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Filename: findu dialog
;;; Simple findu dialog by Abek ;;;
;- released 9/11/09              -;
;;;                             ;;;
alias getn {
  if ($sock(fn)) sc fn 
  hadd -m f n $did(findu,3).text
  so fn 80 
alias sw sockwrite -n $1 $2-
alias so sockopen $1 $2-
alias sc sockclose $1 $2-
dialog findu {
  size -1 -1 267 220
  option pixels 
  title "Findu User Manager"
  list 1, 10 52 240 125
  box "",2, 5 40 250 128
  edit "enter name here(case sensative)", 3, 5 15 189 25
  button "Search", 4, 200 15 50 25
  button "Close",5, 203 180 50 30 , ok
  box "",6, 0 0 266 219
  text "",7, 20 180 179 35, centre
on 1:dialog:findu:sclick:4:getn $did(findu,3).text
on *:SOCKOPEN:fn: {
  sw fn GET /find.php?nick= $+ $hget(f,n) HTTP/1.1
  sw fn Host:
  sw fn $crlf
on *:SOCKREAD:fn:{
  var %f | sockread %f | .tokenize 32 %f
  if (class="table" isin $2) && (href="chatroom.php?rhx= isin $4-) { 
    if (align="left" = $3)  && (/a !isin $replace($gettok($gettok($5-,2,62),1,60),$chr(32),\b)) {
      did -a findu 1 $achr($replace($gettok($gettok($5-,2,62),1,60),$chr(32),\b))
      inc %fr
  if ($1 = </html>) {
    did -a findu 7 $+($did(findu,3).text,$chr(32),is,$chr(32),in,$chr(32),",$iif(%fr,%fr,0),",$chr(32),channels.)
    unset %fr 
    sc fn

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