
Downloading File

Filename: Download Alias
; Download alias v0.3 created by Chessnut of SwiftIRC/Undernet.
; Usage:
; /download URL, or /.download URL to suppress echoes
; A signal will be triggered once the download fails or succeeds. The signal is named "download".
; In the signal:
; $1 contains $true or $false depending if the download fails or succeeds
; $2- contains the short file name (i.e. rfc1945.txt).

; Alias to convert all hexadecimal elements in the filename to plain text, such as %20 for a space
alias -l urldecode return $regsubex($1-,/%([\da-f]{2})/ig,$chr($base(\1,16,10)))

alias download {
  ; Check for unique socket name
  var %checkID 1
  while ($sock(dload2. $+ %checkID)) inc %checkID

  var %url $remove($1,http://,https://), $&
    %hostAndPort $gettok(%url,1,47), $&
    %host $gettok(%hostAndPort,1,58), $&
    %port $gettok(%hostAndPort,2,58), $&
    %pageAndFile $replace(/ $+ $gettok(%url,2-,47),$chr(32),/), $&
    %file $urldecode($gettok($gettok(%pageAndFile,-1,47),1,63)), $&
    %ID dload2. $+ %checkID, $&
    %isFile $isfile(%file)

  ; Horribly long regex statement to check for an invalid URL.
  if (!$regex($1,/^(?:(?:https?://)?(?:[-a-z\d.]+\.[a-z]{2,}|localhost|(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|[01]?\d?\d)\b\.){3} (?:\b25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|[01]?\d?\d\b))(?::\d+)?(?:/[^\\|/?><:*^]+)+)(\?[^&]*(&[^&]*)*)?$/ix)) {
    if ($show) echo 4 Invalid download file.
    .signal download $false %file
  elseif (%isFile) {
    if ($show) echo 4 %file already exists in your mIRC directory.
    .signal download $false %file
  elseif (!%isFile) {
    ; Check if an SSL connection needs to be made
    if (https://* iswm $1) {
      if ($sslready) sockopen -e %ID %host $iif(%port,$v1,443)
      else {
        if ($show) echo 4 You need SSL support to download this file.
        .signal download $false %file
    else sockopen %ID %host $iif(%port,$v1,80)
    if ($sock(%ID)) sockmark %ID $show %pageAndFile

on *:sockopen:dload2.*:{
  ; The sockmark contains a boolean value for whether the script should echo and the page of the document
  tokenize 32 $sock($sockname).mark
  if ($sockerr) .signal download $false $urldecode($gettok($gettok($2-,-1,47),1,63))
  if ($1 && $sockerr == 3) echo 4 Failure establishing socket connection: $sock($sockname).wserr
  elseif ($1 && $sockerr == 4) echo 4 Error resolving hostname: $sock($sockname).addr
  elseif ($1 && $sockerr > 0) echo 4 Unknown socket error, error code: $v1
  elseif (!$sockerr) {
    sockwrite -nt $sockname GET $2 HTTP/1.0
    sockwrite $sockname $+(Host: $sock($sockname).addr,:,$sock($sockname).port,$crlf,$crlf)

on *:sockread:dload2.*:{
  tokenize 32 $sock($sockname).mark
  var %file $urldecode($gettok($gettok($2-,-1,47),1,63))
  if ($sockerr) .signal download $false %file
  if ($1 && $sockerr == 3) echo 4 Error reading socket: $sock($sockname).wserr
  elseif ($1 && $sockerr > 0) echo 4 Unknown error reading socket, error code: $v1
  elseif (!$v1 && !$sockerr) {
    if ($0 == 2) {
      var %length 0,%header,%redirect $false
      sockread %header
      ; Check the HTTP Status to see if the resource has moved
      if ($regex(%header,/^HTTP/1\.[01] (3\d\d .+)/)) {
        if ($1) echo 6 Document4 %file has moved. HTTP Status: $regml(1)
        var %redirect $true
      ; Check the HTTP Status to see if the resource could not be found
      elseif ($regex(%header,/^HTTP/1\.[01] ([45]\d\d .+)/)) {
        if ($1) echo 4 HTTP Error downloading4 %file ( $+ $regml(1) $+ )
        .signal download $false $3-
        sockclose $sockname
      if ($regex(%header,/^HTTP/1\.[01] 200/) || %redirect) {
        while (%header) {
          sockread %header
          if (Content-Length: * iswm %header) var %length $gettok(%header,2,32)
          ; If the resource has moved, download the file from the new location.
          elseif (Location: * iswm %header) {
            if ($1) echo 6 Document has moved to4 $gettok(%header,2-,32) $+ . Downloading from new location...
            download $gettok(%header,2-,32)
            sockclose $sockname
        ; If the resource has moved, but no new location is specified, it will halt here
        if (%redirect) {
          if ($1) echo 4 Error downloading file (No new path specified)
          .signal download $false %file
          sockclose $sockname
        sockmark $sockname $1 %length %file
        tokenize 32 $sock($sockname).mark
        if ($1) echo 6 Downloading4 $3- ( $+ $iif($2,$bytes($2,3).suf,Unknown size) $+ )
      else {
        if ($1) echo 4 Unknown error occurred: %header
        .signal download $false $3-
        sockclose $sockname
    ; If everything went smoothly, download the file
    sockread &content
    bwrite $qt($3-) -1 -1 &content
    ; If the file has finished downloading, output the message.
    if ($file($3-).size >= $2) {
      if ($1) echo 3 File4 $3- downloaded successfully (Elapsed time: $duration($sock($sockname).to) $+ )
      .signal download $true $3-
      sockclose $sockname

on *:sockclose:dload2.*:{
  tokenize 32 $sock($sockname).mark
  if ($sockerr == 3) echo 4 An error occurred while receiving data, or a SSL error occurred: $sock($sockname).wserr
  elseif ($sockerr == 5) echo 4 An SSL error occurred on sockopen
  elseif ($v1) echo 4 Socket unexpectedly closed, error code: $v1
  else echo 3 Either the file4 $gettok($sock($sockname).mark,3-,32) downloaded successfully, or the connection was closed prematurely. (Elapsed time: $duration($sock($sockname).to) $+ )
  .signal download $iif($sockerr,$false,$true) $3-

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