gettok($read(BestRS.txt,%i ),3,32) ;var %Best.Round %Best.Round %i $+ : %x scored %y Points with %z words (f) msg %i $+ : %x scored %y Points with %z words inc %i } ; Docoll navy b %best.round } alias bestwords { var %i = 1 var %j $lines(wordscores.txt) var %Best.Word DOcoll darkred b (f)(*)~~~~~ WORD FRENZY BEST WORD SCORES ~~~~~(*)(f) while ( %i <= %j && %i <= 5 ) { %x = $gettok($read(wordscores.txt,%i ),1,32) %y = $gettok($read(wordscores.txt,%i ),2,32) %z = $gettok($read(wordscores.txt,%i ),3,32) ;var %Best.Word %Best.Word %i $+ : %x --- %y Points with %z words (f) msg %i $+ : %x --- %y Points with %z words (f) inc %i } ; Docoll navy b %best.word } alias maxwords { $DoWFSort(MaxWord) var %i = 1 var %j $lines(MaxWord.txt) var %Max.Word DOcoll darkred b (f)(*)~~~~~ WORD FRENZY MAXIMUM WORDS ~~~~~(*)(f) while ( %i <= %j && %i <= 5 ) { %x = $gettok($read(maxword.txt,%i ),1,32) %y = $gettok($read(maxword.txt,%i ),2,32) %z = $gettok($read(maxword.txt,%i ),3,32) msg %i $+ : %x ----- %y Words for %z (f) ;var %Max.Word %Max.Word %i $+ : %x ----- %y Words for %z (f) inc %i } ;Docoll navy b %Max.Word } alias GetTeam { var %temp $readini(WFteam.ini, $1, team) return %temp } alias GetScore { var %Score $readini(FrenzyScores.ini, $1, score) inc %Score 0 return %Score } alias docoll { if ($1-2 == darkgreen b) { show S Tahoma;0 $3- } elseif ($1-2 == teal b) { show S Tahoma;0 $3- } elseif ($1-2 == darkblue b) { show S \rTahoma;0 $3- } elseif ($1-2 == red b) { show S eTahoma;0 $3- } elseif ($1-2 == red b) { show S eTahoma;0 $3- } elseif ($1-2 == red bb) { show S eTahoma;0 $3- } elseif ($1-2 == gold b) { show S Tahoma;0 $3- } elseif ($1-2 == green b) { show S Tahoma;0 $3- } elseif ($1-2 == blue b) { show S \rTahoma;0 $3- } elseif ($1-2 == darkred b) { show S eTahoma;0 $3- } elseif ($1-2 == black b) { show S Tahoma;0 $3- } elseif ($1-2 == black r) { show S Tahoma;0 $3- } elseif ($1-2 == navy b) { show S Tahoma;0 $3- } elseif ($1-2 == dark b) { show S Tahoma;0 $3- } } alias DoWFobject { ctcpreply $nick TIME (o) We're Playing WORD FRENZY - The object is to make as many 3 or more letter words in one minute as you can, out of the letters in the Frenzy Word given. (o) ctcpreply $nick TIME Type quickly; Only the first person to say them in each round will gain points. Type !WfHelp for full details. Original game by alphawolf & geezer, enhanced by CalSingle & [Ice][Angel] & Petertje. (*) } alias DoChamp { $DoWFsort(FRenzyscores) msg (o)(*) Current WORD FRENZY Champ is ({) $gettok($read(frenzyscores.txt,1),1,32) $+ ~ with :o $gettok($read(frenzyscores.txt,1),2,32) $+ (*)(o) } alias WFHof { $DoWFSort(frenzyscores) var %i = 1 var %j $lines(frenzyscores.txt) var %WFhof DOcoll darkred b (f)(*)~~~~~ WORD FRENZY HALL OF FAME ~~~~~(*)(f) if (%frenzywinner != $null) { DOcoll darkblue b (*) Current Champion : %frenzywinner (*) } while ( %i <= %j && %i <= 5 ) { %x = $gettok($read(frenzyscores.txt,%i ),1,32) %y = $gettok($read(frenzyscores.txt,%i ),2,32) ;var %WFhof %WFhof %i $+ : %x ---- %y Points (f) Docoll navy b $ord(%i) %x ---- %y Points (f) inc %i } ;Docoll navy b %WFhof var %bestround Best Round Score : $gettok($read(bestrs.txt, 1),2,32) ( $+ $gettok($read(bestrs.txt, 1),3,32) Words) by: $gettok($read(bestrs.txt, 1),1,32) (f) var %bestword Maximum Points Scored : $gettok($read(wordscores.txt, 1),2,32) for the word : $gettok($read(wordscores.txt, 1),1,32) (f) var %maxsword Maximum Words : $gettok($read(maxword.txt, 1),2,32) by $gettok($read(maxword.txt, 1),1,32) for the word : $gettok($read(maxword.txt, 1),3,32) (f) Docoll red bb %bestround %bestword %maxsword Docoll blue b Type !WFwinners to see Previous Word Frenzy Champs. } alias wfchamps { var %i = 1 var %j $lines(wfchamps.txt) DOcoll darkred b (f)(*)~~~~~ WORD FRENZY CHAMPIONS ~~~~~(*)(f) Docoll darkblue b (f)(*)~~ Championship Target : %champgoal Points ~~(*)(f) while ( %i <= %j && %i <= 5 ) { %x = $gettok($read(wfchamps.txt,%i ),1,32) %y = $gettok($read(wfchamps.txt,%i ),2,32) %z = $gettok($read(wfchamps.txt,%i ),3,32) Docoll navy b %x won on %y at %z (f) inc %i } } alias DoWFsort { var %a = 1, %b = $ini( [ $1 $+ .ini ] ,0) .remove [ $1 $+ .txt ] while (%a <= %b) { write [ $1 $+ .txt ] $ini( [ $1 $+ .ini ] ,%a) $readini( [ $1 $+ .ini ] ,$ini( [ $1 $+ .ini ] ,%a),score) $readini( [ $1 $+ .ini ] ,$ini( [ $1 $+ .ini ] ,%a),number) inc %a } if ($exists( [ $1 $+ .txt ] )) { filter -ffcteu 2 32 [ $1 $+ .txt ] [ $1 $+ .txt ] } } alias DoWFsort6 { var %a = 1, %b = $ini(TeamScores.ini,0) .remove TeamScores.txt | remove teamredscore.txt | .remove teambluescore.txt while (%a <= %b) { var %c = $getteam($ini(TEamscores.ini,%a)) write TeamScores.txt $ini(TEamscores.ini,%a) $readini(TeamScores.ini,$ini(TeamScores.ini,%a),score) if (%c == { write teambluescore.txt $ini(TEamscores.ini,%a) $readini(TeamScores.ini,$ini(TeamScores.ini,%a),score) } else { write teamredscore.txt $ini(TEamscores.ini,%a) $readini(TeamScores.ini,$ini(TeamScores.ini,%a),score) } inc %a } if ($exists(TeamScores.txt)) { filter -ffcteu 2 32 TeamScores.txt TeamScores.txt } if ($exists(TeamredScore.txt)) { filter -ffcteu 2 32 TeamredScore.txt TeamredScore.txt } if ($exists(Teambluescore.txt)) { filter -ffcteu 2 32 TeamblueScore.txt TeamblueScore.txt } } alias Dowfsort1 { var %a = 1, %b = $ini(wordlength.ini, 0) .remove wordlength2.ini while ( %a <= %b ) { var %c 3 var %sum 0 %d = $ini(wordlength.ini, %a) while ( %c >= 3 && %c <= 10) { %e = $readini(wordlength.ini, %d, %c) if ( %e != $null ) { inc %sum %e writeini wordlength2.ini %d %c %e } else { writeini wordlength2.ini %d %c 0 } inc %c } writeini wordlength2.ini %d sum %sum unset %sum inc %a } unset %sum Dowfsort2 } alias Dowfsort2 { var %a = 1 , %b = $ini(wordlength2.ini, 0) .remove wordlength.txt while ( %a <= %b ) { write wordlength.txt $ini(wordlength2.ini, %a) $readini(wordlength2.ini, $ini(wordlength2.ini, %a), sum) $readini(wordlength2.ini, $ini(wordlength2.ini, %a), 3) $readini(wordlength2.ini, $ini(wordlength2.ini, %a), 4)) $readini(wordlength2.ini, $ini(wordlength.ini, %a), 5)) $readini(wordlength2.ini, $ini(wordlength2.ini, %a), 6)) $readini(wordlength2.ini, $ini(wordlength2.ini, %a), 7)) $readini(wordlength2.ini, $ini(wordlength2.ini, %a), 8) $readini(wordlength2.ini, $ini(wordlength2.ini, %a), 9)) $readini(wordlength2.ini, $ini(wordlength2.ini, %a), 10)) inc %a } if ($exists(wordlength.txt)) { filter -ffcteu 2 32 wordlength.txt wordlength.txt } } alias Dowfsort3 { var %a = 1, %b = $ini(FrenzyScores.ini, 0) .remove length.ini while ( %a <= %b ) { var %c 3 var %sum 0 %d = $ini(frenzyscores.ini, %a) while ( %c >= 3 && %c <= 10) { %e = $readini(frenzyscores.ini, %d, %c) if (%e != $null ) { inc %sum %e writeini length.ini %d %c %e } else { writeini length.ini %d %c 0 } inc %c } writeini length.ini %d sum %sum unset %sum inc %a } unset %sum Dowfsort4 } alias Dowfsort4 { var %a = 1 , %b = $ini(length.ini, 0) .remove length.txt while ( %a <= %b ) { write length.txt $ini(length.ini, %a) $readini(length.ini, $ini(length.ini, %a), sum) $readini(length.ini, $ini(length.ini, %a), 3) $readini(length.ini, $ini(length.ini, %a), 4)) $readini(length.ini, $ini(length.ini, %a), 5)) $readini(length.ini, $ini(length.ini, %a), 6)) $readini(length.ini, $ini(length.ini, %a), 7)) $readini(length.ini, $ini(length.ini, %a), 8) $readini(length.ini, $ini(length.ini, %a), 9)) $readini(length.ini, $ini(length.ini, %a), 10)) inc %a } if ($exists(length.txt)) { filter -ffcteu 2 32 length.txt length.txt } } alias Dostat { $DoWFsort(frenzyscores) if (!$read(frenzyscores.txt,w,* $+ $1 $+ *)) { Docoll red b (o) I'm sorry, :S but you have yet to score! (o) } var %frenzyscore Your Frenzy Score : $gettok($read(frenzyscores.txt, $readn),2,32) (f) VAR %rank (f) Your Frenzy Rank : $ord($bytes($readn,b)) (f) var %bestround Your Best Round : $gettok($read(BestRs.txt, $readn),2,32) (f) var %maxword Your Maximum Words : $gettok($read(maxword.txt, $readn),2,32) (f) if ($read(frenzyscores.txt,w,* $+ $1 $+ *)) { Docoll red bb %rank %frenzyscore %bestround %maxword } } alias Dostatother { $DoWFsort(FrenzyScores) if (!$read(frenzyscores.txt,w,* $+ $1 $+ *)) { Docoll red b (o) I'm sorry, :S but $1 has yet to score! (o) } var %frenzyscore Frenzy Score : $gettok($read(frenzyscores.txt, $readn),2,32) (f) VAR %rank (f) $1 $+ 's Frenzy Rank : $ord($bytes($readn,b)) (f) var %bestround Best Round : $gettok($read(BestRs.txt, $readn),2,32) (f) var %maxword Maximum Words : $gettok($read(maxword.txt, $readn),2,32) (f) if ($read(frenzyscores.txt,w,* $+ $1 $+ *)) { Docoll red bb %rank %frenzyscore %bestround %maxword } } alias DoSpam { doColl darkblue b (o) We're Playing WORD FRENZY - The object is to make as many 3 or more letter words in one minute, as you can out of the letters given. (o) doColl blue b (o) Type quickly, Only the first person to say them in each round will gain points. Type !WfHelp for full details. } alias SpamWord { if (%WF.Playing == No) return DoColl darkblue b (o) Your Scrambled FRENZY word is $upper(%WF.Word) ... Type !WFhelp for instructions at any time. set %WF.LinesSaid 0 } ; The WFidleTimers alias prevents the game running nonstop when nobody is playing. ; It turns off the game after 5 minutes of no playing. ; To disable it, so it WILL keep going, just put a semi-colon ; in front of the line below ; alias WFidleTimers { ; .timerWFidle off ; .timerWFidle 1 %IdleTimer StopIdle ;} ; Dictionary routine (C) 2003 Geezer & Wolf ; checks if word is in dictionary.txt - wordlist provided by Justin White ; $validateword(word) - returns good or bad alias ValidateWord { set %D.Word *. $+ $1 $+ .* if ($read(%dictionary, w, %D.Word ) == $null) { return bad } else { return good } } ; $checkletters(word, letters) - returns good or bad alias CheckLetters { set %D.FLetters $2 set %D.WLet 0 set %D.Letters $len($1) while (%D.WLet < %D.Letters) { inc %D.WLet set %D.CLet $mid($1,%D.WLet,1) set %D.FLet $pos(%D.FLetters, %D.CLet, 1) if (%D.FLet == $null) return bad if (%D.FLet == 1) { set %D.FLetters $mid(%D.FLetters, 2, $calc($Len(%D.FLetters) - 1)) } if (%D.FLet == $len(%D.FLetters)) { set %D.FLetters $mid(%D.FLetters, 1, $calc($Len(%D.FLetters) - 1)) } if (%D.FLet > 1) && (%D.FLet < $len(%D.FLetters)) { set %D.FLetters $mid(%D.FLetters, 1, $Calc(%D.FLet -1) ) $+ $mid(%D.FLetters, $calc(%D.FLet +1 ), $Len(%D.Fletters) - %D.FLet) } } return good } alias setteam { if (%jointime == $null) { %jointime = 0 } if ( %jointime >= %limitjoin ) && (%allowjoin == 1) { notice $nick Sorry no more player can join/change at this time. | return } if (($2 == 1) || ($2 == 2)) { = [ $+ [ $2 ] ] = $nick %team. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] = $2 Docoll gold b $ var %checkname $readini(WFteam.ini, $nick , Team) if (%checkname =! { writeini WFteam.ini $nick Team } else { writeini WFteam.ini $nick Team } sort3 unset %add.* } } alias sort3 { var %a = 1, %b = $ini(WFteam.ini,0) .remove wfTeamBlue.txt .remove wfTeamRed.txt while (%a <= %b) { if ( $readini(WFTeam.ini,$ini(WFTeam.ini,%a), team) == ) { write WFTeamblue.txt $ini(WFTeam.ini,%a) } else { write WFTeamRed.txt $ini(WFTeam.ini,%a) } inc %a } } alias teamname { return %team. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] } alias { return Team: has a new member: (f) } alias showaction { describe $RName $1- } alias show { msg $1- } alias RName { return $active } alias doWFaddword { notice $nick (o)Thanks for your WordFrenzy word addition (e) It has been recorded, and will be read later (Y) write text\WFaddword.txt $date $time $bdc($nick) << Add Word = >> $1- echo $active * WF Add Word from $nick Recorded } on owner:TEXT: !addpoints * : # : { addpoint $2 $3 } on *:TEXT:!pot:#:{ mstat *s1 $iif(%pot.punten = 0,There are no points in the pot ! %pot.winner has removed them all :p,The jackpot is at present %pot.punten and the last winner was %pot.winner) } on *:TEXT:*!steal:#: { set %speel.num. $rand(1,$nick($chan,0)) set %speel.speler $nick($chan,%speel.num.) %stealr = $rand(a,u) %pot.bedrag = $rand(1500,3000) %sponsor = $rand(1,3) if (%msg.steal. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] = played) { StealWait Return } if ($hof(p,$nick) < 0) { DoColl gold b You need to add frenzy points to your score $nick :d :d your already on $hof(p,$nick) :| Return } if ($nick = %speel.speler) { inc %pot.punten 50 addpoint $nick -50 DoColl gold b $nick throws 50 points in the pot :d Jackpot now stands at %pot.punten points :o ? (Y)(Y)(Y) Last winner of the pot was: %pot.winner } elseif (%stealr = p) { inc %pot.punten 100 addpoint $nick -100 DoColl gold b $nick throws 100 points in the pot :d Jackpot now stands at %pot.punten points :o ? (Y)(Y)(Y) Last winner of the pot was: %pot.winner } elseif (%stealr = q) { inc %pot.punten 75 addpoint $nick -75 DoColl gold b $nick Throws 75 points in the pot :d Jackpot now stands at %pot.punten points :o ? (Y)(Y)(Y) Last winner of the pot was: %pot.winner } elseif (%stealr = r) { inc %pot.punten 40 addpoint $nick -40 DoColl gold b $nick Throws 40 points in the pot :d Jackpot now stands at %pot.punten points :o ? (Y)(Y)(Y) Last winner of the pot was: %pot.winner } elseif (%stealr = s) { inc %pot.punten 35 addpoint $nick -35 DoColl gold b $nick Throws 130 points in the pot :d Jackpot now stands at %pot.punten points :o ? (Y)(Y)(Y) Last winner of the pot was: %pot.winner } elseif (%stealr = t) { inc %pot.punten 80 addpoint $nick -80 DoColl gold b $nick Throws 80 points in the pot :d Pot now stands at %pot.punten points :o ? (Y)(Y)(Y) Last winner of the pot was: %pot.winner } elseif (%stealr = u) { inc %pot.punten 100 addpoint $nick -100 DoColl gold b $nick Throws 100 points in the pot :d Jackpot now stands at %pot.punten points :o ? (Y)(Y)(Y) Last winner of the pot was: %pot.winner } elseif (%stealr = p) { inc %pot.punten 55 addpoint $nick -55 DoColl gold b $nick Throws 55 points in the pot :o Jackpot now stands at %pot.punten points :o ? (Y)(Y)(Y) Last winner of the pot was: %pot.winner } elseif (%stealr = n) { addpoint $nick %pot.punten Docoll DarkRed b (*) $nick (*) has won the Jackpot :o it stood at %pot.punten points !!! (*)(f)Well done(f)(*) !!! set %pot.punten %pot.bedrag DoColl gold b Sponsor found, some rich guy : $read(sponsor.txt) ! has given %pot.bedrag points into the Jackpot :o set %pot.winner $nick } elseif (%stealr = o) { addpoint $nick %pot.punten Docoll DarkRed b (*) $nick (*) Has won the Jackpot :o it stood at %pot.punten points !!! (*)(f)Well Done(f)(*) !!! set %pot.punten %pot.bedrag DoColl gold b Sponsor found, Twist of Fate : $read(sponsor.txt) ! has given %pot.bedrag points into the Jackpot :o set %pot.winner $nick } elseif (%stealr = a) { addpoint $nick 50 addpoint %speel.speler -50 DoColl gold b $nick steals 50 points from %speel.speler :o } elseif (%stealr = b) { addpoint $nick 100 addpoint %speel.speler -100 DoColl gold b $nick steals 100 points %speel.speler :o } elseif (%stealr = c) { addpoint $nick 55 addpoint %speel.speler -55 DoColl gold b $nick steals 55 points from %speel.speler :o } elseif (%stealr = d) { addpoint $nick 75 addpoint %speel.speler -75 DoColl gold b $nick steals 75 points from %speel.speler :o } elseif (%stealr = e) { addpoint $nick 80 addpoint %speel.speler -80 DoColl gold b $nick steals 80 points from %speel.speler :o } elseif (%stealr = f) { addpoint $nick 50 addpoint %speel.speler -50 DoColl gold b $nick steals 50 points from %speel.speler :o } elseif (%stealr = g) { addpoint $nick -45 addpoint %speel.speler 45 DoColl gold b $nick gives away 45 of their hard earned points to %speel.speler (a) } elseif (%stealr = h) { addpoint $nick -100 addpoint %speel.speler 100 DoColl gold b $nick gives away 100 of their points to %speel.speler (a) } elseif (%stealr = i) { addpoint $nick -50 addpoint %speel.speler 50 DoColl gold b $nick gives away 50 of their hard earned points to %speel.speler (a) } elseif (%stealr = j) { addpoint $nick -75 addpoint %speel.speler 75 DoColl gold b $nick gives away 75 of their hard earned points to %speel.speler (a) } elseif (%stealr = k) { addpoint $nick -85 addpoint %speel.speler 85 DoColl gold b $nick gives away 85 of their hard earned points to %speel.speler (a) } elseif (%stealr = l) { addpoint $nick -90 addpoint %speel.speler 90 DoColl gold b $nick gives away 90 of their hard earned points to %speel.speler (a) } elseif (%stealr = m) { addpoint $nick -95 addpoint %speel.speler 95 DoColl gold b $nick gives away 95 of their hard earned points to %speel.speler (a) } set -u90 %msg.steal. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] played } alias addpoint { var %Score $readini(frenzyscores.ini, $1, score) inc %Score $2 writeini frenzyscores.ini $1 score %Score } alias tell { .ctcpreply $1 TIME $2- } alias StealWait { tell $nick Thou Shalt Not Steal but once every 90 seconds return } dialog WFrenzy { title "Word Frenzy V4.0" size -1 -1 183 128 option dbu icon icons\zyrus.ico, 0 tab "General", 2, 1 2 178 120 box "", 10, 7 20 79 36, tab 2 ;box "", 1030, 11 23 72 30, tab 2 text "Channel", 260, 92 30 34 8, tab 2 edit [ ], 250, 126 29 50 10, tab 2 autohs text "Directory", 660, 92 49 25 8, tab 2 edit [ %frenzy.dir ], 280, 126 48 50 10, tab 2 return autohs text "Words List", 290, 92 70 25 8, tab 2 edit [ %wordlist ], 320, 126 68 50 10, tab 2 return autohs text "Dictionary", 330, 92 89 33 8, tab 2 edit [ %dictionary ], 1040, 126 87 50 10, tab 2 return autohs list 300, 34 69 50 37, tab 2 size box "Add Word to Dictionary", 340, 7 59 79 49, tab 2 button "Add", 350, 9 73 24 10, tab 2 box "General Settings", 1000, 89 20 89 87, tab 2 button "Clear", 1010, 9 89 24 10, tab 2 tab "Settings", 6 box "Time Settings in Secs :", 50, 8 21 78 45, tab 6 box "", 520, 8 69 167 38, tab 6 text "Before Start", 560, 11 29 49 8, tab 6 text "Round Duration", 570, 11 37 48 8, tab 6 text "Between Rounds", 580, 11 47 48 8, tab 6 text "Idle Time", 590, 11 56 49 8, tab 6 edit [ %starttimer ] , 600, 62 28 16 9, tab 6 return edit [ %roundtimer ] , 610, 62 36 16 9, tab 6 return edit [ %breaktimer ] , 620, 62 46 16 9, tab 6 return edit [ %idletimer ] , 630, 62 55 16 9, tab 6 return text "Team Match Duration", 640, 93 30 59 8, tab 6 edit [ %timer ], 650, 149 28 16 10, tab 6 return icon 1020, 10 25 100 30, imgs\image4.bmp, tab 2 left box "Team Time Settings in Mins :", 670, 88 21 87 46, tab 6 text "Limit Join Period After", 680, 93 41 57 8, tab 6 edit [ %limitjoin ], 690, 149 40 16 10, tab 6 return check "On/Off Op only", 530, 13 75 50 10, tab 6 check "Enable Idle Timer", 540, 13 84 50 10, tab 6 check "Allow Penalty", 550, 13 94 93 10, tab 6 text "Repeat Frequency", 30, 106 76 49 8, tab 6 combo 240, 155 75 17 29, tab 6 drop text "Champ mode", 1, 106 86 41 8, tab 6 check "", 3, 155 85 14 10, tab 6 text "Champ Goal", 4, 106 95 41 8, tab 6 edit [ %chamgoal ], 5, 154 95 19 9, tab 6 return autohs text "Allow Limit Join", 11, 94 52 50 8, tab 6 check "", 12, 149 50 18 10, tab 6 tab "Scores", 7 box "Players", 100, 7 21 44 86, tab 7 list 830, 9 37 39 67, tab 7 size box "Best", 840, 53 21 29 86, tab 7 box "Best", 850, 84 21 29 86, tab 7 box "Maximum", 860, 115 21 29 86, tab 7 button "Generate", 870, 148 86 25 9, tab 7 list 880, 55 37 25 67, tab 7 size text "Scores", 890, 58 28 21 10, tab 7 text "Rounds", 900, 89 28 25 8, tab 7 text "Words", 910, 120 28 25 8, tab 7 text "Rankings", 920, 12 28 25 8, tab 7 list 930, 86 37 25 67, tab 7 size list 940, 117 37 25 67, tab 7 size button "Delete", 780, 148 96 25 9, tab 7 box "Generate", 370, 145 21 33 86, tab 7 text "HTML", 380, 150 28 25 8, tab 7 check "Hof", 390, 146 46 29 10, tab 7 check "Round", 400, 146 54 29 10, tab 7 check "Lengths", 410, 146 61 29 10, tab 7 check "Wscores", 420, 146 69 29 10, tab 7 check "MWords", 430, 146 76 29 10, tab 7 text "Show", 440, 146 39 25 8, tab 7 tab "Teams", 8 edit [ ] , 130, 40 28 74 10, tab 8 text "Team 1", 150, 14 29 25 8, tab 8 nowrap text "Team 2", 140, 14 40 18 8, tab 8 nowrap box "Team Names", 110, 8 21 167 31, tab 8 edit [ ] , 160, 40 38 74 10, tab 8 box "Messages", 170, 8 55 167 52, tab 8 edit [ %noteamwin ] , 180, 48 64 114 10, tab 8 edit [ %team1win ] , 190, 48 75 114 10, tab 8 edit [ %team2win ] , 200, 48 86 114 10, tab 8 text "Tied Match", 210, 13 66 33 8, tab 8 text "Team 1 Wins", 220, 13 76 33 8, tab 8 text "Team 2 Wins", 230, 13 87 34 8, tab 8 link "", 700, 48 97 86 8, tab 8 tab "Commands", 9 box "General Information", 120, 5 21 99 85, tab 9 text "!WFStart: Start WF", 710, 107 28 67 7, tab 9 text "!WFStop: Stop WF", 720, 107 35 67 8, tab 9 text "!WFPause: Pause WF", 730, 107 42 68 8, tab 9 text "!WFResume: Resume WF", 740, 107 49 68 8, tab 9 text "!WFRepeat: Repeat Word", 750, 107 56 67 8, tab 9 text "!WFHof : Hall of Fame", 760, 107 63 67 8, tab 9 text "!WFShowteams:Show teams", 770, 107 70 68 8, tab 9 text "!WFScores : See Scores", 790, 107 77 65 8, tab 9 text "!WFstats: See your stats", 800, 107 84 67 8, tab 9 text "!WFchamp: Champ Score", 810, 107 91 67 8, tab 9 text "!WFlongest: Longest Word", 820, 107 98 65 8, tab 9 box "Commands", 360, 106 21 72 87, tab 9 text "Current mIRC version is:", 450, 8 32 57 8, tab 9 text "Word Frenzy Enabled :", 460, 8 55 57 8, tab 9 text "Currently in channel :", 470, 8 67 57 8, tab 9 text "Words List exists :", 480, 9 79 57 8, tab 9 text "Dictionary exists :", 490, 9 90 57 8, tab 9 text "Word Frenzy Version :", 500, 8 44 57 8, tab 9 text [ $version ], 510, 76 32 25 8, tab 9 text [ %WFversion ], 950, 76 44 25 8, tab 9 text [ %WFrenzy ] , 960, 76 55 25 8, tab 9 text "Yes", 970, 76 67 25 8, tab 9 text "Yes", 980, 76 79 25 8, tab 9 text "Yes", 990, 76 90 25 8, tab 9 button "OK", 2000, 73 109 37 12, flat ok text "by OtherwiseBrunette ", 40, 120 112 57 8, disable text "Word Frenzy V4.0", 310, 8 112 57 8, disable } on *:dialog:WFrenzy:init:*: { if (%wf.oponly == 1) { did -c WFrenzy 530 } if (%wf.idletimer == 1) { did -c WFrenzy 540 } if (%wf.penalty == 1) { did -c WFrenzy 550 } if (%wf.html.hof == 1) { did -c WFrenzy 390 } if (%wf.html.BRound == 1) { did -c WFrenzy 400 } if (%wf.html.lengths == 1) { did -c WFrenzy 410 } if (%wf.html.wscores == 1) { did -c WFrenzy 420 } if (%wf.html.mwords == 1) { did -c WFrenzy 430 } if (%allowjoin == 1 ) { did -c WFrenzy 12 } if (%champmode == 1) { did -c WFrenzy 3 } did -a WFrenzy 240 1 did -a WFrenzy 240 2 did -a WFrenzy 240 3 did -a WFrenzy 240 4 did -a WFrenzy 240 5 did -a WFrenzy 240 6 did -a WFrenzy 5 %champgoal loaddata didtok $dname 300 32 %dialog.listtext if (%wf.respam != $null ) { did -c WFrenzy 240 %wf.respam } unset %dialog.* dll ImgDlg.dll ImgDlg 1 1 $dialog(WFrenzy).hwnd heart.bmp } on *:dialog:WFrenzy:sclick:2000 : { %wf.oponly = $did(530).state %wf.idletimer = $did(540).state %wf.penalty = $did(550).state %wf.html.hof = $did(390).state %wf.html.bround = $did(400).state %wf.html.lengths = $did(410).state %wf.html.wscores = $did(420).state %wf.html.mwords = $did(430).state %allowjoin = $did(12).state %champmode = $did(3).state %starttimer = $did(600) %Roundtimer = $did(610) %breaktimer = $did(620) %idletimer = $did(630) %timer = $did(650) %limitjoin = $did(690) = $did(130) = $did(160) %noteamwin = $did(180) %team1win = $did(190) %team2win = $did(200) %wf.respam = $did(240) %frenzy.dir = $did(280) %wordlist = $did(320) %dictionary = $did(1040) = $did(250) %champgoal = $did(5) var %max = $did(300).lines,%c = 1 while (%c <= %max) { %dialog.listtext = %dialog.listtext $did(300,%c) | inc %c } } on *:dialog:WFrenzy:sclick:700: { run } on *:dialog:WFrenzy:sclick:350: { var %add.word = $$?="Insert The Word You want to add to the dictionary..." if (!$read(%dictionary , w , *. $+ %add.word $+ .* )) { write %dictionary . $+ %add.word $+ . echo -a Thank You! Your word has been added to the dictionary! did -a $dname 300 %add.word } else echo -a Sorry this word already exists in the dictionary! } on *:dialog:WFrenzy:sclick:1010: { did -r WFrenzy 300 } on *:dialog:WFrenzy:sclick:780: { did -r WFrenzy 830,880,930,940 | deletescores } on *:dialog:WFrenzy:sclick:870: { dialog -k WFrenzy WFrenzy | wfhtmlbuild | run WordFrenzy.html } alias loaddata { var %i = 1 , %j = 10 while ( %i <= %j ) && ($lines(frenzyscores.txt) != 0 ) { %x = $gettok($read(frenzyscores.txt, %i ),1,32) %y = $gettok($read(frenzyscores.txt, %i ),2,32) %z = $readini(bestrs.ini, %x , score) %w = $readini(bestrs.ini, %x , number) did -a WFrenzy 830 %i $bdc(%x) did -a WFrenzy 880 %y did -a WFrenzy 930 %z did -a WFrenzy 940 %w inc %i } return } alias WFhtmlbuild { var %start.ticks = $ticks if ($exists(WordFrenzy.html)) { .remove WordFrenzy.html } $doWFsort(FrenzyScores) if ($exists(WordFrenzy.htm)) { .remove WordFrenzy.htm } DoWFsort3 write WordFrenzy.html <TABLE cellSpacing=3 borderColor=#99ff33 borderColorDark=#99cc00 cellPadding=3 width="100%" bgColor=#ff33ff borderColorLight=#ccff33 background=/_Secure/0RwD9AocVKwsNESeUOSGBmGWhDhYLf^zG*ghNa0sBShe25g0MOj*FIFJq^m1Jj7GjVNQJJ52WXvLz6A3bvS3^ORx*tPTZ7c*bV2utiUVemwU/md-glass25.jpg?dc=4675510660194131312 border=12> write WordFrenzy.html <TBODY><TR> write WordFrenzy.html <TD align=middle ><FONT face="comic sans ms" color=#ffff66 size=4><B><BR>WordFrenzy Version 4.0 <Br><FONT face="comic sans ms" color=#33FF33 size=4><B> by OtherwiseBrunette <br><font size=2><br></a><FONT face="comic sans ms" color=#ccff33 size=2>The Scores files were created on <br> $date at $time <BR><BR></B></FONT></TD></TR> write WordFrenzy.html <tr><td align=middle bgcolor=000000> <FONT face="comic sans ms" color=#99ff33 size=4><b>WORD FRENZY SCORES</B></td></tr> if (%wf.html.hof == 1) { write WordFrenzy.html <tr><td align=middle> write WordFrenzy.html <TABLE cellSpacing=2 borderColorDark=#9933ff cellPadding=2 width="75%" bgColor=#314f70 borderColorLight=#99ff00 border=7><TBODY><BR> write WordFrenzy.html <TBODY><BR><TR bgColor=#00ff00> write WordFrenzy.html <TD align=middle colSpan=3><FONT face="Lucida Handwriting, Cursive" color=#cc0099 size=4><STRONG><B>Word Frenzy Hall of Fame </B></FONT></STRONG></TD></TR> write WordFrenzy.html <TR bgColor=#ffff66><TH><FONT face="comic sans ms" color=#ff6600 size=3>Ranking</FONT></TH><TH><FONT face="comic sans ms" color=#ff6600 size=3>Player</FONT></TH><TH><FONT face="comic sans ms" color=#ff6600 size=3>Score</FONT></TH></TR> write WordFrenzy.html <TR> var %i = 1, %x = $lines(frenzyscores.txt) while (%i <= %x) { write WordFrenzy.html <tr><TH><font color=#cc3333><b> $+ %i $+ </TH> <td><font color=#ff3300><b> $+ $bdc($gettok($read(frenzyscores.txt, %i),1,32)) $+ </td> <td align=center><font color=#ff3300><b> $+ $gettok($read(frenzyscores.txt, %i),2,32) $+ </td> </tr> inc %i } write WordFrenzy.html </table><br><br> } if (%wf.html.BRound == 1) { write WordFrenzy.html <tr><td align=middle> write WordFrenzy.html <TABLE cellSpacing=2 borderColorDark=#9933ff cellPadding=2 width="75%" bgColor=#314f70 borderColorLight=#99ff00 border=7><TBODY><BR> write WordFrenzy.html <TBODY><BR><TR bgColor=#00ff00> write WordFrenzy.html <TD align=middle colSpan=4><FONT face="Lucida Handwriting, Cursive" color=#cc0099 size=4><STRONG><B>Best Round Scores </B></FONT></STRONG></TD></TR> write WordFrenzy.html <TR bgColor=#ffff66><TH><FONT face="comic sans ms" color=#ff6600 size=3>Ranking</FONT></TH><TH><FONT face="comic sans ms" color=#ff6600 size=3>Player</FONT></TH><TH><FONT face="comic sans ms" color=#ff6600 size=3>No. Of Words</FONT></TH><TH><FONT face="comic sans ms" color=#ff6600 size=3>Score</FONT></TH></TR> write WordFrenzy.html <TR> var %i = 1, %x = $lines(BestRS.txt) while (%i <= %x) && (%i <= 10 ) { write WordFrenzy.html <tr><TH><font color=#cc3333><b> $+ %i $+ </TH> <td><font color=#ff3300><b> $+ $bdc($gettok($read(BestRS.txt, %i),1,32)) $+ </td><td align=center><font color=#ff3300><b> $+ $gettok($read(BestRS.txt, %i),3,32) $+ </td> <td align=center><font color=#ff3300><b> $+ $gettok($read(BestRS.txt, %i),2,32) $+ </td> </tr> inc %i } write WordFrenzy.html </table><br><br> } if (%wf.html.lengths == 1) { write WordFrenzy.html <tr><td align=middle> write WordFrenzy.html <TABLE cellSpacing=2 borderColorDark=#9933ff cellPadding=2 width="75%" bgColor=#314f70 borderColorLight=#99ff00 border=7><TBODY><BR> write WordFrenzy.html <TBODY><BR><TR bgColor=#00ff00> write WordFrenzy.html <TD align=middle colSpan=10><FONT face="Lucida Handwriting, Cursive" color=#ff6600 size=3><STRONG><B>Words Lengths</B></FONT></STRONG></TD></TR> write WordFrenzy.html <TR bgcolor=#ffff66><TH><FONT face="comic sans ms" color=#ff6600 size=3>Player</FONT></TH><TH><FONT face="comic sans ms" color=#ff6600 size=3>Total</FONT></TH><TH><FONT face="comic sans ms" color=#ff6600 size=3>Three</FONT></TH><TH><FONT face="comic sans ms" color=#ff6600 size=3>Four</FONT></TH><TH><FONT face="comic sans ms" color=#ff6600 size=3>Five</FONT></TH><TH><FONT face="comic sans ms" color=#ff6600 size=3>Six</FONT></TH><TH><FONT face="comic sans ms" color=#ff6600 size=3>Seven</FONT></th><TH><FONT face="comic sans ms" color=#ff6600 size=3>Eight</FONT></th><TH><FONT face="comic sans ms" color=#ff6600 size=3>Nine</FONT></th><TH><FONT face="comic sans ms" color=#ff6600 size=3>Ten</FONT></th></tr> write WordFrenzy.html <TR> var %i = 1, %x = $lines(length.txt) while (%i <= %x) { write WordFrenzy.html <tr><TH><font color=#ff3300><b> $bdc($gettok($read(length.txt, %i),1,32)) </b></font></TH><td align=center><font color=#ff3300><b> $gettok($read(length.txt, %i),2,32))</b> </font></td><td align=center><font color=#ff3300><b> $gettok($read(length.txt, %i),3,32)) </b></font></td><td align=center><font color=#ff3300><b> $gettok($read(length.txt, %i),4,32)) </b> </font></td><td align=center><font color=#ff3300><b> $gettok($read(length.txt, %i),5,32)) </b></font></td> <td align=center><font color=#ff3300><b> $gettok($read(length.txt, %i),6,32)) </font></td><td align=center><font color=#ff3300><b> $gettok($read(length.txt, %i),7,32)) </font></td><td align=center><font color=#ff3300><b> $gettok($read(length.txt, %i),8,32)) </font></td><td align=center><font color=#ff3300><b> $gettok($read(length.txt, %i),9,32)) </b> </font></td><td align=center><font color=#ff3300><b> 0 </font></td></tr> inc %i } write WordFrenzy.html </table><br><br> } if (%wf.html.wscores == 1) { write WordFrenzy.html <tr><td align=middle> write WordFrenzy.html <TABLE cellSpacing=2 borderColorDark=#9933ff cellPadding=2 width="75%" bgColor=#314f70 borderColorLight=#99ff00 border=7><TBODY><BR> write WordFrenzy.html <TBODY><BR><TR bgColor=#00ff00> write WordFrenzy.html <TD align=middle colSpan=3><FONT face="Lucida Handwriting, Cursive" color=#cc0099 size=4><STRONG><B>Word Scores </B></FONT></STRONG></TD></TR> write WordFrenzy.html <TR bgColor=#ffff66><TH><FONT face="comic sans ms" color=#ff6600 size=3>Word</FONT></TH><TH><FONT face="comic sans ms" color=#ff6600 size=3>No. Of Words</FONT></TH><TH><FONT face="comic sans ms" color=#ff6600 size=3>Total Points</FONT></TH></tr> write WordFrenzy.html <TR> var %i = 1, %x = 10 while (%i <= %x) { write WordFrenzy.html <tr> <td><font color=#ff3300><b> $+ $gettok($read(wordscores.txt, %i) ,1,32) $+ </td> <td align=center><font color=#ff3300><b> $+ $gettok($read(wordscores.txt, %i) ,3,32) $+ </td><td align=center><font color=#ff3300><b> $+ $gettok($read(wordscores.txt, %i) ,2,32) $+ </td> </tr> inc %i } write WordFrenzy.html </table><br><br> } if (%wf.html.mwords == 1) { write WordFrenzy.html <tr><td align=middle> write WordFrenzy.html <TABLE cellSpacing=2 borderColorDark=#9933ff cellPadding=2 width="75%" bgColor=#314f70 borderColorLight=#99ff00 border=7><TBODY><BR> write WordFrenzy.html <TBODY><BR><TR bgColor=#00ff00> write WordFrenzy.html <TD align=middle colSpan=4><FONT face="Lucida Handwriting, Cursive" color=#cc0099 size=4><STRONG><B>Maximum Words Made Up </B></FONT></STRONG></TD></TR> write WordFrenzy.html <TR bgColor=#ffff66><TH><FONT face="comic sans ms" color=#ff6600 size=3>Ranking</FONT></TH><TH><FONT face="comic sans ms" color=#ff6600 size=3>Player</FONT></TH><TH><FONT face="comic sans ms" color=#ff6600 size=3>Word</FONT></TH><TH><FONT face="comic sans ms" color=#ff6600 size=3>Total </FONT></TH></tr> write WordFrenzy.html <TR> var %i = 1, %x = $lines(maxword.txt) while (%i <= %x) { write WordFrenzy.html <tr><TH><font color=#ff3300> $+ %i $+ </TH> <td><font color=#ff3300><b> $+ $bdc($gettok($read(maxword.txt, %i) ,1,32)) $+ </td> <td align=center><font color=#ff3300><b> $+ $gettok($read(maxword.txt, %i) ,3,32) $+ </td><td align=center><font color=#ff3300><b> $+ $gettok($read(maxword.txt, %i) ,2,32) $+ </td> </tr> inc %i } write WordFrenzy.html </table><br><br> } echo * Word FrenzyV4.0 ~ by OtherwiseBrunette ~ HTML Created = in $calc(($ticks - %start.ticks) / 1000) $+ secs. } alias WFTeamhtmlbuild { var %start.ticks = $ticks DoWFsort1 if ($exists(TeamWF.html)) { .remove TeamWF.html } if ($exists(TeamWF.htm)) { .remove TeamWF.htm } write TeamWF.html <TABLE cellSpacing=3 borderColor=#99ff33 borderColorDark=#99cc00 cellPadding=3 width="100%" bgColor=#ff33ff borderColorLight=#ccff33 background=/_Secure/0RwD9AocVKwsNESeUOSGBmGWhDhYLf^zG*ghNa0sBShe25g0MOj*FIFJq^m1Jj7GjVNQJJ52WXvLz6A3bvS3^ORx*tPTZ7c*bV2utiUVemwU/md-glass25.jpg?dc=4675510660194131312 border=12> write TeamWF.html <TBODY><TR> write TeamWF.html <TD align=middle ><FONT face="comic sans ms" color=#ffff66 size=4><B><BR>WordFrenzy Version 4.0 <Br><FONT face="comic sans ms" color=#33FF33 size=4><B> by OtherwiseBrunette <br><font size=2><br></a><FONT face="comic sans ms" color=#ccff33 size=2>The Scores files were created on <br> $date at $time <BR><BR></B></FONT></TD></TR> write TeamWF.html <tr><td align=middle bgcolor=000000> <FONT face="comic sans ms" color=#99ff33 size=4><b>WORD FRENZY SCORES</B></td></tr> write TeamWF.html <tr><td align=middle> write TeamWF.html <TABLE cellSpacing=2 borderColorDark=#9933ff cellPadding=2 width="75%" bgColor=#314f70 borderColorLight=#99ff00 border=7><TBODY><BR> write TeamWF.html <TBODY><BR><TR bgColor=#00ff00> write TeamWf.html <TD align=middle colSpan=3><FONT face="Lucida Handwriting, Cursive" color=#6633ff size=4><STRONG><B>TEAM $upper( ) </B></FONT></STRONG></TD></TR> write TeamWF.html <TR bgcolor=#ffff66><TH><FONT face="comic sans ms" color=#ff6600 size=3>Ranking</FONT></TH><TH><FONT face="comic sans ms" color=#ff6600 size=3>Player</FONT></TH><TH><FONT face="comic sans ms" color=#ff6600 size=3>Score</FONT></TH></TR> write TeamWF.html <TR> var %i = 1, %x = $lines(teambluescore.txt) while (%i <= %x) { write TeamWF.html <tr><TH><font color=#cc3333><b> $+ %i $+ </font></TH> <td><font color=#ff3300><b> $+ $bdc($gettok($read(teambluescore.txt, %i),1,32)) $+ </font></td> <td align=center><font color=#ff3300><b> $+ $gettok($read(teambluescore.txt, %i),2,32) $+ </font></td> </tr> inc %i } write TeamWF.html <tr><td colspan=2 align=right><font color=#ff3300><b> Total </font></td> <td align=center bgcolor=#ff3366><font color=#ffff66><b> %team.scores.1 </font></td> </table><br><br><br><br> write TeamWF.html <tr><td align=middle> write TeamWF.html <TABLE cellSpacing=2 borderColorDark=#9933ff cellPadding=2 width="75%" bgColor=#314f70 borderColorLight=#99ff00 border=7><TBODY><BR> write TeamWF.html <TBODY><BR><TR bgColor=#00ff00> write TeamWf.html <TD align=middle colSpan=3><FONT face="Lucida Handwriting, Cursive" color=#ff6600 size=4><STRONG><B>TEAM $upper( </B></FONT></STRONG></TD></TR> write TeamWF.html <TR bgcolor=#ffff66><TH><FONT face="comic sans ms" color=#ff6600 size=3>Ranking</FONT></TH><TH><FONT face="comic sans ms" color=#ff6600 size=3>Player</FONT></TH><TH><FONT face="comic sans ms" color=#ff6600 size=3>Score</FONT></TH></TR> write TeamWF.html <TR> var %i = 1, %x = $lines(teamredscore.txt) while (%i <= %x) { write TeamWF.html <tr><TH><font color=#cc3333><b> $+ %i $+ </font></TH> <td><font color=#ff3300><b> $+ $bdc($gettok($read(teamredscore.txt, %i),1,32)) $+ </font></td> <td align=center><font color=#ff3300><b> $+ $gettok($read(teamredscore.txt, %i),2,32) $+ </font></td> </tr> inc %i } write TeamWF.html <tr><td colspan=2 align=right><font color=#ff3300><b> Total </font></td> <td align=center bgcolor=#ff3366><font color=#ffff66><b> %team.scores.2 </font></td> </table><br><br> write TeamWF.html <tr><td align=middle> write TeamWF.html <TABLE cellSpacing=2 borderColorDark=#9933ff cellPadding=2 width="75%" bgColor=#314f70 borderColorLight=#99ff00 border=7><TBODY><BR> write TeamWF.html <TBODY><BR><TR bgColor=#00ff00> write TeamWf.html <TD align=middle colSpan=5><FONT face="Lucida Handwriting, Cursive" color=#ff6600 size=3><STRONG><B>Best Round Scores </B></FONT></STRONG></TD></TR> write TeamWF.html <TR bgcolor=#ffff66><TH><FONT face="comic sans ms" color=#ff6600 size=3>Ranking</FONT></TH><TH><FONT face="comic sans ms" color=#ff6600 size=3>Player</FONT></TH><TH><FONT face="comic sans ms" color=#ff6600 size=3>Team</FONT></TH><TH><FONT face="comic sans ms" color=#ff6600 size=3>Words</FONT></TH><TH><FONT face="comic sans ms" color=#ff6600 size=3>Score</FONT></TH></TR> write TeamWF.html <TR> var %i = 1, %x = $lines(bestteamRs.txt) while (%i <= %x) { write TeamWF.html <tr><TH><font color=#cc3333><b> $+ %i $+ </font></TH> <td><font color=#ff3300><b> $+ $bdc($gettok($read(bestteamRs.txt, %i),1,32)) $+ </font></td><td align=center><font color=#ff3300><b> $+ $getteam($gettok($read(bestteamRs.txt, %i),1,32)) $+ </font></td> <td align=center><font color=#ff3300><b> $+ $gettok($read(bestteamRS.txt, %i),3,32) $+ </font></td> <td align=center><font color=#ff3300><b> $+ $gettok($read(bestteamRS.txt, %i),2,32) $+ </font></td> </tr> inc %i } write TeamWF.html </table><br><br> write TeamWF.html <tr><td align=middle> write TeamWF.html <TABLE cellSpacing=2 borderColorDark=#9933ff cellPadding=2 width="75%" bgColor=#314f70 borderColorLight=#99ff00 border=7><TBODY><BR> write TeamWF.html <TBODY><BR><TR bgColor=#00ff00> write TeamWf.html <TD align=middle colSpan=3><FONT face="Lucida Handwriting, Cursive" color=#ff6600 size=3><STRONG><B>Word Scores </B></FONT></STRONG></TD></TR> write TeamWF.html <TR bgcolor=#ffff66><TH><FONT face="comic sans ms" color=#ff6600 size=3>Word</FONT></TH><TH><FONT face="comic sans ms" color=#ff6600 size=3>No. of Words</FONT></TH><TH><FONT face="comic sans ms" color=#ff6600 size=3>Total Points</FONT></TH></tr> write TeamWF.html <TR> var %i = 1, %x = $lines(teamwordscores.txt) while (%i <= %x) && (%i <= 10 ) { write TeamWF.html <tr><td align=center><font color=#ff3300><b> $+ $gettok($read(teamwordscores.txt, %i),1,32)) $+ </font></td><td align=center><font color=#ff3300><b> $+ $gettok($read(teamwordscores.txt, %i),3,32)) $+ </font></td> <td align=center><font color=#ff3300><b> $+ $gettok($read(teamwordscores.txt, %i),2,32) $+ </font></td> </tr> inc %i } write TeamWF.html </table><br><br> write TeamWF.html <tr><td align=middle> write TeamWF.html <TABLE cellSpacing=2 borderColorDark=#9933ff cellPadding=2 width="75%" bgColor=#314f70 borderColorLight=#99ff00 border=7><TBODY><BR> write TeamWF.html <TBODY><BR><TR bgColor=#00ff00> write TeamWf.html <TD align=middle colSpan=5><FONT face="Lucida Handwriting, Cursive" color=#ff6600 size=3><STRONG><B>Maximum Words Made Up </B></FONT></STRONG></TD></TR> write TeamWF.html <TR bgcolor=#ffff66><TH><FONT face="comic sans ms" color=#ff6600 size=3>Ranking</FONT></TH><TH><FONT face="comic sans ms" color=#ff6600 size=3>Player</FONT></TH><TH><FONT face="comic sans ms" color=#ff6600 size=3>Team</FONT></TH><TH><FONT face="comic sans ms" color=#ff6600 size=3>Word</FONT></TH><TH><FONT face="comic sans ms" color=#ff6600 size=3>Total</FONT></TH></tr> write TeamWF.html <TR> var %i = 1, %x = $lines(teammaxword.txt) while (%i <= %x) { write TeamWF.html <tr><TH><font color=#cc3333><b> $+ %i $+ </font></TH><td><font color=#ff3300><b> $+ $bdc($gettok($read(TeamMaxWord.txt, %i),1,32)) $+ </font></td><td align=center><font color=#ff3300><b> $+ $getteam($gettok($read(teammaxword.txt, %i),1,32)) $+ </font></td><td align=center><font color=#ff3300><b> $+ $gettok($read(teammaxword.txt, %i),3,32)) $+ </font></td> <td align=center><font color=#ff3300><b> $+ $gettok($read(teammaxword.txt, %i),2,32) $+ </font></td> </tr> inc %i } write TeamWF.html </table><br><br> write TeamWF.html <tr><td align=middle> write TeamWF.html <TABLE cellSpacing=2 borderColorDark=#9933ff cellPadding=2 width="75%" bgColor=#314f70 borderColorLight=#99ff00 border=7><TBODY><BR> write TeamWF.html <TBODY><BR><TR bgColor=#00ff00> write TeamWf.html <TD align=middle colSpan=10><FONT face="Lucida Handwriting, Cursive" color=#ff6600 size=3><STRONG><B>Words Lengths</B></FONT></STRONG></TD></TR> write TeamWF.html <TR bgcolor=#ffff66><TH><FONT face="comic sans ms" color=#ff6600 size=3>Player</FONT></TH><TH><FONT face="comic sans ms" color=#ff6600 size=3>Total</FONT></TH><TH><FONT face="comic sans ms" color=#ff6600 size=3>Three</FONT></TH><TH><FONT face="comic sans ms" color=#ff6600 size=3>Four</FONT></TH><TH><FONT face="comic sans ms" color=#ff6600 size=3>Five</FONT></TH><TH><FONT face="comic sans ms" color=#ff6600 size=3>Six</FONT></TH><TH><FONT face="comic sans ms" color=#ff6600 size=3>Seven</FONT></th><TH><FONT face="comic sans ms" color=#ff6600 size=3>Eight</FONT></th><TH><FONT face="comic sans ms" color=#ff6600 size=3>Nine</FONT></th><TH><FONT face="comic sans ms" color=#ff6600 size=3>Ten</FONT></th></tr> write TeamWF.html <TR> var %i = 1, %x = $lines(wordlength.txt) while (%i <= %x) { write TeamWF.html <tr><TH><font color=#ff3300><b> $bdc($gettok($read(wordlength.txt, %i),1,32)) </font></TH><td align=center><font color=#ff3300><b> $gettok($read(wordlength.txt, %i),2,32)) </font></td><td align=center><font color=#ff3300><b> $gettok($read(wordlength.txt, %i),3,32)) </font></td><td align=center><font color=#ff3300><b> $gettok($read(wordlength.txt, %i),4,32)) </font></td><td align=center><font color=#ff3300><b> $gettok($read(wordlength.txt, %i),5,32))</font></td> <td align=center><font color=#ff3300><b> $gettok($read(wordlength.txt, %i),6,32)) </font></td><td align=center><font color=#ff3300><b> $gettok($read(wordlength.txt, %i),7,32)) </font></td><td align=center><font color=#ff3300><b> $gettok($read(wordlength.txt, %i),8,32)) </font></td><td align=center><font color=#ff3300><b> $gettok($read(wordlength.txt, %i),9,32)) </b> </font></td><td align=center><font color=#ff3300><b> 0 </font></td></tr> inc %i } write TeamWF.html </table><br><br> remove wfteam.ini | remove bestteamrs.ini | remove teamwordscores.ini | remove teammaxword.ini | remove wordlength.ini | teamoptions echo * Word FrenzyV4.0 ~ by OtherwiseBrunette ~ HTML Created = in $calc(($ticks - %start.ticks) / 1000) $+ secs. } alias ListofCommands { var %start.ticks = $ticks write Commands.html <TABLE cellSpacing=3 borderColor=#99ff33 borderColorDark=#99cc00 cellPadding=3 width="100%" bgColor=#ff33ff borderColorLight=#ccff33 background=/_Secure/0RwD9AocVKwsNESeUOSGBmGWhDhYLf^zG*ghNa0sBShe25g0MOj*FIFJq^m1Jj7GjVNQJJ52WXvLz6A3bvS3^ORx*tPTZ7c*bV2utiUVemwU/md-glass25.jpg?dc=4675510660194131312 border=12> write Commands.html <TBODY><TR> write Commands.html <TD align=middle ><FONT face="comic sans ms" color=#ffff66 size=4><B><BR>WordFrenzy Version 4.0 <Br><FONT face="comic sans ms" color=#33FF33 size=4><B> by OtherwiseBrunette <br><font size=2><br></a></TD></TR> write Commands.html <tr><td align=middle> write Commands.html <TABLE cellSpacing=2 borderColorDark=#9933ff cellPadding=2 width="75%" bgColor=#314f70 borderColorLight=#99ff00 border=7><TBODY><BR> write Commands.html <TBODY><BR><TR bgColor=#00ff00> write Commands.html <TD align=middle colSpan=3><FONT face="Lucida Handwriting, Cursive" color=#cc0099 size=4><STRONG><B>Word Frenzy List of Commands </B></FONT></STRONG></TD></TR> write Commands.html <TR bgColor=#ffff66><TH><FONT face="comic sans ms" color=#ff6600 size=3>Commands</FONT></TH><TH><FONT face="comic sans ms" color=#ff6600 size=3>Application</FONT></TH> write Commands.html <TR><td><b><font color=#ff3300>!WFstart</font></td><td><b><font color=#ff66ff> To Begin Word Frenzy </font></td></tr> write Commands.html <TR><td><b><font color=#ff3300>!WFstart Team (time in Mins) </font></td><td><b><font color=#ff66ff> To Start Team Word Frenzy </font></td></tr> write Commands.html <TR><td><b><font color=#ff3300>!WFstop</font></td><td><b><font color=#ff66ff> To Stop Word Frenzy </font></td></tr> write Commands.html <TR><td><b><font color=#ff3300>!WFPause</font></td><td><b><font color=#ff66ff> To Pause Word Frenzy </font></td></tr> write Commands.html <TR><td><b><font color=#ff3300>!WFResume</font></td><td><b><font color=#ff66ff> To Resume Word Frenzy </font></td></tr> write Commands.html <TR><td><b><font color=#ff3300>!WFrepeat</font></td><td><b><font color=#ff66ff> To Repeat Initial Word </font></td></tr> write Commands.html <TR><td><b><font color=#ff3300>!WFLongest</font></td><td><b><font color=#ff66ff> To Show the Longest Word </font></td></tr> write Commands.html <TR><td><b><font color=#ff3300>!WFhof</font></td><td><b><font color=#ff66ff> To See The Word Frenzy Hall of Fame</font></td></tr> write Commands.html <TR><td><b><font color=#ff3300>!WFBestRounds</font></td><td><b><font color=#ff66ff> To See The Best Rounds Scores</font></td></tr> write Commands.html <TR><td><b><font color=#ff3300>!WFBestWords</font></td><td><b><font color=#ff66ff> To See The Best Word Scores</font></td></tr> write Commands.html <TR><td><b><font color=#ff3300>!WFMaxWords</font></td><td><b><font color=#ff66ff> To See The Maximum Words Made Up</font></td></tr> write Commands.html <TR><td><b><font color=#ff3300>!WFchamp</font></td><td><b><font color=#ff66ff> To See Champ Score </font></td></tr> write Commands.html <TR><td><b><font color=#ff3300>!WFstat</font></td><td><b><font color=#ff66ff> To See your Stats </font></td></tr> write Commands.html <TR><td><b><font color=#ff3300>!WFstat (nickname) </font></td><td><b><font color=#ff66ff> To See That Player's Stats </font></td></tr> write Commands.html <TR><td><b><font color=#ff3300>!WFscores </font></td><td><b><font color=#ff66ff> To See Current Players' Scores </font></td></tr> write Commands.html <TR><td><b><font color=#ff3300>!join 1 or !join 2 </font></td><td><b><font color=#ff66ff> To Join Team 1 or Team 2 </font></td></tr> write Commands.html <TR><td><b><font color=#ff3300>!WFshowteams</font></td><td><b><font color=#ff66ff> To Show Members of Teams </font></td></tr> write Commands.html <TR><td><b><font color=#ff3300>!WFversion</font></td><td><b><font color=#ff66ff> To Get Current Version of Word FRenzy </font></td></tr> write Commands.html </table><br><br> echo 0,12Word FrenzyV4.0 ~ by Otherwisebrunette ~ HTML 0,94 Created = 0,4 in $calc(($ticks - %start.ticks) / 1000) $+ secs. } #WordFrenzyV4 end
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