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Vincula Room Creator
Gives Vincula Users the ability to create rooms again
In Category Official TGK Releases
Author The Gate Keeper
On 07/31/05
Other files by The Gate Keeper (10)
Comments 8
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DOGOR - Monday, 12 June, 2006
ok :s mi server was blocked. escuse me. GooD snnipet (Y)

DOGOR - Monday, 12 June, 2006
Why te file is blocked ?

guest - Saturday, 13 August, 2005
How does this work>?
What does this do?
The n00b.

err0r - Thursday, 4 August, 2005
it works fine. i had no trouble whatsoever 

lostboyjoey - Monday, 1 August, 2005
oo oo oo heres an idea get that damn room re-creator to work. lol I read the fix for it to add a line and add else to vinc, but nada.