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Vincula Passport Updater/Group Lister/Group Joiner.
In Category Cookie Grabbers
Author Warrior124
On 04/20/06
Other files by Warrior124 (28)
Comments 4
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Ronan - Tuesday, 18 April, 2006
Ok it is fixed , for some odd reason it dissapeared from my computer but thx for the dll tip 

Ronan - Tuesday, 18 April, 2006
I have windows xp , so it is strange o;O

Ronan - Tuesday, 18 April, 2006
and this is the line
if (!$com(auth,Open,1,bstr,GET,bstr,https:// $+ %dd $+ /login2.srf)) { return }

Warrior124 - Tuesday, 18 April, 2006
In the above it says "To use just open, and it will update automatically, or by selecting Subcheck > Update Passport from the menu", but it is now changed to "VRUpdater > Update Passport".