Comparison |
General dialog |
Amount of added controls: |
34 |
17 |
Create controls on the fly: |

(DynamicControl is useless as it cant receive events other than sclick)
Modify control Styles on the fly: |
Modify borders/colours on the fly: |
Dialog Animations: |
Command to minimize and maximize dialog: |
Identify Visible Controls: |
Get a controls x y w h: |
Identify enabled/disabled controls: |
Move controls: |
Using the Cell Layout Algorithm you can set sizing rules, works like a charm.

Though it should really be said that MDX relies on crappy $calc coding and is eating a lot of CPU. |
Change dialog icon: |
Change dialog background and borders: |
Mark controls (add description): |
Drag & Drop support: |

Some controls
Calendar |
Directshow |
Stacker |
WebCtrl |
Rebar |
Panel |
Pager |
DateTime Picker |
Incomplete |
Tab |
RichEdit |
Undocumented |
ColorCombo |
Button |
TreeView |
Events: |
Has dclick and node expand/collapse which MDX lacks. |
Auto Sorting: |
Using xdid, advanced auto sorting can be based on a lot of criteria. |
Only ascending alpha numerical sort using control style so this cant be changed after creation. |
Per line colouring: |
Path determination method: |
Logical and simple. Path is part of the command which you read from right to left. |
Hard, uses a directory kind of structure in which you have to give browse commands before you can add items. |
Listview |
Control Styles: |
Sub items icons are supported. |
Has a nosortheader which allows you to have a buttonless header and has a few more options to the hottrack style. |
Sub item images: |
Column icons |
Per line colouring of text and background colours: |
Dropdowns and progressbars in an item: |

Has progress bars
$xdid/$did information: |
Lacks information on the headerdims. |
Toolbar |
Events: |
Has rclick event, a dropdown event for arrows that also returns the suggested coordinates for a popup. |
Control styles: |
Has a transparent style so the toolbars background is transparent. |
Per item colouring + Bolding of text: |
Autosizeitems to full width: |
Progressbar |
Events: |
Has several events (ie. sclick, rclick, mousebar) |
Has no events. |
Styles: |
Has a marquee style MDX lacks. |
Text in Progressbar: |
ComboEx |
Events: |
Has a return event when Enter is pressed in the edit that MDX lacks. |
Trackbar: |
Events: |
Misses selection events as selection is not supported. |
Selection: |
UpDown |
Events: |
Misses a up & down event. This can be determined from sclick though. |
Align Updown left or right: |
Dock to a text control: |
IpAddress |
Set individual field ranges: |
Set focus on a field: |
Docked @windows |
Events: |
Misses a whole bunch of mouse events that MDX has. |
Dock more then 1 @window: |
Capture mouse in @window: |
Divider |
Different Controls |
The divider control in MDX and DCX differ so much all they really have in common is the name. |
Functionality |
In DCX a divider is a moving bar that you "dock" 2 controls to. By moving this bar the docked controls are automatically sized. Its also possible to have a divider, in a divider, in a divider, etc. |
In MDX the divider is a sizing bar that you can move around and in combination with MoveControl and $calc you can adjust controls sizes. |