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Filename: $ansi2mirc2 - Ansi Colour Converter
alias ansi2mirc2 { 
  unset %ansi.forecol 
  unset %ansi.setting 
  %string = $replacecs($1-,mm,m $+ $chr(255) $+ m $+ $chr(255)) 
  %string = $replacecs(%string,MM,M $+ $chr(255) $+ M $+ $chr(255)) 
  %x = 1 
  if (!$pos(%string,$chr(27),1)) return $1- 
  unset %return 
  if ($pos(%string,$chr(27),%x) > 1) %return = $gettok(%string,1,27) 
  while ($pos(%string,$chr(27),%x)) { 
    %pos = $pos(%string,$chr(27),%x) 
    %rightstring = $mid(%string,$calc(%pos),1000) 
    %colcode = $gettok(%rightstring,1,$asc(m)) 
    %colcode = $remove(%colcode,[) 
    if ($gettok(%colcode,0,$asc(;)) == 2) { 
      %ansi.setting = $gettok(%colcode,1,$asc(;)) 
      %colcode = $gettok(%colcode,2,$asc(;)) 
    if (%ansi.setting == 1) %col = $replace(%colcode,30,14,31,04,32,09,33,08,34,12,35,13,36,11,37,00) 
    if (%ansi.setting != 1) %col = $replace(%colcode,30,01,31,05,32,03,33,07,34,2,35,06,36,10,37,15) 
    if (%colcode == 0) { 
      unset %ansi.* 
      %col =  
    if ($left($gettok(%rightstring,2-,$asc(m)),1) != $chr(27)) %return = %return $+  $+ %col $+ $remove($gettok($gettok(%rightstring,2-,$asc(m)),1,27),$chr(27)) 
    inc %x 
  return $remove(%return,$chr(255)) 

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