DCX - Dialog Control Xtension

This control enables you to create a rebar control. This control acts as a container for other controls. The rebar control is consisted of bands that host an icon, text and a child control.

Control Styles
These control styles are available when creating a Rebar control. Remember that the general styles disabled, group, hidden, notheme, tabstop and transparent apply to all DCX controls except the embedded Dialog and Window controls.
borders Borders appear between rebar bands.
bottom The rebar is auto-positioned at bottom of dialog window.
dblclktoggle Double click on band text toggles min/max resizing of the band. (Single click is default)
fixedorder Bands are always in the same order but can be dragged on different lines/columns.
noauto Prevents the rebar from being auto-positioned and resized by the parent window. The user will be responsible for the positioning and resizing of the rebar.
noparentalign The rebar isnt auto-positioned when dialogs size changes.
noresize The rebar isnt auto-resized when dialogs size changes.
right The rebar is auto-positioned to the right side of the dialog (must be used with vertical style).
tooltips The rebar bands have tooltips.
varheight The rebar control displays bands at the minimum required height, when possible. Without this style, the rebar control displays all bands at the same height, using the height of the tallest visible band to determine the height of other bands. Even if this style is applied, bands on the same row will display the height of the highest band on that row.
vertical The rebar is auto-positioned to the left side of the dialog (gives a vertical rebar).
verticalgrip The size grip will be displayed vertically instead of horizontally in a vertical rebar control. (must be used with vertical)

/xdid flags
Control commands are input to the control with the /xdid command.
/xdid -a
This command lets you add bands to the rebar. These bands can optionally host a supported child control.
/xdid -a [DNAME] [ID] [N] [+FLAGS] [CX] [CY] [WIDTH] [ICON] [COLOR] (TEXT) [TAB] [CID] [CONTROL] [X] [Y] [W] [H] (OPTIONS) [TAB] (TOOLTIP)
/xdid -a dcx 4 0 +f 0 25 20 2 $rgb(0,0,255) ComboEx $chr(9) 12 comboex 10 10 400 25 dropedit $chr(9) Tooltip text
N Band position index number (Use 0 to insert at the end).
+FLAGS Item flags.
c The button text is colored, using COLOR as the text color. (Only works with notheme)
e The band has an edge at the top and bottom of the child window.
f The band cant be sized. With this style, the sizing grip is not displayed on the band.
g The band will always have a sizing grip, even if it is the only band in the rebar.
h The band will not be visible.
n The band will never have a sizing grip, even if there is more than one band in the rebar.
w The band is on a new line.
CX Minimal width to which the rebar band child control can be resized.
CY Minimal height to which the rebar band child control can be resized.
WIDTH Width of the rebar band when created.
ICON Icon index to be displayed (Use 0 for no icon).
COLOR Rebar band text color (Only works with XP themes disabled).
TEXT Band text.
CID Unique control ID for the DCX Control. Must be unique for all the controls of the dialog!
CONTROL The type of DCX Control to create. Values can be:
button, colorcombo, comboex, listview, pbar, richedit, statusbar, toolbar, trackbar, treeview
divider, panel or tab
X X position of control.
Y Y position of control.
W Width of control.
H Height of control.
OPTIONS Optional styles and options available on each individual controls.
TOOLTIP Band tooltip. Not functional yet.
  • The control is optional. You can use the tab control without child controls as a toolbar (like bar of buttons).
  • If you are using the vertical style, CX, CY, and WIDTH are the minimal height, minimal width, and height values.
  • If the band is the last one created on a band row, the WIDTH value is ignored and the band stretches to the end of the rebar control.
  • The control part of the command is optional and can be empty if you do not wish to have a control in the band.

/xdid -d
This command lets you delete the Nth rebar band.
/xdid -d [DNAME] [ID] [N]
/xdid -d dcx 4 2

/xdid -i
This command lets you hide the Nth rebar band.
/xdid -i [DNAME] [ID] [N]
/xdid -i dcx 4 2

/xdid -j
This command lets you show the Nth rebar band.
/xdid -j [DNAME] [ID] [N]
/xdid -j dcx 4 2

/xdid -k
This command lets you change the icon on a rebar band.
/xdid -k [DNAME] [ID] [N] [ICON]
/xdid -k dcx 4 2 0
N Band position index number.
ICON Icon index number from the icon list (0 for no icon).

/xdid -l
This command lets you lock the Nth rebar band or all the bands.
/xdid -l [DNAME] [ID] [N|all]
/xdid -l dcx 4 all

/xdid -m
This command lets you maximize the Nth rebar band.
/xdid -m [DNAME] [ID] [N]
/xdid -m dcx 4 2

/xdid -n
This command lets you minimize the Nth rebar band.
/xdid -n [DNAME] [ID] [N]
/xdid -n dcx 4 2

/xdid -t
This command lets you change the text on a rebar band.
/xdid -t [DNAME] [ID] [N] (Itemtext)
/xdid -t dcx 4 2 New Text

/xdid -u
This command lets you move the Nth rebar band to the Mth position.
/xdid -u [DNAME] [ID] [N] [M]
/xdid -u dcx 4 3 1

/xdid -w
This command lets you add an icon to the tab image list.
/xdid -w dcx 4 +g 113 shell32.dll
+FLAGS Icon flags
a Uses the icon associated with the given file (as shown in Windows Explorer).
Note: File must exist.
f Uses the icon associated with the given filetype.
Note: Filename is the extension (eg. BMP, PNG, AVI, etc).
g Convert to grayscale icon.
P If GDI+ is enabled, this will use GDI+ to extract the icon.
INDEX Icon index in icon archive
FILENAME Icon archive filename
Note. Use 0 for INDEX if the file is a single icon file.

/xdid -y
This command lets you clear the rebar image list.
/xdid -y [DNAME] [ID]
/xdid -y dcx 4

$xdid() Properties
The $xdid identifier is a given mIRC alias that communicates with the DCX DLL to extract information in DCX controls.
This property lets you retreive Nth rebar band child control ID ($null if no child control on the band).
$xdid(dialog, ID, N).childid
$xdid(dcx, 4, 2).childid

This property lets you retreive the number of bands of a rebar.
$xdid(dialog, ID).num
$xdid(dcx, 4).num

This property lets you retreive a Nth rebar band text.
$xdid(dialog, ID, N).text
$xdid(dcx, 4, 1).text

Rebar Events
These events are fired when activity occurs in the Rebar control.
When the rebar controls height changes because of band movement.
/cb_alias DNAME change ID W H
/cb_alias dcx change 4 150 25
W New rebar control width.
H New rebar control height.

Launched when you click on a control using the ? contexthelp button.
/cb_alias DNAME help ID
/cb_alias dcx help 4

When a rclick event is fired over a rebar band (excluding the area occupied by a child control).
/cb_alias DNAME rclick ID BAND
/cb_alias dcx rclick 4 2
BAND Rebar band item index number over which the event was triggered.

When a sclick event is fired over a rebar band (excluding the area occupied by a child control).
/cb_alias DNAME sclick ID BAND
/cb_alias dcx sclick 4 2
BAND Rebar band item index number over which the event was triggered.

© 2005-2007 Last Updated: 25th December, 07