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Filename: $Progressbar && $Colorbar
; --------------------------------------
; $Progressbar && $Colorbar v1.0 - by Flobse
; This snippet create a progressbar and save it in a .jpg file.
; It does also allow a color gradient for the bar.
; The script is splitted in two aliases which you can combine, or just use one of them.
; The $colorbar alias just create the real progressbar with 100% filled. You can use it as single to create a color gradient picture.
; The $progressbar alias create to the .jpg file that u set as $1 just a background and border arround it, write the text (support colorcodes) and cut it to X percent.
; So you can use also other .jpg's than the $colorbar to create a Frame for a .jpg file. (Then use as <%> 100)
; Have Fun!
; --------------------------------------
; Syntax for $Colorbar: $colorbar(<Startcolor>,<Endcolor>,<Width>,<Hight>,<Filename>)[.dbu]
; Note: Colors have to be in the $rgb() format. I recommend .jpg as file format.
; Syntax for $Progressbar: $Progressbar(<ColorbarFilename>,<Backgroundcolor>,<Bordersize>,<Borderdistance>,<Bordercolor>,<PbarBackground>,<%>,[<Text>,<Textcolor>,<Font>,<Fontsize>])
; --------------------------------------
; Examples:
; //run $progressbar($colorbar($rgb(0,255,0),$rgb(255,0,0),200,20,example.jpg),$rgb(180,180,180),3,5,$rgb(0,0,0),$rgb(50,50,50),75,75%,0,Tahoma,14)
; //run $progressbar(MyPic.jpg,$rgb(120,120,180),10,15,$rgb(0,0,0),0,100)
; //run $colorbar($rgb(0,0,0),$rgb(0,0,255),300,100,example.jpg)
; --------------------------------------
; ## #Flobse @ Quakenet - [email protected] - UIN: 152759920 ##

alias colorbar { ;$colorbar(<Startcolor>,<Endcolor>,<Width>,<Hight>,<Filename>)[.dbu]
  var %w $calc($3 * $iif($prop == dbu,$dbuw,1) -1), %h $calc($4 * $iif($prop == dbu,$dbuh,1)), %f $5, %r $calc($6 * $iif($prop == dbu,$dbuw,1)), %bg $7, %win
  if ($isfile($5)) { .remove $qt($5) }
  if ($window(%win)) { window -c $v1 }
  window -Bfhdpw0 +d %win -1 -1 %w %h
  tokenize 44 $+($rgb($1),$chr(44),$rgb($2))
  var %x 0, %r $1, %g $2, %b $3, %iR $abs($calc(($1 - $4) / %w)), %iG $abs($calc(($2 - $5) / %w)), %iB $abs($calc(($3 - $6) / %w))
  while (%x <= %w) {
    drawline -r %win $rgb(%r,%g,%b) 1 %x 0 %x %h
    inc %x
    $iif($1 < $4,inc,dec) %r %iR
    $iif($2 < $5,inc,dec) %g %iG
    $iif($3 < $6,inc,dec) %b %iB
  drawsave -b32q100 %win $qt(%f)
  window -c %win
  return %f

alias Progressbar { ;$pb.pbar(<ColorbarFilename>,<Backgroundcolor>,<Bordersize>,<Borderdistance>,<Bordercolor>,<PbarBackground>,<%>,[<Text>,<Textcolor>,<Font>,<Fontsize>])
  if ($exists($1)) {
    var %pw $pic($1).width, %ph $pic($1).height, %w $calc(%pw + (($3 + $4) *2)), %h $calc(%ph + (($3 + $4) *2)), %win @pb.pbar.picwin
    if ($window(%win)) { window -c $v1 }
    window -Bfhdpw0 +d %win -1 -1 %w %h
    drawfill -r %win $2 $2 0 0

    drawpic %win $calc($3 + $4) $calc($3 + $4) $qt($1)

    var %bs $calc($3 /2)
    drawline -r %win $5 $3 %bs %bs $calc(%w - %bs) %bs $calc(%w - %bs) $calc(%h - %bs) %bs $calc(%h - %bs) %bs %bs

    var %x $calc(%pw + $3 + $4 -1), %y $calc($3 + $4)
    var %mx $calc(((%pw /100) * $7) + $3 + $4)
    while (%x > %mx) {
      drawline -r %win $6 1 %x %y %x $calc(%y + %ph)
      dec %x

    if ($8 != $null) {
      var %x $calc((%pw - $width($8,$10,$11)) /2 + $3 + $4)
      var %y $calc(%ph /2)
      drawtext -pr %win $9 $10 $11 %x %y $8
    drawsave -b32q100 %win $qt($scriptdirtemp.jpg)
    window -c %win
    return $qt($scriptdirtemp.jpg)
  else { echo -sc info * / File not found. }

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