Spotify Now-Playing code for mIRC
In Category General IRC Posted by turbosmurfen On 03/24/21
I released a Spotify Now-Playing DLL for mIRC which read the title from Spotify window. To use this simple script you need to download the latest DLL file on github https://github.com/turbosmurfen/spoton/releases, and then follow the simple information at https://github.com/turbosmurfen/spoton/wiki/Howto. Use /snp to write out the title.
Edit: Updated the Script to use the correct MSL variable. Edit 2: Updated the script to follow the correct way.
Edit: Updated the Script to use the correct MSL variable. Edit 2: Updated the script to follow the correct way.
alias snp { var %status $dll(spoton.dll,status,) if (%status == 0) echo -a Spotify is not running. else if (%status == 1) echo -a Spotify is paused. else if (%status == 2) echo -a Spotify is playing Advertisement. else { say Spotify ยป $dll(spoton.dll,song,) } }
Comments 2
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turbosmurfen - Thursday, 23 September, 2021
The best way would be a timer coded in MSL. It was so long time ago I coded in MSL. But there should be a way to encode or hash the output, then if it changes then write out the song. MSL should be able to do this.
Belon - Thursday, 5 August, 2021
how can i make it auto play?? i mean when the spotify play song it will auto announce to the channel?