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Profile Scanner
Profile Scanner working for the new MySpaces Profiles for Vincula Users
In Category Official TGK Releases
Author The Gate Keeper
On 03/25/06
Other files by The Gate Keeper (10)
Comments 9
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Gazzy - Tuesday, 30 May, 2006
Dunno if you can do this with myspace profiles, but you should add a kick if nickname is different from one in profile, help keep bots that are usin different nicks out etc

grinning_male - Monday, 27 March, 2006
okay tested it again with the other boxes ticked and it worked 

grinning_male - Monday, 27 March, 2006
OK tested.. yet still the profanity kicker doesnt seem to be working tested in long named room location & denied nick kicker works but one slight problem with nick kicker it only kicks the denied nick if its in profile but not if its in a script... 8-)

The Gate Keeper - Monday, 27 March, 2006
Ok, i updated the file, should now include the fixes for NuClear as well as the profanity kicker.

grinning_male - Sunday, 26 March, 2006
the profanity kicker doesnt seem to be working for some reason