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Filename: /splitmsg
; --------------------------------------
; /splitmsg v1.0 - by Flobse
; This snippet split a long textline in more lines.
; It try to doesnt split in a word and it support also colorcodes.
; The main-function is /msg, but you can also specify other commands, 
; maybe to add a token seperated line in a dialog or whatever
; or just to use /notice, /echo or smth.
; In the alias you can set in the first var's the standard settings.
; Have Fun!
; --------------------------------------
; Syntax: /splitmsg [-lNtN] <"command"|target> <text>
; Parameters:
; -l is lenght. Example -l50 for a max linelenght of 50 signs.
;    The lenght means the whole-lenght including colorcodes.
; -t is token. Example -l44 to split the textline on "," if its possible. (Standard is -t32)
; <"Command"|Target> means that u have to set there an $qt(Command) what have to used on every line,
; or just an Target like a #Channel or $nick where you want to /msg the splitted lines.
; --------------------------------------
; Examples:
; /splitmsg #chan Blablupp etc. for a standard splitmsg.
; /splitmsg -l250 $nick Blabla to msg the nick with a max lenght of 250 signs per line.
; /splitmsg $qt(echo -s) Blabla to echo all splitted lines into the status window.
; /splitmsg -l500t9 $qt(did -a MyDialog 9) blablupp to add all splitted lines, seperated with tabulator and lenght 500 to your dialog.
; --------------------------------------
; ## #Flobse @ Quakenet - [email protected] - UIN: 152759920 ##

splitmsg {
  var %standardlength 473, %standardtoken 32, %standardcommand msg
  if (!$regex(split,$1-,/^(-[lt\d]+ )?((?:".+?")|(?:\S+)) (.+)/i)) { echo -sc info2 * /splitmsg: insufficient parameters. | return }
  var %length %standardlength, %token %standardtoken
  if ($asc($regml(split,1)) == 45) && ($regex(split2,$regml(split,1),/([lt])(\d+)/g)) {
    var %length $iif($regml(split2,1) == l && $regml(split2,2) isnum 0-,$v1,$iif($regml(split2,3) == l && $regml(split2,4) isnum 0-,$v1,%standardlength))
    var %token $iif($regml(split2,1) == t && $regml(split2,2) isnum 1-255,$v1,$iif($regml(split2,3) == t && $regml(split2,4) isnum 1-255,$v1,%standardtoken))
  var %regml $iif($asc($regml(split,1)) == 45,2,1)
  var %cmd $iif(" isin $regml(split,%regml),$noqt($v2),%standardcommand $v2) | inc %regml
  var %text $regsubex(colrep,$regml(split,%regml),/(\d)(\D)/g,0\1\2)
  if (%length == 0) { var %length $len(%text) }
  var %x 1, %r, %tokens $numtok(%text,%token), %ol
  while (%text != $null) {
    var %r $iif(%r != $null,%r $+ $chr(%token)) $+ $gettok(%text,%x,%token), %ol $len(%text)
    if (%x > 1) && ($len(%r) > %length) {
      dec %x
      %cmd $gettok(%text,1- $+ %x,%token)
      var %color $gettok($gettok(%text,1- $+ %x,%token),$numtok($gettok(%text,1- $+ %x,%token),15),15)
      var %color $iif($regex(%color,/(\d\d?)/g), $+ $regml($v1)) $+ $iif(2 \\ $count(%color,$chr(31)),$chr(31)) $+ $iif(2 \\ $count(%color,$chr(2)),$chr(2))
      var %text $iif($gettok(%text,$calc(%x +1) $+ -,%token) != $null,%color $+ $v1), %x, %r, %tokens $numtok(%text,%token)
      if (%ol == $len(%text)) { echo -sc info2 * /splitmsg: Error occured. Increase the messagelength. | return }
    elseif ($len(%r) > %length) || (%x >= %tokens) {
      %cmd $left(%text,%length)
      var %color $gettok($left(%text,%length),$numtok($left(%text,%length),15),15)
      var %color $iif($regex(%color,/(\d\d?)/g), $+ $regml($v1)) $+ $iif(2 \\ $count(%color,$chr(31)),$chr(31)) $+ $iif(2 \\ $count(%color,$chr(2)),$chr(2))
      var %text $iif($right(%text,- $+ %length) != $null,%color $+ $v1), %x, %r, %tokens $numtok(%text,%token)
      if (%ol == $len(%text)) { echo -sc info2 * /splitmsg: Error occured. Increase the messagelength. | return }
    inc %x

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