Downloading File
Filename: Simple Youtube Downloader
;Youtube Simple Downloader by Ford_Lawnmower #mIRC menu channel,status,menubar { Youtube Simple Downloader: dialog $iif(!$dialog(YTSimpleDownloader),-m YTSimpleDownloader,-v) YTSimpleDownloader } alias -l WshRunitSilent { var %comname $+(WshRunSilent,$ticks) .comopen %comname WScript.Shell if ($com(%comname)) { if (!$com(%comname,run,3,bstr,$1-,uint,0,string,true)) { echo -st *error* WshRunSilent $com(%comname).error var %return 0 } else var %return 1 .comclose %comname return %return } } ;VideoToAudio ffmpeg.exeDirectory;infile;outfile;cleanup command here alias -l VideoToAudio { tokenize 59 $1- var %start $ctime, %dname $replace($+(YTVideoToAudio,$mkfn($3)),$chr(32),_), %cleanup $4 var %quality $input(Please select an audio quality,omr,Quality Settings Needed,160,64,128,160,192,224,256,320) if (%quality) { dialog $iif($dialog(%dname),-v,-md) %dname YTVideoToAudio dcheck did -a %dname 8 $nopath($2) dcheck did -a %dname 9 $nopath($3) dcheck did -a %dname 11 Conversion in progress...... ShowProgress %dname if ($exists($qt($3))) .remove $qt($3) if ($WshRunitSilent($1 -i $qt($2) -vn -ar 44100 -ac 2 -ab $+(%quality,k) -f mp3 $qt($3))) { dcheck did -a %dname 11 Conversion Complete in $duration($calc($ctime - %start)) .timer $+ %dname off %cleanup } else dcheck did -a %dname Conversion Failed! } } alias -l ShowProgress { var %count $iif($calc($gettok($nopath($did($1,1)),1,46) + 1) > 8,1,$calc($gettok($nopath($did($1,1)),1,46) + 1)) dcheck did -g $1 1-7 $+(FFmpeg\,%count,.ico) .timer $+ $1 -m 1 250 ShowProgress $1 } alias -l GetCount { echo -a getcount $iif($calc($gettok($nopath($did($1,1)),1,46) + 1) > 8,1,$calc($gettok($nopath($did($1,1)),1,46) + 1)) return $iif($calc($gettok($nopath($did($1,1)),1,46) + 1) > 8,1,$calc($gettok($nopath($did($1,1)),1,46) + 1)) } alias -l dcheck { if ($dialog($3)) $1- } dialog -l YTVideoToAudio { title "Video to Audio Conversion" size -1 -1 132 56 option dbu icon 1, 2 24 17 19 icon 2, 20 24 17 19 icon 3, 38 24 17 19 icon 4, 56 24 17 19 icon 5, 74 24 17 19 icon 6, 92 24 17 19 icon 7, 110 24 17 19 text "", 8, 0 1 132 8, center text "", 9, -2 16 134 8, center text "TO", 10, 51 8 25 8, center text "", 11, 0 46 132 8, center text "", 12, 0 0 0 0 } dialog -l YTSimpleDownloader { title "Youtube Downloader" size -1 -1 202 51 option dbu text "Link:", 1, 0 4 25 8, right text "Save to:", 2, 0 15 25 8, right edit "", 3, 26 3 175 10 edit "", 4, 26 14 151 10 button "Browse", 5, 179 14 22 10 radio "Audio Only", 6, 8 38 42 10 radio "Video Only", 7, 54 38 38 10 button "Download", 8, 163 37 37 12 text "", 9, 0 27 201 8 radio "Both", 10, 97 38 31 10 } on *:dialog:YTSimpleDownloader:Sclick:5,8: { getwget if ($did == 5) did -ra $dname 4 $sdir($mircdir,Select a Directory) else { tokenize 32 $did(3) $did(4) $iif($did(6).state,Audio,$iif($did(8).state,Both,Video)) $did(4) if ($regex($1,/.*youtube\.com\/watch\?v=[\S]{11}/Si)) { YTGetDownloadLinks $left($gettok($1,2,61),11) $left($gettok($1,2,61),11) } } } ;Link select and download starts here. alias -l YTGetDownloadLinks { var %file $+(temp\,$1) if (!$isdir(temp)) mkdir temp if ($WshVbscriptDownload($+(,$1),%file)) { var %dname $+(YT_GetDownloadLinks,~,$1) dialog $iif($dialog(%dname),-v,-m) %dname YT_Download_Selector did -a %dname 13 $2- did -a %dname 14 $iif($isdir($did(YTSimpleDownloader,4)),$did(YTSimpleDownloader,4),$mircdirYoutube\) did -a %dname 15 $iif($did(YTSimpleDownloader,6).state,Audio,$iif($did(YTSimpleDownloader,10).state,Both,Video)) dialog -x YTSimpleDownloader bread %file 1 $file(%file).size &file if ($bfind(&file,1,url_encoded_fmt_stream_map).text) { if ($bintween(&file,<meta name="title" content=",">,1)) did -a %dname 13 $fix&#($v1) var %count 1 while ($bintween(&file,url%3D,$+(%,26itag),%count)) { hadd -m %dname %count $gettok($decodeuri($decodeuri($v1)),1,59) inc %count } %count = 1 while ($hget(%dname,%count)) { var %link $v1 if ($dialog(%dname)) did -eva %dname %count $GetQuality(%link) inc %count } } .remove %file } } alias -l GetQuality { var %in $1- noop $regex(%in,/quality=(.*?)&/i) return $+($iif($regml(1),$regml(1),Small),-,$gettok($gettok(%in,-1,47),-1,45)) } ;$bintween by Ford_Lawnmower Syntax = $bintween(&binvar,starttext,endtext,matchnum) alias -l bintween { var %count = 1, %mark = 0, %mark2 = 0 while (%count <= $4) { if ($bfind($1, %mark2, $2).text) { %mark = $calc($bfind($1, %mark2, $2).text + $len($2)) if ($bfind($1, %mark, $3).text) { %mark2 = $bfind($1, %mark, $3).text } else { return 0 } } else { return 0 } inc %count } return $bvar($1, $iif(%mark > 0,%mark,1), $calc(%mark2 - %mark)).text } alias -l DecodeUri return $regsubex($1-,/\%([0-9a-f]{2})/gi,$chr($base(\t,16,10))) alias -l WshVbscriptDownload { var %comname $+(WshVbscriptDownload,$ticks,$r(1,1000)) .comopen %comname MSScriptControl.ScriptControl if ($com(%comname)) { var %Success $com(%comname,language,4,string,vbscript) inc %Success $Execute(%comname,Set MicrosoftXmlhttp = CreateObject("Microsoft.Xmlhttp")) inc %Success $Execute(%comname,$+(MicrosoftXmlhttp.Open "GET",$chr(44),$qt($1),$chr(44),False)) inc %Success $Execute(%comname,MicrosoftXmlhttp.Send) if ($evaluate(%comname,MicrosoftXmlhttp.Status)) { inc %Success $Execute(%comname,set AdodbStream = CreateObject("Adodb.Stream")) inc %Success $Execute(%comname,AdodbStream.type = 1) inc %Success $Execute(%comname, inc %Success $Execute(%comname,AdodbStream.write MicrosoftXmlhttp.responseBody) ;$iif(!$isid,echo 04 -sat Downloading $1 $bytes($evaluate(%comname,AdodbStream.Size)).suf) inc %Success $Execute(%comname,AdodbStream.savetofile $+($qt($2),$chr(44),2)) inc %Success $Execute(%comname,AdodbStream.close) if (%Success != 10) echo -st *error* WshVbscriptDownload Download Failed! else { $iif(!$isid,echo 09 -sat Download $1 Complete) var %return 1 } } .comclose %comname return %return } } alias -l WshVbscriptSleep { var %comname $+(WshVbscriptSleep,$ticks,$r(1,1000)) .comopen %comname MSScriptControl.ScriptControl if ($com(%comname)) { var %Success $com(%comname,language,4,string,vbscript) inc %Success $Execute(%comname,Dim Sleepstart $chr(44) Sleepend) inc %Success $Execute(%comname,Sleepstart = Time()) inc %Success $Execute(%comname,Sleepend = DateAdd("s" $chr(44) $1 $chr(44) Sleepstart)) inc %Success $Execute(%comname,While Sleepend >= Time() $crlf Wend) if (%Success == 5) var %return 1 } .comclose %comname return %return } alias -l Execute return $com($1,executestatement,3,bstr,$2-) alias -l Evaluate { noop $com($1,eval,3,bstr,$2-) return $com($1).result } On *:start: { if (!$exists(wget\wget.exe)) getwget } On *:dialog:YT_GetDownloadLinks~*:close:*: if ($hget($dname)) hfree $dname On *:dialog:YT_GetDownloadLinks~*:Sclick:1-12: { $iif(!$isdir(Youtube),mkdir Youtube) $iif(!$isdir(wget),mkdir wget) if ((!$exists(wget\wget.exe)) || (!$exists($ffmpeg))) { echo -gat I am missing some of the files needed to download your video. echo -gat Please try your download after I gather the missing files. getwget } else { var %fn $mkfn($did(13)), %ext $gettok($did($did),2,45), %id $gettok($dname,2,126), %idext $+(%id,%ext) var %dir $did(14) var %selection $did(15) run -n wget\wget.exe -bo $qt($+($mircdir,wget\,%id,%ext)) -O $qt($+(%dir,%fn,.,%ext)) $hget($dname,$did) dialog $iif($dialog(%idext),-v,-md) %idext YTDownloadProgress did -a %idext 1 %fn did -a %idext 10 %selection did -a %idext 11 %dir did -a %idext 12 %ext YTProgressCheck %idext dialog -x $dname } } alias -l YTProgressCheck { var %file $+(wget\,$1), %dname $1, %data $remove($read(%file,$calc($lines(%file) - 1)),..) if ($dialog(%dname)) { tokenize 32 %data if (!$5) { did -a %dname 2 $bytes($calc($remove($1,k) * 1000)).suf did -a %dname 3 $2 did -a %dname 4 $3 did -a %dname 5 $4 .timer $+ %dname 1 1 YTProgressCheck %dname } else { did -a %dname 2,3,5 Complete did -a %dname 4 $3-4 .remove $qt(%file) if ($did(%dname,10) != Video) { var %sel $did(%dname,10), %dir $did(%dname,11), %ext $did(%dname,12), %fn $did(%dname,1) var %command $iif($did(%dname,10) == Audio,.remove $qt($+(%dir,%fn,.,%ext))) var %fn2 $iif($exists($qt($+(%dir,$did(%dname,1),.mp3))), $input($did(%dname,1) already exists.$& $crlf Please enter a new file name.,eoq,FileName Conflict,$did(%dname,1),),$did(%dname,1)) if (%fn) VideoToAudio $+($qt($ffmpeg),;,$qt($+(%dir,%fn,.,%ext)),;,$qt($+(%dir,%fn2,.,mp3)),;,%command) } dialog -x %dname } } } alias -l GetWget { if (!$isdir(wget)) { if ($input(You must download some files to continue. $crlf Dowload them now ?,yq,Youtube Simple DownloaderMissing Files,,)) { mkdir wget } else halt } if (!$exists(wget/wget.exe)) WshVbscriptDownload wget/wget.exe if (!$exists(wget/libssl32.dll)) WshVbscriptDownload wget/libssl32.dll if (!$exists(wget/libintl3.dll)) WshVbscriptDownload wget/libintl3.dll if (!$exists(wget/libiconv2.dll)) WshVbscriptDownload wget/libiconv2.dll if (!$exists(wget/libeay32.dll)) WshVbscriptDownload wget/libeay32.dll GetFFmpeg } alias -l GetFFmpeg { $iif(!$isdir(FFmpeg),mkdir FFmpeg) if (!$exists($ffmpeg)) WshVbscriptDownload ffmpeg/ffmpeg.exe var %count 1 while (%count <= 8) { if (!$exists($+(ffmpeg/,%count,.ico))) WshVbscriptDownload $+(,%count,.ico) $+(ffmpeg/,%count,.ico) inc %count } } alias -l FFmpeg return $mircdirFFmpeg\ffmpeg.exe alias -l fix&# { return $regsubex($replace($regsubex($1-,/\&\#([0-9]{1,});/g,$utf8(\t)),",",&,&,>,>,<,<,',',$chr(9),$chr(32)),$& /([$\|%\[\]\}\{][^\s]*)/g,$+($chr(2),$chr(2),\t)) } alias -l UTF8 { if ($version >= 7) return $chr($1) elseif ($1 < 255) { return $chr($1) } elseif ($1 >= 256) && ($1 < 2048) { return $+($chr($calc(192 + $div($1,64))),$chr($calc(128 + $mod($1,64)))) } elseif ($1 >= 2048) && ($1 < 65536) { return $+($chr($calc(224 + $div($1,4096))),$chr($calc(128 + $mod($div($1,64),64))),$chr($calc(128 + $mod($1,64)))) } elseif ($1 >= 65536) && ($1 < 2097152) { return $+($chr($calc(240 + $div($1,262144))),$chr($calc(128 + $mod($div($1,4096),64))),$chr($calc(128 + $mod($div($1,64),64))),$& $chr($calc(128 + $mod($1,64)))) } } alias -l div { return $int($calc($1 / $2)) } alias -l mod { var %int $int($calc($1 / $2)) return $calc($1 - (%int * $2)) } alias -l H2U { return $utf8($base($1,16,10)) } dialog -l YT_Download_Selector { title "Youtube Download Selector" size -1 -1 159 57 option dbu button "", 1, 2 4 37 12, hide disable button "", 2, 41 4 37 12, hide disable button "", 3, 80 4 37 12, hide disable button "", 4, 119 4 37 12, hide disable button "", 5, 2 17 37 12, hide disable button "", 6, 41 17 37 12, hide disable button "", 7, 80 17 37 12, hide disable button "", 8, 119 17 37 12, hide disable button "", 9, 2 30 37 12, hide disable button "", 10, 41 30 37 12, hide disable button "", 11, 80 30 37 12, hide disable button "", 12, 119 30 37 12, hide disable text "", 13, 3 46 154 8, center text "", 14, 0 0 0 0 text "", 15, 0 0 0 0 } dialog -l YTDownloadProgress { title "Youtube Downloads" size -1 -1 98 54 option dbu text "", 1, 1 2 96 8, center text "", 2, 37 15 58 8 text "", 3, 37 24 59 8 text "", 4, 37 33 59 8 text "", 5, 37 42 59 8 text "Size:", 6, 2 15 32 8, right text "Complete:", 7, 2 24 32 8, right text "Speed:", 8, 2 33 32 8, right text "Remaining:", 9, 2 42 32 8, right text "", 10, 1 10 0 6, center text "", 11, 1 10 0 6, center text "", 12, 1 10 0 6, center }