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Filename: Cut The Wire
on *:TEXT:!Bomb *:#: { if $2 != $me { if %cutwire != 1 { if $2 = Random { set %bombwire $rand(1,5) :one set %bombee $nick(#,$r(1,$nick(#,0,a)),a) if %bombee = $me { goto one } set %cutwire 1 if %bombwire = 1 { set %bombwirecolor red | set %wireright 4RED } if %bombwire = 2 { set %bombwirecolor orange | set %wireright 7ORANGE } if %bombwire = 3 { set %bombwirecolor yellow | set %wireright 8YELLOW } if %bombwire = 4 { set %bombwirecolor green | set %wireright 3GREEN } if %bombwire = 5 { set %bombwirecolor blue | set %wireright 2BLUE } if %bombstats. [ $+ [ %bombee ] ] != 1 { set %bombstats. [ $+ [ %bombee ] ] 1 | set %bombwin. [ $+ [ %bombee ] ] 0 | set %bomblose. [ $+ [ %bombee ] ] 0 | set %bombtimeout. [ $+ [ %bombee ] ] 0 } notice %bombee Someone just activated a bomb with a 45 second timer under your chair in $chan $+ ! Cut which wire? 4RED 7ORANGE 8YELLOW 3GREEN 2BLUE msg $chan $nick just activated a bomb with a 45 second timer under %bombee $+ 's chair! %bombee needs to pick a wire to cut: 4RED 7ORANGE 8YELLOW 3GREEN 2BLUE timerBomb 1 46 msg $chan 3TICKA-8TICKA-7TICKA-4TICKA-BOOM! %bombee took too long, and got asploded. Stupid %bombee $+ ! All they had to do was cut the %wireright wire... msg $chan Tick-tock, %bombee $+ , Tick-tock... timer 1 47 unset %bombwire timer 1 47 unset %bombee timer 1 47 unset %cutwire timerStats 1 47 inc %bombtimeout. [ $+ [ %bombee ] ] 1 timerkick 1 47 kick # %bombee Shoulda cut the %wireright wire, %bombee } elseif $2 ison $chan { set %bombwire $rand(1,5) set %bombee $2 set %cutwire 1 if %bombwire = 1 { set %bombwirecolor red | set %wireright 4RED } if %bombwire = 2 { set %bombwirecolor orange | set %wireright 7ORANGE } if %bombwire = 3 { set %bombwirecolor yellow | set %wireright 8YELLOW } if %bombwire = 4 { set %bombwirecolor green | set %wireright 3GREEN } if %bombwire = 5 { set %bombwirecolor blue | set %wireright 2BLUE } if %bombstats. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] != 1 { set %bombstats. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] 1 | set %bombwin. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] 0 | set %bomblose. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] 0 | set %bombtimeout. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] 0 } notice $2 Someone just activated a bomb with a 45 second timer under your chair in $chan $+ ! Cut which wire? 4RED 7ORANGE 8YELLOW 3GREEN 2BLUE msg $chan $nick just activated a bomb with a 45 second timer under $2 $+ 's chair! $2 needs to pick a wire to cut: 4RED 7ORANGE 8YELLOW 3GREEN 2BLUE timerBomb 1 46 msg $chan 3TICKA-8TICKA-7TICKA-4TICKA-BOOM! $2 took too long, and got asploded. Stupid $2 $+ ! All they had to do was cut the %wireright wire... msg $chan Tick-tock, $2 $+ , Tick-tock... timer 1 47 unset %bombwire timer 1 47 unset %bombee timer 1 47 unset %cutwire timerStats 1 47 inc %bombtimeout. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] 1 timerkick 1 47 kick # $2 Shoulda cut the %wireright wire, $2 } else { msg $chan Sorry, but I don't see a $2 in this channel... } } else { msg $chan Someone else is currently being bombed. Please wait until they asplode or redeem themself by cutting the correct wire! } } else { msg $chan I can't bomb myself, stupid! } } on *:TEXT:red:#: { if $nick = %bombee { if $1 = %bombwirecolor { msg $chan HOLY POOP-CRAP! $nick JUST SAVED THEMSELF BY CUTTING THE 4RED WIRE! inc %bombwin. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 1 timerBomb off timerKick off unset %bombwire unset %bombee unset %cutwire unset %bombwirecolor } else { msg $chan 3TICKA-8TICKA-7TICKA-4TICKA-BOOM! $nick cut the 4RED wire and suffered the consequences. Stupid stupid $nick $+ . Shoulda cut the %wireright wire! inc %bomblose. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 1 timerBomb off timerKick off kick # $nick Shoulda cut the %wireright wire, $nick unset %bombwire unset %bombee unset %cutwire unset %bombwirecolor } } } on *:TEXT:green:#: { if $nick = %bombee { if $1 = %bombwirecolor { msg $chan HOLY POOP-CRAP! $nick JUST SAVED THEMSELF BY CUTTING THE 3GREEN WIRE! inc %bombwin. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 1 timerBomb off timerKick off unset %bombwire unset %bombee unset %cutwire unset %bombwirecolor } else { msg $chan 3TICKA-8TICKA-7TICKA-4TICKA-BOOM! $nick cut the 3GREEN wire and suffered the consequences. Stupid stupid $nick $+ . Shoulda cut the %wireright wire! timerBomb off timerKick off inc %bomblose. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 1 kick # $nick Shoulda cut the %wireright wire, $nick unset %bombwire unset %bombee unset %cutwire unset %bombwirecolor } } } on *:TEXT:yellow:#: { if $nick = %bombee { if $1 = %bombwirecolor { msg $chan HOLY POOP-CRAP! $nick JUST SAVED THEMSELF BY CUTTING THE 8YELLOW WIRE! inc %bombwin. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 1 timerBomb off timerKick off unset %bombwire unset %bombee unset %cutwire unset %bombwirecolor } else { msg $chan 3TICKA-8TICKA-7TICKA-4TICKA-BOOM! $nick cut the 8YELLOW wire and suffered the consequences. Stupid stupid $nick $+ . Shoulda cut the %wireright wire! timerBomb off timerKick off inc %bomblose. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 1 kick # $nick Shoulda cut the %wireright wire, $nick unset %bombwire unset %bombee unset %cutwire unset %bombwirecolor } } } on *:TEXT:blue:#: { if $nick = %bombee { if $1 = %bombwirecolor { msg $chan HOLY POOP-CRAP! $nick JUST SAVED THEMSELF BY CUTTING THE 2BLUE WIRE! inc %bombwin. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 1 timerBomb off timerKick off unset %bombwire unset %bombee unset %cutwire unset %bombwirecolor } else { msg $chan 3TICKA-8TICKA-7TICKA-4TICKA-BOOM! $nick cut the 2BLUE wire and suffered the consequences. Stupid stupid $nick $+ . Shoulda cut the %wireright wire! timerBomb off timerKick off inc %bomblose. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 1 kick # $nick Shoulda cut the %wireright wire, $nick unset %bombwire unset %bombee unset %cutwire unset %bombwirecolor } } } on *:TEXT:orange:#: { if $nick = %bombee { if $1 = %bombwirecolor { msg $chan HOLY POOP-CRAP! $nick JUST SAVED THEMSELF BY CUTTING THE 7ORANGE WIRE! inc %bombwin. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 1 timerBomb off timerKick off unset %bombwire unset %bombee unset %cutwire unset %bombwirecolor } else { msg $chan 3TICKA-8TICKA-7TICKA-4TICKA-BOOM! $nick cut the 7ORANGE wire and suffered the consequences. Stupid stupid $nick $+ . Shoulda cut the %wireright wire! timerBomb off timerKick off inc %bomblose. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 1 kick # $nick Shoulda cut the %wireright wire, $nick unset %bombwire unset %bombee unset %cutwire unset %bombwirecolor } } } on *:TEXT:!Stats *:#: { if %bombstats. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] != 1 { msg $chan $2 has not yet been bombed. Let's bomb them! } else { msg $chan $2 has cut the correct wire %bombwin. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] times. $2 has cut the wrong wire %bomblose. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] times. $2 has not cut a wire, losing by default, %bombtimeout. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] times. } } on *:TEXT:!stats:#: { if %bombstats. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] != 1 { msg $chan $nick has not yet been bombed. Let's bomb them! } else { msg $chan $nick has cut the correct wire %bombwin. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] times. $nick has cut the wrong wire %bomblose. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] times. $nick has not cut a wire, losing by default, %bombtimeout. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] times. } }