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Filename: MyLagBar Lag bar for mIRC
;MyLagBar by Ford_Lawnmower #Script-Help
alias -l Settings {
  goto $prop
  return $iif($readini(MylagbarTB\Mylagbar.ini,lagbar,TextColor) == $null,$rgb(255,0,0),$v1)
  return $iif($readini(MylagbarTB\Mylagbar.ini,lagbar,BarColor) == $null,$rgb(0,0,255),$v1)
  return $iif($readini(MylagbarTB\Mylagbar.ini,lagbar,Background) == $null,$rgb(240,240,240),$v1)
  return $iif($readini(MylagbarTB\Mylagbar.ini,lagbar,Interval),$v1,15)
  return $iif($readini(MylagbarTB\Mylagbar.ini,lagbar,Multiplier),$v1,20)
  return $iif($readini(MylagbarTB\Mylagbar.ini,lagbar,Length),$v1,80)
  return $readini(MylagbarTB\Mylagbar.ini,lagbar,Network)
  return $iif($readini(MylagbarTB\Mylagbar.ini,lagbar,Status),$v1,On)
alias MyLagBarUpdate {
  if ($status == connected && $Settings().status == On) .raw -q ping $+(MyLagBar,:,$network,:,$ticks)
alias StartMyLagBar {
  if ($Settings().status == On) {
    if (!$isdir(MyLagBarTB)) mkdir MyLagBarTB
    .timerMyLagBar -o 0 $Settings().Interval scon -a MyLagBarUpdate
on *:Active:*: {
  if (!$isdir(MyLagBarTB)) mkdir MyLagBarTB
  if ($network) writeini MylagbarTB\Mylagbar.ini lagbar Network $network
on ^*:pong:{ 
  if ($istok($2,MyLagBar,58)) {
    var %lag $calc(($ticks - $gettok($2,3,58)) / 1000)    
    if ($network == $Settings().Network) {
      if (!$window(@MyLagBar)) window -hp +d @MyLagBar 0 0 $Settings().Length 22
      clear @mylagbar
      drawfill -r @MyLagBar $Settings().Background $Settings().Background 0 0
      drawtext -pr @mylagbar $Settings().TextColor arial 11 0 0 $+($chr(2),Lag:,$chr(32),%lag,s)
      if (%lag) drawrect -fr @Mylagbar $Settings().BarColor 2 0 14 $calc(%lag * $Settings().Multiplier) 8
      UpdateToolBar -tp Network: $network *** Lag: $+(%lag,s) ***
alias -l UpdateToolBar {
  if (!$isdir(MyLagBarTB)) mkdir MyLagBarTB
  drawsave @MyLagBar MyLagBarTB\MyLagBar.jpg
  if ($toolbar(MyLagBar)) { 
    toolbar $1 MyLagBar $qt($2-) "MyLagBarTB\MyLagBar.jpg" $&
      $qt(/GetMyLagBar) @MyLagBar
  else {
    toolbar -as MyLagBar|
    toolbar -a MyLagBar $qt($2-) "MyLagBarTB\MyLagBar.jpg" $&
      $qt(/GetMyLagBar) @MyLagBar
On *:Start: StartMyLagBar
On *:Unload: {
  .remove MyLagBarTB/MyLagbarTemp.jpg
  .remove MyLagBarTB/MyLagbar.jpg
  .remove MyLagBarTB/MyLagbar.ini
  .timer 1 5 .rmdir MyLagBarTB
menu @MyLagBar {
  .$iif($timer(MyLagBar),$style(3)) On:{
    writeini MyLagBarTB\MyLagBar.ini Settings Status On
  .$iif(!$timer(MyLagBar),$style(3)) Off:{
    scon -a .timerMyLagBar off
    window -c @MyLagBar
    if ($toolbar(MyLagBar)) toolbar -d MyLagBar
    if ($toolbar(MyLagBar|)) toolbar -d MyLagBar|
    writeini MyLagBarTB\MyLagBar.ini Settings Status Off
menu channel,status,menubar {
  .$iif($timer(MyLagBar),$style(3)) On:{
    writeini MyLagBarTB\MyLagBar.ini Settings Status On
  .$iif(!$timer(MyLagBar),$style(3)) Off:{
    scon -a .timerMyLagBar off
    window -c @MyLagBar
    if ($toolbar(MyLagBar)) toolbar -d MyLagBar
    if ($toolbar(MyLagBar|)) toolbar -d MyLagBar|
    writeini MyLagBarTB\MyLagBar.ini Settings Status Off
dialog MyLagBar {
  title "Lag Bar Setup"
  size -1 -1 104 149
  option dbu
  combo 4, 34 4 63 11, drop
  combo 5, 37 87 60 11, drop
  combo 6, 37 100 60 11, drop
  combo 7, 37 114 60 11, drop
  button "+", 8, 17 38 12 12
  button "-", 9, 31 38 12 12
  button "+", 10, 17 54 12 12
  button "-", 11, 31 54 12 12
  button "+", 12, 17 70 12 12
  button "-", 13, 31 70 12 12
  button "Save", 14, 6 131 37 12, ok cancel
  button "Close", 15, 61 131 37 12, cancel
  icon 16, 48 38 47 43
  text "Colors:", 17, 5 5 25 8, right
  text "R:", 18, 6 18 8 8
  text "G:", 19, 38 18 8 8
  text "B:", 20, 70 18 8 8
  text "R:", 21, 6 40 8 8
  text "G:", 22, 6 56 8 8
  text "B:", 23, 6 72 8 8
  text "Multiplier:", 24, 5 88 25 8, right
  text "Length:", 25, 5 102 25 8, right
  text "Interval:", 26, 5 115 25 8, right
  text "", 27, 48 29 49 8, center
  combo 1, 12 17 23 11, drop
  combo 2, 44 17 23 11, drop
  combo 3, 76 17 23 11, drop
On *:dialog:MyLagBar:init:*: {
  if (!$window(@MyLagBarTemp)) window -hp +d @MyLagBarTemp 0 0 100 100
  didtok -a $dname 1-3 32 0 $regsubex($str(.,255),/(.)/g,$+(\n,$chr(32)))
  didtok -a $dname 4 32 TextColor BarColor Background
  didtok -a $dname 5 32 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
  didtok -a $dname 6 32 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150
  didtok -a $dname 7 32 $regsubex($str(.,24),/(.)/g,$+($calc(\n * 5),$chr(32)))
  did -c $dname 4 1
  did -c $dname 5 $didwm($dname,5,$Settings().Multiplier)
  did -c $dname 6 $didwm($dname,6,$Settings().Length)
  did -c $dname 7 $didwm($dname,7,$Settings().Interval)
  UpdateColorSelection $dname $did(4)
On *:dialog:MyLagBar:Sclick:1-15: {
  if ($did == 4) UpdateColorSelection $dname $did(4)
  elseif ($did < 4) {
    var %rgb $rgb($did(1),$did(2),$did(3))
    writeini MyLagBarTB\MyLagBar.ini lagbar $did(4) %rgb
    UpdateImage %rgb %rgb
  elseif ($did < 8) {
    writeini MyLagBarTB\MyLagBar.ini lagbar $gettok($did($calc($did + 19)),1,58) $did($did)
    if ($did == 7) .timerMyLagBar -o 0 $Settings().Interval scon -a MyLagBarUpdate
  elseif ($did < 14) {
    UpdateRGB $did($did) $iif($did < 10,1,$iif($did < 12,2,3))
alias -l UpdateRGB {
  var %value $did(MyLagBar,$2), %calc $calc(%value $1 1), %rgb $rgb($did(MyLagBar,1),$did(MyLagBar,2),$did(MyLagBar,3))
  if ((%calc > -1) && (%calc < 256)) {
    did -c MyLagBar $2 $calc(%calc + 1)
    writeini MyLagBarTB\MyLagBar.ini lagbar $did(MyLagBar,4) %rgb
    .timerUpdateTempImage 1 1 UpdateImage %rgb %rgb
On *:dialog:MyLagBar:close:*: .remove MyLagBarTB/MyLagbarTemp.jpg
alias -l UpdateColorSelection {
  var %dname $1, %item $2
  tokenize 44 $rgb($($+($,Settings().,%item),2))
  did -c %dname 1 $calc($1 + 1)
  did -c %dname 2 $calc($2 + 1)
  did -c %dname 3 $calc($3 + 1)
  did -a $dname 27 %item
  UpdateImage $rgb($1,$2,$3) $rgb($1,$2,$3)
alias -l UpdateImage {
  if (!$window(@MyLagBarTemp)) window -hp +d @MyLagBarTemp 0 0 100 100
  clear @MyLagBarTemp
  drawfill -r @MyLagBarTemp $1 $2 0 0
  drawsave @MyLagBarTemp MyLagBarTB/MyLagbarTemp.jpg
  did -g MyLagBar 16 MyLagBarTB/MyLagbarTemp.jpg
alias GetMyLagBar dialog $iif(!$dialog(MyLagBar),-m MyLagBar,-v) MyLagBar

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