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Filename: /aflood - $aflood
; -------------------------------------------
; /aflood v1.1 - $aflood by Flobse
; This snippet is an "Message-Buffer".
; You can add, delete and view messages to the queue which will be played by a defined speed in #channels or @windows
; -------------------------------------------
; Syntax:
; /aflood <Name> <Target> <Message> - to add some messages
; /aflood -d <Name> - to remove some messages (wildcard *)
; /aflood stop - stops the queued messages (no delete)
; /aflood play - plays the queued messages
; $aflood(Name,N) - returns the Nth message from Name (wildcard *)
; $aflood(N) - returns the Nth message (0 returns number of contents)
; -------------------------------------------
; Example:
; alias test {
;   window @test
;   var %x = 1
;   while (%x <= 10) {
;     aflood Channelmsg #yxcasdqwe This message will be shown in #yxcasdqwe the %x $+ th time.
;     aflood Windowecho @test This message will be shown in @test the %x $+ th time. (not timed)
;     aflood Statusecho Status Window This message will be shown in the Status Window the %x $+ th time. (not timed)
;     inc %x
;   }
; }
; After /test are 30 (3x10) messages in the queue.
; If the target is an @window or the Status Window it will be echo directly without any timer.
; Only the messages to the #channel will be play timed (default 2 secs per line)
; Now u could stop the queue-play for example with /aflood -d * or /aflood -d Channelmsg or /aflood -d Channel*
; -------------------------------------------

alias aflood {
  var %timer 2000
  if ($1 == 0) && ($isid) { return $hget(aflood,0).item }
  if ($1 isnum) && ($isid) { return $hget(aflood,$hfind(aflood,*,$1,w)) }
  if ($2 == 0) && ($isid) {
    var %x 1 | while ($hfind(aflood,/^ $+ $replace($1,*,.*?) $+ \b/i,%x,r).data) { inc %x }
    return $calc(%x -1)
  if ($2 isnum) && ($isid) { return $hget(aflood,$hfind(aflood,/^ $+ $replace($1,*,.*?) $+ \b/i,$2,r).data) }
  if ($1 == -d) && ($2 != $null) { while ($hfind(aflood,/^ $+ $replace($2,*,.*?) $+ \b/i,1,r).data) { hdel aflood $v1 } }
  elseif ($1 == stop) { .timeraflood off }
  elseif ($1 == play) { .timeraflood -m 1 %timer aflood.queue }
  else {
    if ($1 isnum) { echo -s */aflood error: "Name" cant be a number. }
    if ($2-3 == Status Window) || ($left($2,1) == @) { echo $iif($v1 == @,$2-,-s $4-) | return }
    hinc -m afloodc counter | hadd -m aflood $hget(afloodc,counter) $1-
    if (!$timer(aflood)) { aflood.queue | .timeraflood -m 1 %timer aflood.queue }
} }

alias -l aflood.queue {
  if ($hfind(aflood,*,1,w)) { 
    var %h $v1 | tokenize 32 $hget(aflood,%h),2,32
    if (($left($2,1) == $chr(35)) && ($me ison $2)) || ($left($2,1) != $chr(35)) && ($status == connected) { 
      msg $2- | hdel aflood %h
      if ($hget(aflood,0).item) { aflood play }
      else { hfree aflood | hfree afloodc }
} } }


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