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Filename: Simple Connection
;This is as simple as you can get to get mIRC to join SparkPea out of the box ;It should work with any version of mIRC, if it doesn't please reply to ;my file post on TechGear or find me in %#Winzroom on SPCN ; ;I have always enjoyed writing scripts using direct connections (Not through sockets) ;This only works after you /server 7778 or 6667 ; ;COPYRIGHT... There is none, feel free to change it how you wish! ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; /* Make sure you use the name you have attached to your email and fill in the "Your_Nickname, email address you used to register on SPCN and the name you want others to see when the room is /who'd.. ie Your_Script_Name. */ on ^*:LOGON:*: { /user Your_Nickname ircwx [email protected] Your_Script_Name /loginh [email protected] $md5(yourloginpassword) /halt } /* Do not use your channel name here or it will call it a variable when processing it Go to your variables tab and do the following %chan %#yourchannelname And when you connect you should automatically join your channel */ on *:CONNECT: { /join %chan } /* By default mIRC does a /whois on join rather than a /who to get nicklist address info you should keep this line */ on *:JOIN:*: { if ($nick == $me) { /who $chan } } /* This is a random font color generator if you want to use random font colors You can change the font style to fit your needs */ on *:INPUT:#: { set %randco $rand(000000,999999) if (/ !isin $1) { /msg $chan [style ff:Times New Roman;co:# $+ %randco $+ ;b;] $+ $1- $+ [/style] /halt } }