

Putmode by simo

In Category General IRC Posted by Snippets On 12/04/23
Tags: putmode simo myggan 

i have decided to share it here as it has dissapeared from the net totally and cant be found anywhere

Author is myggan:
putmode 1.2 by myggan

this fine code is very usefull to compress modes in the form of like : +bbbbbbbbbbbbRml 120 instead of 1 mode setting per command
so basically if u send a bunch of modes to it, it compresses it and sends out as stacked modes as much as the ircds supports per line making it less spammy on channel if u would have to set a lot of modes in 1 go

putmode $chan +modehere
putmode $chan +l 165
putmode $chan +bbbbbbb !@host !@host1 !@host2 !@host3 !@host4 !@host5 !@host6
Alias putmode {
  if (!$isid) {
    var %echo = !echo -acq $+ $iif($active == Status Window,e) info *
    var %strict = $true
    if ($left($1,1) == -) {
      if (f isincs $1) %strict = $false
      if (t isincs $1) !.echo -q $regex(putmode,$1,/t(\d*)/)
      tokenize 32 $2-
    if ($2 == $null) %echo /putmode: insufficient parameters
    elseif ($me !ison $1) %echo /putmode: you are not on $1
    elseif  (!$nick($1,$me,@&~%))  { %echo /putmode: you need to need to  be at least half-opped } 
    else {
      var %name = putmode. $+ $cid $+ . $+ $1
      if (!$timer(%name)) {
        hadd -m %name index -1
        hadd -m %name current 0
        hadd -m %name strict $iif(%strict,$true,$false)
        !.timer $+ %name -m 0 $iif($regml(putmode,1) isnum,$ifmatch,1400) putmode.exec $cid $1
        !.echo -q $regex(putmode,reset,/reset/)
      hinc -m %name index
      hadd -m %name $hget(%name,index) $2-

alias putmode.exec {
  var %name = putmode. $+ $1 $+ . $+ $2, %parameter, %parameters, %tmp, $&
    %index = $hget(%name,current), %subindex, %modestring, %prefix, $&
    %parmrequired = $remove($gettok($chanmodes,1-2,44),44) $+ $nickmode, $&
    %parmrequiredset = $gettok($chanmodes,3,44), %string, %substring, %operator
  while ($hget(%name,%index) <= $hget(%name,index)) {
    %string = $ifmatch
    %subindex = 1
    while (%subindex <= $len($gettok(%string,1,32))) {
      %substring = $mid(%string,%subindex,1)
      %parameter = $gettok(%string,2,32)
      if (%substring isin +-) {
        %tmp = %prefix
        %prefix = $ifmatch
        if (%prefix == %tmp) goto loopend
      elseif (%substring isincs %parmrequired || (%substring isincs %parmrequiredset && %prefix == +)) {
        if (%substring isincs $nickmode && $gettok(%string,2,32) !ison $2) goto loopend
        elseif (%substring isincs bhov && $hget(%name,strict)) {
          if (%substring === b) && ($chr(33) !isin %parameter) && (@ !isin %parameter) {
            if (%parameter == $null) !.echo -q .
            elseif (. !isin %parameter) %parameter = %parameter $+ !*@*
            else %parameter = *!*@ $+ %parameter
          %operator = $iif(%prefix == -,!) $+ is $+ $replacex(%substring,b,ban,q,owner,o,op,h,hop,v,voice)
          if (%parameter %operator $2) goto loopend
        %parameters = %parameters %parameter
        %string = $gettok(%string,1,32) $gettok(%string,3-,32)
      %modestring = %modestring $+ %substring
      if ($numtok(%parameters,32) == $modespl) {
        if (!$nick($1,$me,@&~%)) !mode $2 %modestring %parameters
        %string = $mid($gettok(%string,1,32),$calc(%subindex + 1)) $gettok($hget(%name,%index),$calc($modespl + 2) $+ -,32)
        hadd -m %name %index $iif($left(%string,1) !isin +-,%prefix) $+ %string
        goto end
      inc %subindex
    hdel %name %index
    hinc %name current
    inc %index
  if (($me ison $2 || $me ison $2) && $len(%modestring) > 1) {
    !mode $2 %modestring %parameters
    hdel %name %index
  if ($hget(%name,0).item == 3) putmode.cleanup $1 $2

 alias putmode.cleanup {
  var %name = putmode. $+ $1 $+ . $+ $2
  !.timer $+ %name off
  hfree -w %name

ON *:KICK:#:if ($knick == $me) putmode.cleanup $cid $chan
ON *:PART:#:if ($nick == $me) putmode.cleanup $cid $chan
ON *:DISCONNECT:{ putmode.cleanup $cid *  | echo -at 0,4 *!*...Disconnected...*!*  00,03 $network  }

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